Does this iPhone 4 eBay ad look legit?
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Seems a little strange that it has a bad ESN and comes with no accessories, not even a charger...sounds stolen...
yeah... Well, anyway, I was looking at the verizon ads this afternoon, and if I get the cheapest plan possible (I rarely use any minutes, nor do I have any need for a data package, except for if I'm away from home or wifi hotspots ((Well, except for camping trips...))) I might be able to afford one.
So hopefully I won't have to look at sketchy eBay ads for them.. lol
My use for it will be for that of a glorified iPod touch. I have a 3rd gen, and I need a camera. I didn't want to get the 4th gen iPod touch because I don't like the fact that it's so thin, so I really just want a more rugged, camera equipped, glorified iPod touch with phone capabilities if I need them. :3
Seconded. Bad ESN usually means it's stolen.
I'd avoid it.