C library repository for Apple II

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C library repository for Apple II

I was wondering if there was a repository for C headers for the Apple II. For instance a collection which would contain
a header to include to Serial IO functions for a program to take advantage of....

MarkO's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 15 min ago
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Re: C library repository for Apple II

I was wondering if there was a repository for C headers for the Apple II. For instance a collection which would contain
a header to include to Serial IO functions for a program to take advantage of....

Have you looked at the Aztec C Compiler??

Bill Buckels is actively working with it...


speedyG's picture
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Re: C library repository for Apple II

Hello jrubin,

sure there is - but not in public.....
some facts to remember ( based to the infos i had from our user group in Munich in 1983 with 460 members ):
nearly 70 % of the users only used Applesoft Basic......
less than 25 %also have been using UCSD pascal and later other pascal versions.....
one of the first C versions introduced to the Apple II community was in 1984 Aztec C.....
less than 10% of our users ever tried it....

less than 5 % kept along with C or moved from Aztec C to Manx C or the CPM version of the Microsoft C.......
In those days nearly nobody thought about sharing C-sources in public due to the fact that so called "Open Source"
started later in end of the 90´s.....

only very few universities supported the development of C and made attempts to something like a comunity libary at
what you might call "local university level"....
also there were in those days no magazins that really printed contributions about C
with one big exception: Dr Dobbs Journal was in national wide area the only magazin that published such stuff....
i have in my storage several years of that Journal because i went every month to the local magazin store
at the airport to snatch my monthly magazin in the international department of that store....

We had a joke along in the group with the programmers:

"show me your source, and i tell you where you started learning to write programs....
those with undocumented programs and missing structures have been the amateurs only struggling along with
Applesoft Basic and other Basic versions... worst documented ones originating from C64 community....
the moment you viewed a kind of structure and at least basic documentation have started previously
with Pascal and had some kind of "teachers" during their developement of programming
and those with very clear structures and sophisticated documentation had at least some kind of programming
experience at university or similar level...."

those that have been "feared mostly in cooperation groups" have been the guys that previously have been performing
before assembler programming..... allthough that guys had the genious of packing bunches of functions an smallest
Ram-request their source codes have never been "user-friendly" nearly undocumented "Spaghetti-code" with at least
6 unclosed loops in one line statement.... modifying or altering such code allways leaded to unpredictable results...
in general it was more easy and faster to write entire new code instead of trying to make an attempt to minor changes
for additional or new needs....

I do have a large library that i developed for several years even structured with modules to
be merged together depending to different versions of C and i also have similar code library
with modules dependent to different pascal versions.... but i would have to dive very deep in
my dungeaons ( more than 2000 Floppy disks still remaining unsorted in different storage locations
in different formats
( 40 track, 80 track and 160 track disks
- dependent to the era and the drives used in that era -
first i used Apple II disk ( 35 track), later i switched to FDC4 controller that used patched disks( 80 tracks per side ) and finally
i switched to the erphi-controller with the "autopatch" function ( 160 tracks per disk )
- meaning the disks remained without patches and the controller reading at bootstage the switch settings
at the controller and only patching the OS in memory ).....

so even if i find the disks - i also have to dive a second time into the dungeons to setup one of the computers
with the fitting controller and the fitting drives to match the format.....

That´s a task i have reserved at least i my plans for the future between 2016/2017 and 2020 while perfoming
a large backup task and moving all of that disks to large SCSI drives at the RAMfast SCSI controller and
PATA drives ( with CFFA 2.0 ) or( i.e. USB-sticks and memory cards ) at the CFFA3000.

At the moment i´m still involved in scanning all the paperwork ( more than 8000 pages ) and sorting that stuff ...
Just the paperwork and documentation and small part of that disk moved to images till now occopies more than 190 GigaByte of my PC.....
( and the connected NAS ) !
I´ve just purchased last month 8 Diskboxes to start sorting different topis and formats of disks to sorted
Diskboxes ( sorting about 1500 disks at the moment )

But maybe this thread will perform as initial startup for such foundation of "public source conservation"

In that case it´s recommended to think about splitting the thread in single threads related to one specific compiler....
i.e. one for AZTEC C, one for Microsoft C at CPM, one related to Manx C and ORCA C
Similar would be recommended to UCSD Pascal, Turbo Pascal at CPM, ORCA Pascal, TML Pascal and Kyan Pascal....
and some even must be split to "sub"groups related to the Apple Models.... the sources make difference between unenhanced IIe and enhanced IIe and IIGS and even then there are differences to the different used Interface cards....

so there should be something like Apple Module library, slot dependent part of the source accessing and managing the slot and finally the sources related to the used cards and their firmware and at top level the handling of the
serial port itself and the serial or paralell handling of the communication....

let´s find out what kind of replies will be recieved in this thread to find out where the "magic bus" is heading to....

sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 74
Re: C library repository for Apple II

Any thoughts on CC65?

Ill have to look at aztec. My logic is such that anyone writing a program interfacing with superserial might have an
include and not rewrite such thing for every single program over and over

Perl spoils me..... Ever look at CPAN?

MarkO's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 15 min ago
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Re: C library repository for Apple II

Any thoughts on CC65?

Ill have to look at aztec. My logic is such that anyone writing a program interfacing with superserial might have an
include and not rewrite such thing for every single program over and over

I would think so. But I haven't looked..

Perl spoils me..... Ever look at CPAN?

I have found Python kind of cool... CPAN sounds familiar, but I don't recall any specifics..


stynx's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 57 min ago
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Re: C library repository for Apple II

Try https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/comp.sys.apple2.programmer
and ask for Bill Buckels he is programming some support libraries for CC65
Look for his BMP2DHR stuff, its awesome!


Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2014 - 01:03
Posts: 74
Re: C library repository for Apple II

Heres what Ive published in CPAN, to give you an idea


quick link to library source


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