Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

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Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

the Apple I manual uses the Stancor P-8380 and P-8667. Is the wiring procedure the same for the Triad F-31X and F-40X? Im not sure which wires go to the J1 connector as the triads have different wiring colors from the stancors.

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

The procedure is the same.

I actually have a powersupply build document I can upload later today to fritter. I will just add all the legal disclaimers about burning down your house or causing personal injury. use at your own risk and all that.

FYI: Wendell Sander has recommended putting a bleeder resistor on the supply to discharge the caps and my instructions include how to do that as well.


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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

I´ve just joined the datasheets and you can see the correct connections
the 5 Volt branch is enlighted by light violett and the 12 Volt branch is enlighted by light green.


that should explain all connections.

The point that corey986 hasn´t mentioned which i would like to remind:
These transformers are made in china. It´s known that chinese security standards are far below to non-existent.
If you purchase such transformers you don´t know anything about how far these transformers obey to security-rules.
Security rules demand a isolating layer of corewindings between primary and secondary windings to be connected to
a security pin as isolation between primary and secondary side. It´s also not known how far standards have been
respected with the used isolation laqueur ( to be heat resistent ).
I do have doubts that any importeur of that transformers takes guarantee to the security standards and that might
be the reason to sell them at ebay keeping guarantee limited only to far lower commercial ebay standards.
If you set your house to burn down - i doubt that you will succeeed by trying to claim for damage at ebay seller in
case that your fire-insurance refuses to pay damage.....


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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

This is why I try to use the transformers made in the USA or Mexico. When I have ordered through mouser they come from Mexico. Though I prefer NOS ones made in USA.

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

Thank you guys! I actually bought the Triads from and was disappointed to see the "Made in China" label on them. I thought those were made in the US.

Anyway, so i tried powering it on and voltages seem ok. Just the Apple I board without the video and micro chips of course.

Anything else to check? Before i go to the next step to populate the video section.

Can you also please include a link to your recommended power transformers?

Soo excited, :),

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

The problem with that transformers is not as long as they work within specified temperature range
- the problem raises when you pull full power and they get hot....

In that situation they might fail and get shortcut between primary and secondary section....
that will be very hazerdous !

You should keep eye to teperature while working with full load.... specially to temperature !

I can´t recommend transformers to US, cause i live in Europe with 220 Volt source at wall output.
Because i can´t keep similar to originals ( unless using a stepdown transformer from 220 Volt to
110 Volt ) i dropped demand to similarity and instead use ringtransformators for 220 Volt.
The advantage is, that these transformers produce less spikes and noise at secondary side.


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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

Thank you guys! I actually bought the Triads from and was disappointed to see the "Made in China" label on them. I thought those were made in the US.

Here is a doc on how to build the supply

I guess mouser is now sending made in China models. Back to hoarding NOS units...


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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

The problem with that transformers is not as long as they work within specified temperature range
- the problem raises when you pull full power and they get hot....

In that situation they might fail and get shortcut between primary and secondary section....
that will be very hazerdous !

You should keep eye to teperature while working with full load.... specially to temperature !

I can´t recommend transformers to US, cause i live in Europe with 220 Volt source at wall output.
Because i can´t keep similar to originals ( unless using a stepdown transformer from 220 Volt to
110 Volt ) i dropped demand to similarity and instead use ringtransformators for 220 Volt.
The advantage is, that these transformers produce less spikes and noise at secondary side.


I will keep that in mind.

The only reason why i chose the Triads is becasuse its mentioned inthe Apple I manual and im not sure if can find some alternative here in the Philippines. Hope to find one so i wont have to use a step down transformer from 220v to 110v.

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

This connection isn't the safest in the world. Both fuse and switch should be on the "hot" side of the AC input. I've found that .5 amp slow blow fuses do not have high enough rating and will eventually blow during normal operation.. I think I've moved to 2 amp fast blow fuses.

Mike Willegal

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

That's good advise about the fuse. I'll update my doc. I already saw an error where it misses the 1meg ohm optional resistor and I have a slow blow 3amp. I use a fast blow 3amp but a 2 is better.

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Re: Connecting the transformers, Triad F-31X and F-40X

I made some updates to my doc...

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