CFFA 1 and CiderPress

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CFFA 1 and CiderPress


I recently picked up a CFFA 1 that I'm trying to use with a Mimeo. I configured it as described in the instructions (as well as configuring the A1 board jumpers). I copied the ultimate apple 1.po files on to a CF card using CiderPress. I tried two different ways of doing this...the first was to open the .po file, select all, and paste to the CF volume. This works, but puts everything in the root directory of the CF card. The subdirectories copy, but they are empty. The second is to extract the files and directories from the .po on to my Windows computer hard drive. Then I open the CF volume in CiderPress and use add files to put the files on the CF card. This works and keeps all the files in the proper directories. However, in both cases, when I try to use the card, trying to "P" (change to a subdir) or L to load a file, I get "46 file not found" error. I've tried both P, then BASIC.DIR and P then BASIC. Same error. Can anyone suggest something to try? I'm thinking maybe the files were not copied to the CF card properly, but I can do a C (catalog) and it lists all the files on the card. Maybe there is something else I'm missing.

I tried two different CF cards and also versions 3.0.1 and 4.0.1 of CiderPress. The CF cards are formatted using the CFFA 1.

I have a CFFA 3000 and have been using it without issue...but cannot seem to get the CFFA 1 to work.

I'd ask this over on, but don't have an account yet and thought maybe someone here might know.


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Re: CFFA 1 and CiderPress

Hello wheagy,
just to confirm:
while using the Ciderpress software... are you sure that you are really only using upper case letters ?
If directories contain lower case letters or special characters the card won´t be able to access
them while plugged in the Apple 1......and you do of course remember the other explenation from
page 11 of the manual:
"Please keep in mind that the CFFA1’s firmware is not running ProDOS or any code from ProDOS." ???


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Re: CFFA 1 and CiderPress

I'm essentially doing a copy/paste from ciderpress, so I'm assuming the file and directory names are Ok, and they show up fine on the CFFA when I do a 'C'. Worth double checking however.

Not exactly sure what you're referring to in the second part of your post? I do know that it's not running prodos, but does that mean I should be doing something different when using the CFFA 1? Everything else on the CFFA seems to be working. I can format, make directories, etc. however, even after I make a new directory on the CF card, I can't 'P' to it.


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Joined: Oct 15 2013 - 14:00
Posts: 17
Re: CFFA 1 and CiderPress

Quick update...there was a small glitch in my firmware preventing some of the menu commands from working. It also prevented me from updating the firmware using the commands from the CFFA menu. There was an alternate firmware update method that Dave and Rich told me about and I was able to re-flash the firmware and it's working great now.


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