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It depends on if its upgraded or not, and if it's been tested.
Usually the TranswarpGS's sell for more since they can be upgraded to much faster speeds... But dont discount the ZIPGSX; they are very good cards too.
The prices are all over the place. From as low as $250 to as much as $1000 (no joke, one really did sell for over $1000!).
Todays Specials:
A IIc Plus (Could be a good price):
A Very Yellowed IIc:
And the piece to resist Ants (that's French you know, lol):
I just don't know what these people are thinking, or smoking.
I putting this here not because the price, but the fact he get the pictures by scanning everything, even the card!
Ok this is... wow just wow.
Edit: Oh! i know why this is so expencive, its from highland park one town over from me, north shore people are stigy rich kids and well lets just say, they would try to sell a fork for $1000 at a garage sale.
This one made me cringe:
no words needed
The possibility of my Rev-03 Apple ][ with Two Disk ][s, ( with lower serial numbers than this one ) go for a "Really Nice Price", is getting Better and Better..
“This computer is in excellent condition.this apple is only going to be listed for ten days more only last call.”
Ohh noo!! I'm shake'n in my boots!!
This one made me cringe:
This one has been sitting around all year I think..
The best revenge and weapon against high prices is to not bid. They have to be taught a lesson and that's the best way to go about it.
The thing that really annoys me about that computer is the CPU with the soldered on legs, and the late model Apple II plus case. I have seen the original case from a posting a few years ago, I don't know why he don't show it with the original case. I know its missing some paint, but that adds to the appeal in my opinion.
Another insane buyer. But I love it! Makes my collection feel warm and fuzzy.
Note to self, don't sell any boards that say ASCO or LIRON for less than $125 each! Ebay for the win!!
Yeah. I hate to say it,but I wish eBay would start charging for listing again. That would force people to post with realistic prices. Maybe?
It isn't in ebay's interest to do anything that would cause items to sell for less.
And people won't want to keep listing again and again and again anyways. They may go elsewhere to try and sell their goods. And what happens when you have 200 of the same item?
Ebay is in it to make money, too, naturally. And it doesn't cost much to keep relisting over and over. It doesn't cost much to keep an item on any kind of extended time listing.
And some of the material on ebay is niche within niche, and it takes time to for the right buyer to connect with a seller.
If those Liron cards hadn't been relisted, ebay might have lost out on the fees.
Well, I guess I have given up on even finding deals on Craigslist anymore. I think the eBay disease has now hit craigslist too.
Look at this...
$500.00!!? They do say obo, but I bet if say $50.00, they will tell you to go fly a kite.
I am going around 3pm to pick up a collection that I had to negotiate hard for, but if I get it, I will have some really collectable items.
I will post the haul on AF. There are still a million things that can go wrong with this deal even though he accepted my offer.
I would then say, "If I go fly a kite, can I have it for $50.00 when I'm done?"
I wonder what dummkopf is gonna buy that?
A more cost-effective solution, if you want a motherboard to hang on the wall, is to get a machine or motherboard from ebay for like $50.
Mount the board in those flea-market display boxes - you can get them for like $5
And it's missing chips too!
That's only proof that they have strong moonshine in pennsylvania....
started with title when starting with first swallow and
was allready drunk when he should enter the price....
Even normal meds don't work that fast ! LOL
Me me me!!!
But the frame has got to go. I would put it in a better frame for my wall.
A picture of that motherboard would be cheaper.
How about this:
Tooootally worth it.... only if he includes those luxe crystal lamps with shades too.
Hey, not a bad profit for a $20 photo ...
He got those lamps by selling a bottle of water for $500,000.00......
Yeah, I would play it like they made a mistake and added an extra zero to the price. I don't know why IIc's have gone up in price on eBay, but they have. I wouldn't pay more than 50, but someone on eBay might pay 100.
They will then lose 13%, plus have to pack and ship it properly, or else they will sell it for -$35 because it got broken and they had to pay shipping anyway. Yes, I mean they will lose money because they will not get back the shipping and be left with a broken computer and/or monitor.
Good Morning All,
Just had to put this up here:
I have it on my eBay Watch List to see what poor schmuck
will pay $1,500.00 for it.
I can see maybe $100.00 to $200.00 for it,
but $1,500.00?!?!
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." lol
Hi Steven,
that's correct.... the starting shot for this years "XMAS price madness rallye" has just been released....
let's lean back and watch the movie about this years madness and after New Years Eve we may elect
the winner of this years most crazy guy out of the bunch of the greedy hoard.... LOL
Don't know if that's a good price or not.
