Hi friends, in a separate thread a couple of years ago I drew a terrible picture of a green display monitor I've been trying to track down. My dad brought it home around 1981 with a brand new Apple //e. It was time to get serious so I employed some help to create an "artist's impression"! Here it is:
Do you recognize this monitor? Obviously some details from 38 year old memories might be off, but I have a pretty clear memory of it as I used it every waking moment! Key features:
- Tilt/swivel stand
- Amber monochrome display
- Dark perspex over the whole screen
- Minimal or no branding (not name brand)
Thanks in advance!
Taxan maybe?
Taxan maybe?
Thanks! it's so hard to be sure because there aren't any good photographs of it on Google images. I seem to remember the screen was more rounded then square but if you have any other good photograph sources I'd love to take a look. Thanks again.
Update: Having found more images, I have to say it's definitely not the Taxan KG-12* . No tilt stand for a start .
Taxan made a bunch of different models back in the day. My best suggestion at this point would be to thumb through the old pdfs of magazines from back in the day. Chances are someone was advertising the monitor you had and seeing the ad may jog your memory.
Good idea thanks