Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

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Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade
Image icon 20160709_163259.jpg981.32 KB
Image icon 20160709_163318.jpg1.41 MB

Picked it up this morning at a Garage Sale... I'd never seen one before.

Thank you,

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

It is fairly rare and valuable.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade


What Transwarp said.

This is the IIe to IIgs Upgrade.
They came in a kit that you bought from Apple.

They are pretty rare.

Congrats on a great find.

Steven Smile

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

They are a bit on the rare side if you are looking for the modified case for it.

It was not a practical upgrade for many reasons and it did not sell too well which is why it is rare.

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

I'm trying to remember -- was this sold as a DIY kit, or did Apple only make it available for dealers to install?

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

Dr. Webster,

If I remember reading correctly, it could be done either way.
You could take your IIe to Apple and have it installed,
or you could buy the kit and do it yourself.

I remember seeing an auction on eBay about a year ago
where the seller had bought an extra Lid with the IIgs
emblem where the IIe emblem used to be.
He also had the box it came in.

Steven Smile

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

So I started playing around with this and it powers up just fine... the little apple goes back and forth, side to side looking for a disk drive I assume? All I have are the older Disk II drives that connect internally but this has a newer connector on the rear of the unit... do they make adapters for this? Do I have to use a newer disk drive? What are my options?

Thank you,

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

So I started playing around with this and it powers up just fine... the little apple goes back and forth, side to side looking for a disk drive I assume? All I have are the older Disk II drives that connect internally but this has a newer connector on the rear of the unit... do they make adapters for this? Do I have to use a newer disk drive? What are my options?

Thank you,

You can install a new cable (you can call it an adapter if you want to) into your Disk II drive and then connect it to the Smartport (newer connector on the rear of the unit...) but even then you will only be able to attach one drive since the Disk II cannot be daisychained to another Disk II drive.


If you have two Disk II drives that you want to use on the iigs and a Disk II controller card, you can install that card in slot 6 of the Apple iiGS and connect the two Disk II drives to the Disk II controller card and this way you will have the use of both drives without the need for daisychaining them.

If you choose to use the Disk II controller card in slot 6, you will have to go into the Apple iigs control panel and change slot 6 to "your card".

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

I couldn't find the cable you're talking about... it looks like I just need to get a newer disk drive (A9M0107)?

Thanks again,

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

I'm trying to remember -- was this sold as a DIY kit, or did Apple only make it available for dealers to install?

The original Apple IIGS upgrade was only available from authorized dealers and required dealer installation.

Many years later a company called Shreve sold an aftermarket pan with a ROM 01 motherboard (not nearly as nice as the original but functional) for schools (and individuals) to upgrade their IIe machines on the cheap.

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

Picked it up this morning at a Garage Sale... I'd never seen one before.

You lucked out. If it works, it's worth $400-$600 to *some* people.

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

So far, it seems to work fine... I only paid $5 for it. The guy was moving and selling all of his old computers for $5 each. I wasn't interested in another IIe but when I saw the IIgs badge, I figured I had to get it.

It definitely came from a school... it has the school name and some numbers lightly engraved on the lid. I also picked up two of the Apple II disk drives ($5 for both) and I got an IBM 5170 and Atari 1200XL for $5 each.

Thank you,

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Re: Is this rare? Apple IIe/GS upgrade

You might want to check the ROM version. ROM 00 had some issues with it, can't recall what though, and upgrade to a ROM 01. Just have to plug the newer ROM in. Although being a school computer would more than likely already have the upgrade.

And the nice thing about this motherboard is, you can use either a IIe keyboard or an adb keyboard, a IIe power supply or IIGS power supply, cards that support IIGS such as PC Transporter.

But a definite must would be a Hard drive of some kind via a SCSI card, CFFA card, Microdrive, VS drive, etc, to be able to run GSOS 6.0.1-6.0.3.

The case itself is probably worth as much as the computer complete. I saw an empty upgrade case go for $400, and this was a few years back.

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