sorry i havent posted much in the last few years, been really busy with life changes. i check back from time to time and read though.
on topic, i have my beige G3 and i hate the ball style mouse i have for it. ive been super spoiled by Optical and laser mice. I read up and found that Kensington makes or made a usb mouse with ADB adapter. i also read that they made a pure optical version of this mouse in the last revision. i found one on ebay and scooped it up. typical ebay fashion left me with a ball style mouse and no adb adapter. oh well i said, i only spent $10 shipped... i have always had a usb card in my mac but it acts up a lot. what i want to know is if anyone has the kensington branded ADB adapter to use a usb mouse on it? im also wondering if any other usb mouse will work with their adapter? for now im running OS 8.6 because i like it, my system is solid and no crashing. i dont want to upgrade to 9 or higher due to previous issues. for now im running USB overdrive and a PC style mouse. it works but like i said, the USB is flaky at best.
thanks in advance and i hope you are all well.
A new USB card might be the shortest and least costly way to get where you want to be.
That's not "new" as in the Asian specials flooding the market. Stick with an Apple-friendly brand name.
funny you mention this i have since tried another card and its working pretty good for now. plus i like the added benefit of being able to transfer data via usb flash memory
i might be getting my hands on a G5 dp 1.8 soon, my friend just got a new mac mini and needs photoshop for that before he gives up the g5 that amazingly still works...