Vintage apples for sale?

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Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Aug 8 2014 - 10:22
Posts: 42
Vintage apples for sale?

Hello guys,

As much as it pains me to make this post I need to throw it out there it has to be done. I have a nice handful of apples in going to HAVE to part with. All are working system. 2 Apple iie's both have the duodisk drives with it, one was from a school the other from a home with a smoker. If interested I have a monochrome Apple ii monitor and a iie monochrome monitor that replaced one of the iie's after going up. I also have a (preproduction?) Bell and Howell Apple ii plus, with matching b&h floppy drives 1&2... I call this a preproduction because it never got the bell and Howell service stickers on the bottom side (11,000 serial number) and it also does not have the side joystick ports or the backpack. THIS system will run even without the lid on the machine. This machine is in mint condition in the original plastic slip and box. I also have some odds and ends if the interest is there. A working Apple Newton 100 with stylus original case and papers, a couple iMac g4 and (the only non working) iMac G3.

The head in my car blew today, I'm a full time single father with full custody. Works been slow lately and in the past 3 months I've dropped $1600 in repair bills on a car I paid $1000 for. At this point I'm going to attempt selling my apples to get the money for a new engine, hopefully I won't have to part with them all before having my car again.

Please respond below or private message me, I respect your privacy as a buyer as much as you do.


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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
Posts: 2493
Re: Vintage apples for sale?

Hello Samm328,
sorry for the circumstances...
anyhow welcome to the board...
Just a few hints for the sale:
you should at least give the buyer an idea in which area the systems are located
due to the fact of calculating possible transportation / shipping costs....
or even a local pickup what would speed up deals tremendously...

second even a description does not give a real idea about the systems for sale
and their condition
it´s highly recomended to take at least some pictures from the systems and
other parts to be sold ( with numbers to the pictures to serve questions )
and upload them either to a public photosharing point or other kind of site

and place here a list with the links to the pictures... that will speed up sale
and you should list some idea of the prices for that items ( and most of the
members here won´t pay overpriced items so stay realistic )....

i gues any serious buyer would require exactly this listed info´s -
so if you take care about that you can speed up dealing by offering the info´s as fast as possible...
sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Aug 8 2014 - 10:22
Posts: 42
Re: Vintage apples for sale?

Thanks speedy; I'm not necessarily new around here but I appreciate the hospitality! As a fellow collector I appreciate the point that people here will pay at least fair market. I really don't know the fair market of a specialty computer like this I am more of the reader than the responder. So that's why I have had such limited posts.

I live in Maryland for the shipping inquiries; I will try to upload pictures of the Vader, and time pending later I can upload pictures of the apples iie's I will need to get them off the display shelf and take pictures of them in depth. But it is 2 iie's one has its stock monitor the other comes with a iic monitor.

As far as the price I can not give you one; as these are machines I've planned on keeping and given the fact that I have a money pit of a car that now needs a new engine I really am just interested in getting the first reasonable offer.Bell and howell pictures

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