ProTERM 3.1

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Internetronic's picture
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ProTERM 3.1

So, I got a copy of the ProTERM 3.1 SHK file here, but I'm having trouble preparing it to transfer with ADTPro to my Apple //e.

First, the file size is too large to transfer to one floppy with ADTPro (162 KB).

Secondly, when using CiderPress to turn the file into a disk image, it aborts in the middle of the transfer, because it's run out of space.

Now, I believe I could fix this my separating them into two disks, but I'm not sure which files need to go into which disk.

If anybody knows how to fix this, or has a copy of ProTERM 3.1, any help would be much appreciated!

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Re: ProTERM 3.1

From pages 58 and 59:

ProTERM on a 5.25" Floppy

Because ProTERM is a large application, there is not enough room on one side of a 5.25" floppy disk for all of the different parts of the program. Because of this, ProTERM is designed for use on two 5.25" disks, or on two sides of one disk called a “flippy.” The front of the ProTERM disk is the “BOOT” side, the back is the “PROGRAM” side, and they are labeled as such. While this arrangement requires a second disk to be inserted when ProTERM is run, it allows for over 50K of free space on the PROGRAM disk while ProTERM is running. This “free-space” is needed and used by ProTERM to store system phone numbers, and macros, and to allow space for small personal files. When ProTERM is used from a 5.25 disk, make sure the disk is not write-protected as it prevents ProTERM from operating correctly.

ProTERM 5.25" Disk Contents


/PT3 DIR (Disk name.)*
PRODOS SYS (ProDOS Disk Operating System.)
PT3.SYSTEM SYS (Runs PT3 when disk boots.)
PT3 SYS (PT3 Code, resident portion.)
PT3.CODE0 BIN (PT3 hardware drivers.)
PT3.CODE1 BIN (On both disk sides of the disk.)
PT3.BACKUP SYS (Makes Copy of original PT3 disk.)**


/PT3 DIR (Disk name.)*
PT3.CODE1 BIN (On both disk sides of the disk.)
PT3.CODE2 BIN (PT3 command overlays.)
PT3.CODE3 BIN (PT3 transfer overlays.)
PT3.CODE4 BIN (PT3 Terminal Emulations.)
PT3.CONVERT TXT (Converts old Macro & Dial List Entries.)
PT3.DIAL DIR (Directory with System List entries.)
PT3.GLOBAL TXT (Contains default Global Macros.)
PT3.WELCOME TXT (Contains default “Welcome Message.”)
PT3.CLOCK TXT (Example of File Macro.)***

* Both disks must have the same name.
** PT3.BACKUP need not be on backup copies of the disk or hard drive, but does not hurt if it is.
*** PT3.CLOCK need not be on the disk. After viewing it, PT3.CLOCK can be deleted if disk space is needed.

Take care to conserve your /PT3 disk space when using 5.25" floppies. Don’t save any nonessential files to this disk, ProTERM needs the available space.

ProTERM Startup from a 5.25" Floppy

To start ProTERM running from the 5.25" disk, insert the BOOT side of the copy of the ProTERM disk into your booting 5.25" disk drive and turn on the computer. The software starts up automatically. If the Program side is booted by mistake, no harm is done, but an alert message “Unable to load ProDOS” is displayed. Insert the appropriate disk side and reboot.

tokabln's picture
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Re: ProTERM 3.1

I'm actually not using ProTerm but I believe the following link should solve your problem as you can download 140KB .sdk images from here

CWJ_Wilko's picture
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Re: ProTERM 3.1

Just on topic as well, are there any versions of ProTerm floating around out there that can see and utilise more than one drive? This is such a first world pain, but I hate having to turn the disk over all the time. It's such a great program but it could be perfect if I didn't have to flip the disk.

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Re: ProTERM 3.1

Like I posted over at AtariAge..

1.9p - 5.25
2.0 - 5.25
2.01 - 5.25
2.1 - 5.25
2.2 - 5.25
3.0 - 2x 5.25 or single 3.5
3.1 - 2x 5.25 or single 3.5

All of them run on a single-drive system. And 1.9p through 2.1 you don't need to flip.. If you want to use 3.0 or 3.1 then you either split and flip, or get a storage device that can hold all files on one side.

6502enhanced's picture
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Re: ProTERM 3.1

I use ProTerm 3.1 on a IIe with a CFFA - very fast and comfortable!

Internetronic's picture
Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
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Re: ProTERM 3.1

Thanks for all of the replies! I actually got it working using my Pi 3 and tcpser along with MODEM.MGR.

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