Files from ProDOS disk to 3.3 disk

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Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 6 2015 - 09:11
Posts: 84
Files from ProDOS disk to 3.3 disk

I have a IIGS with 2 3.5 drives and 2 5.25 drives and a 2.5 meg RAM card. MY 6.0.1 has about 7K left and does not have the DOS 3.3 FST. I have a ProDOS Utilities disk a DOS 3.3 Utilities disk, both 5.25 disks. I have ShrinkIt (GSOS), 8 bit ShrinkIt, Copy II+ 7.1 and 7.2.

I plan to transfer asimov.shk to a 3.5 disk and expand the archive.

I plan to transfer a DOS 3.3 .dsk file to the GS and save it on a ProDOS 3.5 disk.

I have created a DOS 3.3 boot disk. How do I convert the .dsk to a 3.3 disk?

I apologize if this is covered elsewhere, or simple to achieve and I have missed it.

Any and all help appreciated.

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Joined: May 27 2013 - 13:01
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Re: Files from ProDOS disk to 3.3 disk

You can convert .dsk files to real disks using ADTPro.

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 6 2015 - 09:11
Posts: 84
Re: Files from ProDOS disk to 3.3 disk

Thanks. I did successfully transfer Asimov and then used ShrinkIt GS to extract the files. I read the docs on ADTPro and give it a try.

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: May 6 2015 - 09:11
Posts: 84
Re: Files from ProDOS disk to 3.3 disk

I just transferred the disk image I've been interested in and have written the 3.3 disk using a terminal program, ZLink, and Asimov.

I guess I'll try to create an image and move it the other way.

Thanks for the help.

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