Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

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Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

Really, a seriously dumb question: How do you open the case??

FWIW, in my defense, I'm really unfamiliar with Macs... I thought I had figured out how to open the d**n box, but it won't budge, and the plastic is fragile enough that I don't want to try forcing anything.

Thanks. ::)

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Re: Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

I had one of those back in the day...

Page 36

Hope it helps

Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 14
Re: Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

Thank you. Ugh, it's as simple as I feared... Yet I did try pushing the tabs and lifting up the case from the back -- the one other Mac I've ever owned opened the same way. I couldn't get it to detach, though, so I thought maybe there was a secret screw somewhere. I just inherited this box, and one of the plastic tabs at the back already has a crack in it, which makes me nervous. At least now I know it should be safe to use a little force if necessary.

Awesome resources at that website, btw. Bookmarked for future reference. Thanks again!

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Re: Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

I've seen a number of the 610/660/6100 cases where one or both of the back tabs have broken off. Especially as the years go on, the plastic becomes less flexible and brittle. I had a 630 stored in my basement in a sealed bag, and when I went to disassemble it a couple years later, every single tab on the front and rear covers broke off to the point where I'd actually describe the plastic as crumbling.

You could try warming the top of the case around the tabs with a hair dryer to expand the plastic and make it temporarily a bit more flexible. Also possibly open the tabs from underneath by shimming in a smooth thin putty knife, which should stress the tabs a bit less than prying from above.

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Re: Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

I've seen a number of the 610/660/6100 cases where one or both of the back tabs have broken off. Especially as the years go on, the plastic becomes less flexible and brittle. I had a 630 stored in my basement in a sealed bag, and when I went to disassemble it a couple years later, every single tab on the front and rear covers broke off to the point where I'd actually describe the plastic as crumbling.


I picked up a 6100 from a coworker a few years ago. Every time I open it, no matter how gentle I am, some of the plastic...erodes. At this point it just sits open.

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Re: Centris/Quadra 660AV dumb question

Supposedly giving the plastic a Retrobrite treatment can help restore its flexibility, but I haven't tried it (yet) myself.

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