ProTERM 3.1 - Null Modem

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ProTERM 3.1 - Null Modem


My ultimate goal is a bit different, but the issues I am having persist all the way down to the most basic level. ProTERM 3.1 is not properly receiving data from the serial port. I have it configured for SSC in Slot 2. Baud rate is 9600, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. Using the Null modem driver, with a null modem cable.

I have it connected to the terminal program on my Tandy Model 102 configured the same way. The Tandy is receiving clearly all the characters sent from the Apple II, but the Apple II receives nothing from the 102.

However, using Modem.MGR everything works fine, and data goes both ways. Is there something I'm missing in ProTERM?


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Turn on switch 2-6 on the SSC

Turn on switch 2-6 on the SSC to enable interrupts.

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Dog Cow wrote:Turn on switch

Turn on switch 2-6 on the SSC to enable interrupts.

Thanks, I will test this later when I am by the machine.

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Posts: 44
You were 100% correct. Thank

You were 100% correct. Thank you!


One more thing. My Raspberry Pi does not recognize the arrows keys properly when sent from ProTERM.

Even when both are set up for VT100. This was not an issue in Modem.MGR either. Any ideas?

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For the prosperity of future

For the prosperity of future ProTerm users, I will post this.

In the manual(which evidently is worth reading), it mentions that using the arrow keys in VT100 emulation mode requires you to hold Option(open apple?) down. I confirmed that this does work. Anyone who has this issue in the future, take note.

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After getting ADTPro working

After getting ADTPro working on my Win10 machine to my //e (and since they are feet away from each other and always connected), I thought I might as well try TCPSER on the Win10 machine to see if I could do some telnet BBSing.

Ran into the same problem as above.

Was using Modem.MGR fine, but ProTERM wouldn't display text coming back.

(Neither would ASCII Express)

It was weird when I turned on the full logging on TCPSER and I could see the text coming back from the BBSes in the command prompt, just not on my //e.  Glad I found this thread!

Finally got around to flipping that jumper and yep, ProTERM now works.

And for ANSI and user friendliness, it is much nicer than Modem.MGR.

I like the fact that I can enter "ADTD BBS.APPLEFRITTER.COM" for the phone number and have it autodial!

Bummer that it doesn't like :'s tho.  So the sites that are, it won't autodial.

Not a big deal, but oh well. ;-)

So I can launch ADTPro for disk images or the VSDRIVE virtual serial drive.

Or launch TCPSER and use my //e online.

Thanx for the hint on the interrupts.

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And I just remembered that

And I just remembered that TCPSER supports a "phonebook" that allows aliasing.

So I should be able to get past the issue with ProTERM not liking a colon.

Off to try that...


And it works..

tcpser -d /dev/ttyS0 -s 19200

..and all I have to place in the phone number field is ATDT CQBBS

Note:  TCPSER is case sensitive.  So the device name and alias need to be that way.  And yes, I am running on Windows and my serial port is COM1, but TCPSER uses /dev/ttsS0-3 for Windows COM1-4.  The case for the alias has to match as well. won't work if you try to dial ATDT CQBBS.  

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Posts: 28
Just more playing.Set up

Just more playing.

Set up telnet with my Raspberry Pi (I know, but at least I have some TCPWrappers to tighten it a bit).

In proterm, I couldn't dial with ATDT 192.168.0.x, so I had to use another alias.

With TCPSER, that is done with an additional -n.  So now i have:

tcpser -d /dev/ttyS0 -s 19200 -nPI=192.168.0.x 

(Where X is the last octet of the IP address of my Pi.)

Then I just created a new entry in ProTERM for my Pi and for the phone number, I use "ATDT PI".

Now, of course, linux is case sensitive, so I need to turn off the CAPs lock when I connect, and try to remember to turn it back on after. ;-)

Also, I decided to try some file transfers.

No luck initially with zmodem (sz on linux).

I was able to transfer with sx (XModem) and sz --ymodem (YModem).

I was also able to use lynx to browse the web, but I wouldn't recommend that. ;-)

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