Is it possible that a bad disk II unit would damage the controller card (installed in iiEuroplus). I am certain I connected the new old drive correctly, but when I connected it, my one perfectly good controller card failed. I now have two failed cards (I notice the Apple Rom on both cards has black leg syndrome, which I will clean off). Is it worth swapping chips around or is there another component on the card that is a likely culprit?
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I am not sure but it could be possible. If to much load is placed on something or something shorted out it would be possible. It also possible that the flat cable could have a break in it.
About the black leg on the chips. If they are soldered in no problem. It would just on the surface. Now if they are socketted then that could be a problem. I wrote about cleaning chips with Tran-X a jewelery cleaner a few times here. You just have to dip the chip it is done in less than a minute. One chip at a time. Remember where pin was when pulled to put back the same way. Just a few shot glasses filled with alcohol to rinse the one with Tran-X off the chip. Just do not drink it before or after you are done. Some day I may do a Youtube of it to show how well it works. But you have to rinse the chips well and let dry before you put back.
Take Care
I have had some success getting what I thought were failed drives to work after some cleaning and re-seating of chips. I am running the speedtester on the copyiiplus diagnostics program I downloaded using ADTPRO and it shows they need their speed adjusting. Is this done with the potentiometer on the main board (horizontal board when the case is opened) or is the adjusted on the vertical board at the right at the back of the drive back? I don't want to adjust until I know I adjusting the right thing.
On the Disk Drive II it is the smaller back board that is vertical. Does not take much. Drive Speeds usually creep up. So you might want to shoot for the lowest setting that is close to correct. And yes it is normal for the speed to fluctuate a bit. Nothing to worry about. Some drives more then others.
Use a blank disk. But I think you knew that or will very soon.
Great, thanks for the advice.