g3 cpu upgrade without sonnet zif's crescendo or other pricy stuff!!

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Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
Joined: Oct 10 2004 - 17:56
Posts: 17
g3 cpu upgrade without sonnet zif's crescendo or other pricy stuff!!

is it possible to upgrade a g3 motherboard with a bus of 100mhz with a g3 of 733mhz (bus 133mhz) but woithout cmplicating my life and spendig hard owned money on sonnet or other weird components?

what if i play with jumpers on the logic board for instance?


if i flash the mac motherboard (100mhz bus versio) with the rom of the 133mhz version could that be useful?

could that do the magic?

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Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 29 2004 - 12:39
Posts: 96
I overclocked a beige G3 once

I overclocked a beige G3 once, worked quite good... have a look here: http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~t-imai/maine.html but it needed extra cooling, but that is quite easy to solve, I used a VGA copper cooler: http://www.spymac.com/gallery/show_photo.php?picid=42738

Last seen: 19 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 13
It's cheaper to pay for an upgrade

If you're looking for that sort of speed boost, it'll be cheaper to buy an upgrade card. Most G3s are good for overclocking up to the next speed rating (i.e. 233->266, 266->300, etc), but the original G3 processors (MPC/XPC750, used in the desktop G3s) don't come any faster than 500MHz.

Simply swapping in a faster original G3 requires either buying a new ZIF card, or buying a new processor (they normally come in boxes of about 44) and paying through the nose to have it soldered onto your existing ZIF.

Getting it up to 733MHz, on the other hand, would mean either buying a more expensive new ZIF card, or spending several thousand dollars to develop your own ZIF board based on a 750CXe, 750GX, or 750FX.

Either buy an upgrade card, or overclock your current processor and accept a 10-15% clock speed boost.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 279
A 900MHz 750FX upgrade doesnt

A 900MHz 750FX upgrade doesnt cost that much, and gives you tons of performance. It also lets you keep the 100Mhz bus. With a G4 upgrade using a 745x upgrade you have to lower the bus speed to 66MHz. And the G4 is only faster in a very few things. Most all benchmarks favor the faster G3's. They are also MUCH cheaper then the G4 upgrade.

Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
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Posts: 17
i'm not sure anymore i want t

i'm not sure anymore i want to build a home theatre macPC by buying a Mac LogicBoard from ebay and make
it fit in some compact casing of an old decoder or console!!or whatever

so i need one that is kinda compact!!the one of the cube could be good but its expensive and require specific components to work....

so my choises are the biege or the B&w...but its kinda gigantec!! and now i'm thinking about the board of an Imac the bad thing is that it got only a pci slot..... Sad

Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Re: i'm not sure anymore i want t

i'm not sure anymore i want to build a home theatre macPC by buying a Mac LogicBoard from ebay and make
it fit in some compact casing of an old decoder or console!!or whatever

so i need one that is kinda compact!!the one of the cube could be good but its expensive and require specific components to work....

so my choises are the biege or the B&w...but its kinda gigantec!! and now i'm thinking about the board of an Imac the bad thing is that it got only a pci slot..... :(

The iMac doesn't have any PCI slots Blum 3

Your best option for a compact home theatre computer would be a MiniITX board. They are small and relatively powerful, plus you will be able to use any cheap PC TV/sound/graphics cards instead of the limited number there are for the Mac.


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