Apple II Terminal Emulation on a Mac

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Joined: Oct 9 2018 - 14:31
Posts: 11
Apple II Terminal Emulation on a Mac

I've got the ZOC Terminal program really dialed in for my MacBook so it feels like an Apple II.  It's a fun and easy way to get on the Apple II BBS's.  Here's how to set it up if anyone is interested: Download ZOC Terminal from the app store or here: Download and install PR Number 3 Apple II Truetype font from: Launch ZOC Terminal program. Go under Options -> Edit Session Profile • Connection Type -> Telnet • Layout/Font -> Terminal Font -> PR Number 3, 10X22 size.  Terminal Size -> 80 X 24 • Colors -> Background -> Black, Normal Text -> Light Green • Emulations -> ANSI BBS • Save • Click on Quick Connection, type in the telnet address (such as, port number (6502), click Connect and you'll swear you're BBS'ing on an Apple II! One nice feature of ZOC is that you can click directly on any hyperlinks in BBS messages.  I haven't seen that in other terminal programs.