De Anza College and the Apple-1

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De Anza College and the Apple-1

Maybe someone has contact to the De Anza College in Cupertino?

I already wrote to them to get information about the Apple-1. Would be great to know more about this unpopulated board.
And most important: Who was the previous owner? This Apple-1 could be listed twice in the Apple-1 Registry.

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Re: De Anza College and the Apple-1

I did try to contact De Anza College, but I didn't come up with any data . I think it most likely owned by an early Apple employee - and could be a dup. I would take it off the registry, unless someone comes forward with more info, or list it in a special catagory, such as sightings.

Mike Willegal

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Re: De Anza College and the Apple-1

Thanks Mike.

Thanks for trying to contact the College. It is unbelievable how many hours can be spend just to try to get information about a single Apple-1.

Actually I've got a picture of it and hope to get it verified pretty soon and hope even more to find out. Maybe it is listed twice or someone added all components.
For the registry I added some flags like verified by picture, in a museum, verified by someone / myself, auctioned etc.
I will wait a little bit and then I can change the flag / status to "only rumor" or "maybe listed twice" which is the lowest level of verification.
I really try to track down every Apple-1.

For the Da Anza Apple-1 I hope someone in the area know an employee of this College or can even visit the College and have a look. Last time it was visible for the public in a showcase. Someone at the College even students could know.
Maybe it was only lent for some time to the College?

Any other information you got about ANY Apple-1 is highly welcome. I still hope to get more unpublished data and pictures.

Have a great day,

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De Anza Apple One

 I can't contribute a lot here, but I do recall seeing that Apple One on display at the De Anza community college campus in Cupertino, sometime around the mid-to-late 90s.

I'd always been apt to assume it'd been transferred to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, but perhaps not. It seems like for it to be on display in the manner it was previously, would be a security issue. Burglars and whatnot would be all over that now.

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Last seen: 3 months 2 weeks ago
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Posts: 102
Thank you. Any information is

Thank you. Any information is useful. The 2 Apple1 at the CHM are different. 

Maybe the owner or someone from the college will someday read the thread here.

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