Appleline protocol , couple early apple II motherboards 6-7 apple ii clones

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Appleline protocol , couple early apple II motherboards 6-7 apple ii clones
Image icon Zues ram card?3.46 MB
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I just acquired a bunch of times id like to learn more about

First is an appleline protocol in really good shape..

Is it really this rare?

Also got couple apple ii motherboards dated 1978 and several 1979 .

In addition to that i got 6 or 7 apple ii clone mother boards I would love to have identified

Another question i have is about what looks to be an apple iigs ram expansion card but has slight variation and is labeled zeus ram card and p/n AP1000-02

I also got 40sc tape back up

Will be posting pictures shortly

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I just acquired a bunch of times id like to learn more about
First is an appleline protocol in really good shape..

Is it really this rare?

Just my opinion, but I think what makes this somewhat rare is that major manufacturers or Corporate offices who used Macs as their base models and tied them to IBM Mainframes (and there weren't many Companies that did that) used these to facilitate terminal emulation over using an actual 3270 terminal. The company I work for did this and justified it by comparing the cost of a Mac vs. the cost of buying a 3270 Terminal. But as I remember, those Appleline boxes weren't all too cheap either. I have at least one that I've saved, though I can't say it would ever be usable again given the requirement to run it.

Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Oct 11 2013 - 01:15
Posts: 16
Yeah, they''re pretty rare

Yeah, they''re pretty rare but not complete unicorns (as evidenced by the fact that I have one, and know of at least two others). The cluster controller is more rare. I'm not certain, but I heard at one point that AppleLines were often leased (and so, returned), which might help explain how few are out there. However, they're really the same as a DCA IRMAprint but with probably different ROMs, the boards inside and the case outside look basically identical except for the badge.

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
Joined: Feb 14 2018 - 18:51
Posts: 1

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