Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

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gramster1's picture
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Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

I have had an apple 2 for awhile and haven't been able to get it to work. Ive swapped the PSU but still nothing. Ill post some pics in a bit. Let me know if you know apple ii's.


gsmcten's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


It may help if you can give a description of what it does (or does not do) when you turn it on.
Pictures will help too.

Steven Smile

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Yes. Describe any noises, or lack of noises. Any parts getting hot or have a burning smell. Speaker clicks? Monitor flickers? Anything at all on the display? Power lights?

speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Gramster1,
i recommend you to view along some former threads here related to Apple II repair tasks....
use the "search" function at the right top corner....
take a view inside that threads and view the related pictures to get an idea of what is needed for diagnostics....
then make a list of all the effects you see or what is missing to be seen or heard...
make pictures this is important because we are not sitting besides you and are not able to test by ourself....
you must become our eyes and our hands to perform such a task....
with missing information we are lost in space and unable to perform diagnostics....
if you follow up that former threads you will also recognize links to books or pictures and explenations what the Apple usually should do...
this will help you to perform such a task....
and don´t forget some patience...
most of the experts here in the community are spread over the entire globe..... so bear in time : some are sleeping while you are awake...
and of course vice versa...
sincerely speedyG

gramster1's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

I have never been able to get it to turn on. It just clicks and thats it. I personally don't have a monitor anymore but I had a buddy try it and it would never show anything.

gramster1's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

I have never been able to get it to turn on. It just clicks and thats it. I personally don't have a monitor anymore but I had a buddy try it and it would never show anything.

gramster1's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Here are some pictures. There is also no light when I turn it on.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Gramster1,

first of all congatulations ! This is a very early piece of Apple History....
This is a Apple II and not a Apple II+.

This means it is still one of the early revisions, that had the RAM configuration Blocks
that have been removed in later revisions.
It has the original old Integer Basic ROM set and has not been upgraded to Applesoft.

And it´s realy valuable ! Last kind of such early Apple II have been sold for far more
than 2000 U.S. Dollars in past auctions at ebay or even more....

I will collect and prepare an answer till tommorow evening with first commenting of the pictures...

Besides please list the tools you have at hand to give us an impression what is availiable at your hands....
For example what kind of multimeter, voltmeter? Is somebody in your area ( brother, sister, father, neighbor etc. ),
who has some electronic knowledge/experience and who might assist you with the task....

sincerely speedyG

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Well seeing the system you have, (not a rev-0, but still an early Apple II), most likely you power supply is not functional. It could be the switch or the whole supply. It's a switching supply so it needs a load to test. This is assuming you don't hear a clicking noise when you power on the system. Then it could be a short on the board or in the supply. The switching supply has a crowbar that will shut it off with a continual clicking if there is a short. It may also click if there isn't a load on the supply also.

To confirm do you have access to another power supply from an Apple II, II plus IIe?

If the supply is bad, don't throw the old one out. Maybe it can be repaired. The silver supplies are usually missing in early systems because when they broke they weren't repaired, just replaced.

Good luck,

MarkO's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

WOW!!! A really Nice looking Apple ][..

I have one too, but mine is a bit more worn, Serial Number 25422.

Those early Apple Power Supplies, ( not the Earliest Ones with the Metal Toggle Switches ) have a tendency to break, so don't keep turning it on and off with the switch. Mine is very soft, I keep it switched ON, and Plug and Un-Plug it.

As Corey said, Too Much Load, Too Little Load, the Power Supply will click. Trying a Different supply will let you see if it can Boot. No chips appear to be missing, and no obvious Damage or Burns, so it might all be the Power Supply...


speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Corey,
in general i also prefer fast attempt and approach to solution...
maybe in this stage it´s rather more recommended to slow down approach...
this member is new...
he´s 14 years age....
and by replies yet - it seems he´s also only with very little experience to electronics....
let´s give him a chance to explain abilities and tools at hand and then proceed with the approach to the task....

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


Got to start them early. Teach a man to fish is way better than giving him one.

We all got started in all this with a little advise, some curiosity and a whole lot of reading then some playing around...
Here is the best place to get a little advise and start your curiosity going so he can do his own repairs. We won't be around forever we need to start the next generation of apple repair guys to keep these systems running forever.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Corey,

at the one hand your correct.... but we also know by experience:
mistakes and trouble sometimes lead to distraction and disencouragement....
some boys have a helping hand at side like you give it to your son....

some don´t have the resource.... then it´s sometimes better to keep patient and
ask what resources are availiable....

he joined community several weeks ago...
he then started a thread and published some parts of his collection...
but he hasen´t published any kind of technical task.....
another indication is the "bouncing" of his postings ( often repeated a second time )....
that´s the reason i start it slow....

i also have been teaching for decades martial arts....
you can´t expect a newbie to solve a test breaking a pile of boards without training...
the older and more advanced knowledge the higher the demand and expectations....

it´s the success that keeps curiousity driving....
some solve that really fast... some need a bit more time and care...
lets find out what kind we are speaking with...?
just an idea....

that´s also the reason if someone raises a thread related to repair i always
make a short jump to the "members track-line" ..... just have a look who´m you´re speaking to .....


gsmcten's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


There is one thing I would like to toss in that no one has mentioned yet.

This is only a possibility, but it never hurts to look:

1. Disconnect and remove the power supply from the unit and take off the power supply lid.
2. Look for the small fuse.
3. See if small fuse has been blown.
4A. If not blown, reassemble power supply and place back into the unit.
4B. If blown, replace small fuse, reassemble power supply and place back into the unit.
5. Try starting the unit.

Five steps that can take about 35 to 40 minutes.
Maybe it will help.

