I have for some time been acquiring vintage dated parts for my A1 replica.
A while ago there was a huge glut of 1977 vintage MK4027P-3 RAM available on eBay, and I bought 48 of them for about $20, ostensibly to use in my Newton-1, as I read it will work in place of the more appropriate Mk4096.
I also acquired a large quantity of MK5316P for $10 at about the same time. Problem is, I can't seem to find a datasheet for the MK5316P. I would presume it is an 16K x 1 DRAM, but I can find no information on it. This particular batch dates to mid-1985. Does anyone recognize this IC and/or be able to point me to a datasheet?
Here is a quick scan of a selection of the chips.
Thanks for your help in advance.
There is a MK5316 listed as a telecommunications (codec) device in the 1984 mostek data book.
I did find a reference to it as a codec, but assumed I made a mistake because it didn't just look right. Thank you for the link to that book. That would have saved a lot of trouble. Well then, it is not a DRAM at all. Well, one more chip for the collection, I guess. It was so inexpensive it is no real loss.