Hello from Central Florida

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Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Sep 21 2014 - 01:03
Posts: 74
Hello from Central Florida

Ive brought the IIe out of storage after 20 years. Brought it up on a variac and tested the components. Mostly in working order.

Slight issues with the 80 column card, as it leaves some artifacts on the screen in 80 col mode.

Has a micromodem IIe which works
Has a super serial, i use it for ADTpro
Has the mentioned 80 col card
Has the Microsoft Z80 card
2 diskdrives, one disk][ and one u-sci
not modified or enhanced ][e not //e
working swivel monochrome monitor
applesaver side mount power unit with fan
broken q key, i have the key, but need a new peg

on the hunt for modem.mgr 1.6 all copies found on the new have the wrong install disk image included for 1.5
Enhancment kit has been ordered

a couple of movies on my progress





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Re: Hello from Central Florida

Ive brought the IIe out of storage after 20 years. Brought it up on a variac and tested the components. Mostly in working order.

Slight issues with the 80 column card, as it leaves some artifacts on the screen in 80 col mode.

Has a micromodem IIe which works
Has a super serial, i use it for ADTpro
Has the mentioned 80 col card
Has the Microsoft Z80 card
2 diskdrives, one disk][ and one u-sci
not modified or enhanced ][e not //e
working swivel monochrome monitor
applesaver side mount power unit with fan
broken q key, i have the key, but need a new peg

on the hunt for modem.mgr 1.6 all copies found on the new have the wrong install disk image included for 1.5
Enhancment kit has been ordered

First Off.... Welcome to Apple Fritter ( The Apple ][ diversion )

I am a long time Apple ][e owner too...

Looks good so far...

Serial is the way to go with ADTPro transfers.. In most cases, the Super Serial Card can actually transfer way faster than the 9600 bps..

Your Screen Artifacts could be Bad RAM on the 80 Column Card, or maybe a bad connection between the Card and the Computer.. I would start by Cleaning the AUX Slot and Card Connectors.. I have one Enhanced Apple //e, that had a special card in slot one with AA Batteries left in it.. They leaked all over the Extended 80 Column Card and damaged it and the AUX Slot..

You can view some of my Apple Stuff here...


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Re: Hello from Central Florida


Steven Smile

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Re: Hello from Central Florida

Congratulations on being the owner of a somewhat hard to get and desirable M100 monitor. It's not monochrome, you need to switch it to color.

Also, be sure to use the motorized tilt controls, and not adjust the screen manually with your hands.

Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Sep 21 2014 - 01:03
Posts: 74
Re: Hello from Central Florida

Wouldnt you know, i completely forgot about the door up front for changing it to color mode and other stuff. I havent had to adjust the screen because it was still in the correct position ontop of the unit. Im waiting for the enhanced kit to arrive by mail and then ill get busy into some projects.

If you saw in the movie, ive dialed up into an mgetty console, using the micromodem IIe. The software I have doesnt support vt102 or 100 so lynx is a no go.
im looking for a good comm dial up program that supports ansi for telnet based bbs's.

also im working on 6502 program to interface a yaesu ft817 ham radio with a commodore 64.
The C64 is cumbersome because it does not have native rs232 and uses userport ttl logic. the apple however runs native rs22 through the superserial card

the 80 col mode will be an issue, they are mostly $$$$ that apper in the same position on the screen and never move. still useable though.

I imagine maybe there is a video ram test progrm that could point me towrds the failing chip/s.

I also have the parallel port card and the external number pad, i hadnt mentioned earlier.

I consider the enhanced kit as an official upgrade to the apple II e and not a modification. Besides, it is reversible.

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 356
Re: Hello from Central Florida

Do you know what revision motherboard is installed? Rev A or B?

Not much in the way of ANSI support for the 8bit Apple II... on the GS, you could do color with ANSITerm and Spectrum. The closest you'll get to VT102/100 is ProTerm (now free - http://lostclassics.apple2.info/announcements/19/proterm-a2/) or ModemMGR (also free - http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Utils/MMGR_PDOS_DSK.zip).

Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Sep 21 2014 - 01:03
Posts: 74
Re: Hello from Central Florida

Ill have to check on the rev, is it posted on the board?
Ive got proterm 2.0, I believe 2.1 is as high as I can go with the micromodem iie

The latest posted modem.mgr install disks are the wrong install version, but ill need enhanced to run it on the a2

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