Hello! I recently aquired a SchoolBus networking card and some promotional information about the device. From what I've learned, the card allows several Apple IIs to share disk drives and a printer to cut down on costs and manage what students can access. I don't have any of the connectors for the card, or an other instructional/informational materials.
Does anyone have any information on the SchoolBus card? I am looking for:
1) Any info/knowledge you might have about it
2) Anyone who has actually used it would be cool
3) Scans/pics of manuals or pictures of the network in action.
It seems to not have been widely released, I could be wrong, but I haven't found out much about it. I am a grad student researching early k-12 classroom technology, and I'd apprecaite any info.
See https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/Apple%20II%20Documentation%20Project/Interface%20Cards/Network/Apple%20Schoolbus/
Do you know anything about the card discussed here?
It looks like a development in between the School Bus card and the IIe Workstation card. Was it ever sold by Apple as a product?