And then there's this:
I know I bought one of these
last year for about $40.00.
well it's that time of year again...
I got one of these for my iic with everything included here and more! for about $24 and some change! just crazy what people are pricing.
and then there is this.., I was bidding on this, I needed a hard drive for my SE and well it was going for 5 clams but the seller apparently wanted more so he ended it, and soon he will probably post it for like 30 clams if we are lucky.
Are you delusional?
You think he's going to ask $5.00?
Have you really looked at some of the prices
folks are asking for 40 and 80 Meg SCSI Hard Drives?
If he puts it back up for $5.00 BIN you better grab it. lol
It's not the item; it's the shipping:
and this:
You misunderstand me, bidding started at $0.99, and someone else bidded me up to $5, and about 1 day before the listing was supposed to end, he ended the listing and no one won it.
EDIT: and yes I have looked at scsi drive prices extensively and when that popped up i placed a bid on it because it was so cheap.
This thread is going to last forever.
Why have I not thought of this before?
I'm slipping.
The only reason you didn't think of it first
is because I'm kinda nuts. lol
I've seen some weird bonus items before but this might just take the cake,
Hello PINKBOY1006,
far away from the point....
scrollback the last 3 to 4 years of this thread during last 5 weeks ahead of XMAS !
Empty boxes for 1500 bucks !
xeroxed 31 page manual for 250 bucks !
nearly completely destroyed Apple IIe for 1500 bucks Praised in the offer as the
"very unique - you'll never get such a bargain deal in your life again - offer" !
framed Apple II mainboard for nearly 5000 bucks !
that's the kind of stuff what we're talking about with the term "outragious prices"
that guys really dropped in from "outer space"....
if you hear the soundtrack from rod serlings "Outer Space" in the rear of your head
knockin at your ear from the inside of your head - then it's dedicated for this topic....
I have seen much worse on ebay for apple ii cards and mostly manuals, appli cards trying to sell for $1000 and an apple iic manual trying to sell for 500 bucks, "I've seen fire and I've seen rain...".
Lets talk about Fraudulent Advertising:
When you finally read the description is where it says "Perfect Replica".
I would say something to them about it,
but I've been blocked from sending
messages because I've spoken up about
this kind of thing before from them.
The hell with it.
I reported it to eBay.
It likely sold off the record.
Forgive my ignorance concerning this but what is the nature of the false advertising?
The seller claims it's a perfect replica but not the genuine article.
The Title for one.
The fact that they don't say "Replica" until almost the end of the Description.
It misleads buyers. Period.
Now I get it.
Why did I miss that?
I want to rush right out and buy this! (Not):
That one is cheap compared to this one.
$17,000! For a Apple II plus?!
yep ! That's the kind of moonshine that makes you blind.... LOL
Is it me, or did somebody take an actual ii+, put a ii badge on and is now trying to sell it as a ii for a higher price?
Crazy offer....
the question if a modell is + or not is NOT related to the question of the ROM Set.
Models up to Rev. 3 are for sure not "+",
models of Rev.4 are mixed... some are "+" some are NOT...
Rev. later than 4 are for sure "+".
The question is more dependent to the fact if RAM Configuration Blocks are present or not.
With Configuration Blocks NOT "+" - WITHOUT configuration Blocks IS a "+" !
Inserting later Integer ROMs in a Plus-Model does NOT change Model back to non Plus model.
That ROMs have been offered and sold at ebay for years at price between 20 bucks and 30 bucks
per ROM. Inserting ROMs for total amount of approx. 100 bucks does NOT raise value for more
than 500 bucks.
Not to forget... mention that a lot of not Plus-models have later been upgraded
by Applesoft ROM set that even Apple themselves recommended. That did not cause
a "non plus model" to "convert" to a "Plus"-model.
And inserting a Rev.7 board in a earlier case does not "convert back"
a plus model to a non plus model.
That's what I thought. I'm quite curious if the seller actually took a plus and decided to "convert" it with an ebay badge and some ROMs.
Well, seems to me that the 8045 MB date code and date codes on the Integer Basic ROMs are consistent with a very late-produced original Apple II in serial number range 75,XXX as indicated on the red/white system serial number sticker. And the red/white sticker itself is an indicator that this is an original Apple II. My guess is the original lid was scratched up and seller got an Apple II+ lid to replace it and then needed to replace the sticker.
I don't think such swaps disqualifies the computer at all from being an original Apple II, just perhaps NOT all parts are original in the process of making it more presentable for sale.