PC Transporter - IIe Keyboard Adapter

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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PC Transporter - IIe Keyboard Adapter
Hi Folks! I've recently aqquired an AE PC Transporter. I've managed to get it running just fine in my IIe but I have to use an external PC keyboard. There is an adapter that allows the use of the internal IIe keyboard but I am missing this part. Does anybody have one or even a schematic for the board (Looks to be pretty simple) Here is a photo of a Transporter. The board in question is the one in the top left. Cheers, Dave



NovellNetware's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Shouldn't be to hard to make a cable from scratch.

ONe of those is going to be I believe a +5 and the rest is just data. So what I would do is find the +5 and then just guess on the rest. I hope somebody else would chime in. The rest I think is a clock and data signal. So the votlage is the only one you need to make sure to match up. Interesting I found a diagram on how to connect a 5.1/2 floppy drive but not the keyboard break done





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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23
Posts: 104
Got a link from the apple group on facebook.

This has the cable link pin out.




The cable doesn't go straight through. The wiring is rearranged at the DIN-5 end. The end result is: Molex DIN-5 1 ---------- 1 2 ---------- 3 3 ---------- 5 4 ---------- 2 5 ---------- 4


Thanks, Josh


Moonferret's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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Posts: 13

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the reply. I already have the 5pin DIN connector & cable for the card and I'm able to use an external PC keyboard fine. What I'd like to do is just use the IIe's keyboard. For this, I need to create (or find) the small board shown in that photo. From what I can tell, it fits into the keyboard connector on the IIe motherboard. The keyboard cable then plugs into that with a 10way ribbon cable that then goes from this small board to the PC transporter card.

I'm guessing most of the signals are just passed through from the keyboard to the IIe mainboard but some also need to be fed into the PC transporter. Again, I'm guessing here but since letters and numbers are working ok without this board, it's only needed for Shift, Control, etc but I just can't find any detail on what the pinout is. It also looks like the PCB contains some diodes or resistors.


Moonferret's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 30 2015 - 07:16
Posts: 13
Found it!
Page 2 has the information I need. Now to make up an adapter :) http://www.harrowalsh.de/APPLEBOX/APPLE2/Manuals/AE%20PC%20Transporter%20ComponentsPinouts.pdf Cheers, Dave
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