Beginner book/guide for an Apple II newbies?

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Joined: Sep 26 2019 - 16:46
Posts: 151
Beginner book/guide for an Apple II newbies?

Can anyone recommend a quick, easy and simple newbie (downloadable) book, guide or web page for someone who's interested in getting started with the Apple II but has no prior knowledge or experience with it?


I have loads of manuals and so on I could recommend, but they're all pretty deep and technical (and time-consuming) to plough through. I'm thinking of something more like how to get started without having to understand everything first, and a little deeper info beyond that, when you've mastered the first steps of turning it on, getting a general overview of the machine etc.


magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 57 min ago
Joined: Feb 18 2007 - 11:46
Posts: 335
Here's a new book that was

Here's a new book that was written about eight years ago that deals with the Apple II series, available at Amazon:

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