I've recently been digging inside an older Disk ][ drive in a (perhaps vain) attempt to repair some niggling bugs. Those that have looked at my other thread will have seen what's up.
On the latest attempt at some basic troubleshooting, I paused and took pictures. For me, the insides of a disk drive never looked so good. Maybe it's the simplicity of what's on offer - I've seen more complex circuits in FM radios. I really enjoy taking pictures and documenting my (again, perhaps vain) attempts at hardware preservation. The Disk ][ simplicity is remarkable.
I'm a half baked electronic hobbyist, but I hope to be able to capture the essence of the Apple ][ and other vintage hardware like this in the future. I was thinking of maybe starting some kind of picture gallery online and taking more shots like this.
We all have our roles in the preservation of vintage hardware and software.
Absolutely! Older circuits with larger, color coded components is my main draw to vintage Apple ][ hardware. When I look at newer technology with the black "noise" of SMD spread across the PCB, it holds little interest compared to he neatly arranged examples of yester-year. Your shots are absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing. I also appreciate the designs of Apple I and ][ mainboards, with the ICs and processor arranged in neat rows. Something that has been lost in modern design where cost savings is the main goal of the design.
Nice shots.
Thanks for the positive comments, I enjoy taking these and will keep snapping and sharing with everyone here. Just have to find more excuses to go digging inside the Apple //e...
Those pics are gorgeous!!
We'd love to see your shots in the gallery at Mac GUI!