Help! startup disk os 9 unix filesystem

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piltdownman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 53
Help! startup disk os 9 unix filesystem

I apologize if this has already been covered, but I couldn't find anything.

Here is the deal:

My brother has a beige g3 rev.c, he has been running panther on it for sometime and just recently installed os 9.2.2 on a hfs partition of his main drive. Now, once he is in os 9 he cannot switch back to x. I assume that this is because the partition that panther is installed on is formatted with the unix file system...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Dr. Webster's picture
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Try holding down the Option k

Try holding down the Option key on bootup. It should let you choose which disk partition to boot from.

If anything, try holding down the X key while booting.

piltdownman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 53
Option Key

I tried the option key and all it does is boot right into os 9.... I think this is only a feature on new world macs. The x key has the same result, it seems to me that it really should have worked though. Thanks for the suggestions anyway.


piltdownman's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 53
Threadjacking my own thread

In the interest of generating interest in this thread, anyone want a gmail address? Just PM me, you don't need to help with my problem, I have plenty at the moment.


EDIT: ok, it looks like I will have to at least format the os x partition, which will be a pain because this g3 will not boot from any kind of cd (don't ask me why, even stock with correct jumper settings...) so I'll have to reinstall jaguar with the hard drive connect to another g3 I have.

But you all can still get invites, I have 5 left right now, but they will probably give me more when those are used up, so don't be shy.

dankephoto's picture
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XPostFacto useful for this sort of thing . . .

give it a try.

Ooops!! Beige G3 and Panther, he must already be using XPF. So are you then using XPF to try to get back to X? IIRC, you really can't use OS9's startup CP to jump back to X, gotta use XPF.

BTW, you sure the X volume is UFS? If so, I'm curious why your brother used UFS for a desktop system?

dan k

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