Hey - Just a shot in the dark, I've recently obtained an early Apple II and by chance was looking at the back of the drives that came with it and noticed a serial number! (I didn't even know they had serial numbers?!) It's showing as A2M0003- 01882... Is there any significance of a low serial number on a disk drive? Is it more desirable to collectors?
This should be a Shugart AS390 Drive, with the Rainbow Ribbon Cable.. Someone with an Early Apple ][ I am sure would appreciate an Early Disk ][...
I Ran Into a couple early Disk ][s, that look really nice on my Rev-03 Apple ][....
I wouldn't speak to the value of those, but the cynical side of me says that drives with lower serial numbers are more likely to explode at the slightest touch...
Man, I love this forum - You guys are awesome!
Thanks MarkO, I'm pretty sure I saw a rainbow ribbon, I'll have to have another look later on.
Where would I see Shugart AS390 written on the drive?
I will have to look again.. I know the Stepper Motor is much taller than the Alps...
Back Ground Info from:
Yes, sorry I am not helpful in this arena - there are lots of guys here who know WAY more than I do.
I can only speak from experience - there's an old thread that I started some time last year with pictures of what one of my drives did. All of a sudden, it went from functioning to *BOOM*...no rhyme or reason.
Now that you mention serials, I should look inside it again, the SN is probably 00001.