cc65 users: A2SimpleIO, ProDOSi and Fields

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Joined: Nov 12 2022 - 16:50
Posts: 212
cc65 users: A2SimpleIO, ProDOSi and Fields

Hi!  For those here who program for the Apple2 using cc65, I have three libraries which should help to produce more efficient code.  They are A2SimpleIO and ProDOSi.  A2SimpleIO is a replacement of cc65's standard and console I/O libraries that uses the OS directly and performs little extra processing; ProDOSi is an interface to the Apple2's DOS, and Fields provides an UI that handles dialog box-like and menu support.  A2SimpleIO and Fields can be found at c65 additions - Manage /ui at and ProDOSi at c65 additions - Manage /util at  Try them out!

BTW, AltInput, an alternate method to get a line of input from the user, cam be found at c65 additions - Manage /ui at, and AuxMemApple, which provides access to up to 128k memory on an Apple2enh, at c65 additions - Manage /memory cfgs at  Also,PrintTok can print out strings compressed using tokenization but doesn't support literals and automatic compression and can be found at c65 additions - Manage /ui at  I recommend version 007, as it produces the most one-byte tokens.   Thank you.