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I don't know for sure as my first Apple II Rev. 0 computer game controllers where more square but also the Apple beige color, with one push button in the upper left hand corner. They had two screws in opposite corners of the squarish body that held the front and rear halves together.
I'd start by feeling through the labels on the backside to see if you can detect any small circular indentations that might be screw holes. It is common for labels such as these to hide two screws that attach the front and back of the controller.
Also, check to see if the round play knobs can be slide off by gently prying them up and away from the top controller cover. Doing so may reveal the nut that mounts the potentiometer to the top cover. However, this may only be useful once the back cover is removed.
Thank you.. I managed to do it ! Thanks for your help.