Apple TechStep Diagnostics

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Last seen: 14 hours 48 min ago
Joined: Jan 29 2012 - 07:17
Posts: 365
Apple TechStep Diagnostics

I am sorry,  but I just have to vent here for a minute!  


I totally can't believe that there are now no less than SIX Apple Techstep units on eBay and every single one of them is grossly over priced.  I offered the person with all the cartridges $350.00 which I thought was a fair price and he came back with $1,500.00.   I wonder if they know there is an effort underway (that I offered to help with) on 68KMLA to recreate the TechStep?  Once this is done, nobody is going to pay these outragous prices again.  They may not be able to give them away. :-)  Actually, the collectors will still want the originals, but I really hope the prices on eBay fall.   I know that people were selling the Apple IIe Diagnostic cards for 100s of dollars, and when I recreated it, the prices on eBay dropped.  In my opinion, this is one person putting it up there for $2000 and then everyone who has one thinks they can get the same or more.   


Go Max1zzz and Jajan547!!!  If you need any help, let me know. 



eBay Listings



Recreating the TechStep


Thanks for listening to me vent.  




Last seen: 4 hours 31 min ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2649
Repros are definitely a great

Repros are definitely a great way to drop the bottom out of the market.  Good work.


Last seen: 3 hours 44 min ago
Joined: Jun 29 2018 - 16:55
Posts: 594
I've been following this for

I've been following this for a while, and happy to see the progress so far. A worthy vent. 

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