Apple II+ won't boot...displays numbers instead

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Apple II+ won't boot...displays numbers instead

Hey guys...

Once again, I seek your wisdom.

I have reseated every chip, and replaced a whole bunch of corroded / blackened chips in a II+, and I'm still basically where I started. 

Power ON


APPLE II shows up on the top of the screen

DRIVE 0 (in slot 6) starts booting as it does, that reset sound it makes, and then it sounds like it's loading, and just when it starts to load...

...a string of numbers from 5 through 9 prints in a column on the screen (with an occasional 8F in there)...

...and then it stops.  

I don't have a picture, but the column is just one long string of numbers


I have tried 2 PSUs, 2 different keyboards, 2 different keyboard ROM chips...replaced all of the RAM and a bunch of other chips that had turned black...but now I'm lost.  

Any ideas?

Thank you for reading, hope someone has some inspiration!






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You might try the Chilton's

You might try the Chilton's repair manual here:


Or one of the books here:


Also you might see if you can boot a diagnostics disk like XPS.






Last seen: 4 hours 8 min ago
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What disk are you booting?

What disk are you booting? Have you trtied another?

If you have a Language Card in slot 0, then try removing it.

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Posts: 71
Hi Jeff...

Hi Jeff...


Thank you for responding. It's a DOS 3.3 disk that worked in another II+.  And there is nothing in Slot 0 to interfere, the only card installed is the disk controller in Slot 6.


Edit - I should add that I have tried a couple of other known working disks, with the same results.

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Thanks, brother, I will check

Thanks, Mr. Janitor, I will check those out!

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Statsman1 wrote:Hi Jeff...


Hi Jeff...


Thank you for responding. It's a DOS 3.3 disk that worked in another II+.  And there is nothing in Slot 0 to interfere, the only card installed is the disk controller in Slot 6.



Maybe bad disk controller? Do you have another to swap?

You should also verify that the machine works properly without the disk. Remove the card and the computer should boot to an Applesoft prompt ( ] ). Try typing in some simple programs to see if they run properly.

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jeffmazur wrote:Statsman1



Hi Jeff...


Thank you for responding. It's a DOS 3.3 disk that worked in another II+.  And there is nothing in Slot 0 to interfere, the only card installed is the disk controller in Slot 6.



Maybe bad disk controller? Do you have another to swap?

You should also verify that the machine works properly without the disk. Remove the card and the computer should boot to an Applesoft prompt ( ] ). Try typing in some simple programs to see if they run properly.



Hey Jeff...

Thank you again!

I have tried the same controller and drive in different Apple II units, and they work just fine, so I know it's not that.  It's like something after that initial check doesn't fly, and it just stops.

Without the controller, I do not get a prompt.  I get "APPLE II" at the top of the screen and nothing at all.  No prompt.  I took that to mean that the ROMs were squirrelly, but I've replaced them all and no changes at all.


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Have you tried reseating the

Have you tried reseating the chips. I've found that solves about 95% of the issues I've had on II pluses.

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Statsman1 wrote:Without the


Without the controller, I do not get a prompt.  I get "APPLE II" at the top of the screen and nothing at all.  No prompt.  I took that to mean that the ROMs were squirrelly, but I've replaced them all and no changes at all.



That would seem to indicate a problem on the motherboard (possibly ROM). Getting the beep and APPLE II on the screen indicates that most of the board is working OK. Try a CTRL-RESET to see if you can get the Applesoft prompt. And yes, definitely reseat all of the chips especially the ROMs.

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jeffmazur wrote:That would


That would seem to indicate a problem on the motherboard (possibly ROM). Getting the beep and APPLE II on the screen indicates that most of the board is working OK. Try a CTRL-RESET to see if you can get the Applesoft prompt. And yes, definitely reseat all of the chips especially the ROMs.



Yes, I have taken every single chip out of the board and switched it with a new one (including all of the ROM chips), or simply reseated them in the board.  No dice...does the exact same thing.  I thought maybe the keyboard was wonked, after all that, but a second keyboard produces the same result.

Very strange.

I will try the CTRL-RESET and see if that helps anything.

Thanks, guys.

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jeffmazur wrote:That would


That would seem to indicate a problem on the motherboard (possibly ROM). Getting the beep and APPLE II on the screen indicates that most of the board is working OK. Try a CTRL-RESET to see if you can get the Applesoft prompt. And yes, definitely reseat all of the chips especially the ROMs.



Well, CTRL-RESET produced the graphics on the screen (attached) - a whole string of small As and some overlapping characters.  No command prompt and the drive never stopped seeking (thr drive was empty).


Last seen: 4 hours 8 min ago
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What happens when you remove

Leave the disk controller card out until you get the computer to behave normally.

What happens when you remove the disk controller card and then hit CTRL-RESET?

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Posts: 71
jeffmazur wrote:Leave the


Leave the disk controller card out until you get the computer to behave normally.

What happens when you remove the disk controller card and then hit CTRL-RESET?



I removed the controller. Now, when I turn it on, I get solid horizontal bars across the screen and no repsonse.  Before I press a key, no less. 

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