Steven Smile

speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Steven,

just some small objections...:

that powersuplies don´t have screwed lids.... they are bolted.....
so opening without drilling the bolts isn´t possible....

second objection:
this is really one of the precious rare old devices....
and any kind of action that causes non removable changes should be thoght about.....
they impact value....

so before fetching the drilling machine i´d rather recomend just to measure - if there is any output at all...
that´s also the reason i asked what kind of multimeter / measurement device is availiable....
see other postings above......
in case the powersupply does not output anything... NEXT step would be to open it and examine why there is no output....
at the moment we don´t know if the powersupply is really dead...

and measurements at some points previous to fetching the drilling machine and performing "inversive action" only requests few minutes without "hard action"....

to gramster1:

view comments at right side of picture....


report back to us the voltages you have measured !
Please answer previous questions from former posting......
then we make next step.......


Besides i´d recommend to pick some books by download from the internet and
start reading them in the order listed here ( title in the listing
next line link to download of the book ):

1.Jim Sather - Understanding the Apple II.pdf

2. How to Repair and Maintain Your Apple Computer (Gene Williams).pdf

3. Winston D. Gaylor - The Apple II Circuit Description_HiRes.pdf

and for the shelf for later use the circuit diagrams of the Apple II:

4.Sams Apple II Troubleshooting & Repair Guide.pdf

5.Sams Computer Facts - Apple II, II Plus.pdf,%20II%20Plus.pdf

Then when Apple II is "up again" and working
it´s recommended to read:

( hitting title is link to downloadfile )

7. A2 Reference Manual 1979.pdf

and specially for the computer you have:
8. Apple Programmer's Aid #1 - Installation and Operating Manual.pdf

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Great book recommendations.

The big problem with metering the supply is that it needs a load since its switching. So he would have to either measure it plugged into the board at one of the chips to see if he had power. He would need to be careful if he's not comfortable doing that to not touch the wrong pins. Or he needs to make up a load resistor on the supply end and then test.

I think being a novice it might be better to first test on the board. Google the pin out of a chip he can get to for the power and ground as a start.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Corey,

have you scrolled right side to border of the picture ?

thats exactly the reason i made the measuring points visible at right borderside of the picture.
I selected points that are most sure for measurement with enough space without touching
neighbor areas and nearly without any risk of shortcut.

Pins at ICs have less distance and bear more danger of shortcut.

This measurements may be performed without unpluging the powersupply from the mainboard
and give by measured values also indication:

Is there no voltage at all ?
Which voltage ( if there is one ) is out of range ?
This will imply next step if opening of powersource is required or not....

besides maybe it´s more usefull to first wait on replies from gramster1 ???
( instead of "galloping ahead" - like Steven did... of course experienced folks like us will march faster ahead ... )
and besides loosing sight to keep the computer as far as possible in "original state" and avoiding any kind of inversive action if possible )
such fast approach forces me to start galloping too and i´d prefer really to go step by step with safe steps ahead


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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Nope did't scroll. 95% of the time I read "fritter" from my iPhone Wink

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Speedy... 20 volt range? Are you kidding? I don't understand.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello insanitor,
ever tried to measure 12 Volt with 2 Volt range *********out of range ****** ?

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello insanitor,
ever tried to measure 12 Volt with 2 Volt range *********out of range ****** ?

You'd have a potentially bad result.

What I meant is that not every multimeter has a 20 volt range. Some have autorange capability and some have a 25 volt range.

The range is different on multimeters depending on the model.

I believe that the advice should be:

"Select the range on the multimeter which is higher than 12 volts (depending on your multimeter)."

What I do not understand is why you assumed that all multimeters have a 20 volt range.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello insanitor,
of course you are correct....
i neither "assumed" a 25 volt range nor did i "assume" a autorange multimeter ( see next line )....
i just commented the drawing at right side of the picture and in the picture it´s a cheap multimeter....
you have my vote....

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


You are correct.
I completely forgot that part about the Power Supply.

I stand corrected.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Steven Smile

gramster1's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Haha this is all way to advanced for me. Thanks for the advice everyone!! I appreciate. Haha I'm only 14 and not that skilled yet. Anyone I could send it to to get it working?


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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

There are lots of people on this forum you could send it to. If I knew which part to replace then I could do the soldering and installation. Twice I put together an AM/FM radio from scratch. But if I can't figure out which part to replace then soldering skills can't help. So there are others here far more skilled than I.

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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

There are lots of people on this forum you could send it to. If I knew which part to replace then I could do the soldering and installation. Twice I put together an AM/FM radio from scratch. But if I can't figure out which part to replace then soldering skills can't help. So there are others here far more skilled than I.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Hello Gramster1,
so finally my objections turned out correct to first ask and wait for your reply....
my advice in this case would be to send to corey986 a pm if he is willing to repair the computer....
he is very high recommended in the community to keep the parts very carefull in the "state of the art"...
he also has performed several inspections and repairs at the last apple 1 machines, before they
have been auctioned at Bonham or Christies..... so he allways is known to keep eyemark to the value
of the old units and performing repair with the smallest impact to the unit...

he is located at the east coast of the USA...
therefor i would recommend him,
if he is willing...

sincerely speedyG

gramster1's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

Thanks everyone! Ill let you know what happens.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


You really need to read this thread:

The Big Score! Mountain Expansion Chassis!

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?


You really need to read this thread:

The Big Score! Mountain Expansion Chassis!

Cheryl Bryan's picture
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Re: Can anyone get my Apple ii working?

if you are in the los angeles area, I can help you. I taught computer back in 1980s and had 16 labs at one time.
I fixed the computers for years.
I now own more than 50 apple ii computers.
We could swap the supple and see if it works.

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