THIS is Laughable!

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iamdigitalman's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Well, that emate, they ended the listing because the item is no longer available. However, they relisted it, and despite nobody biting before, it now costs MORE.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Talk about your "Deceptive Descriptions".

Serial Number 7946

II Plus ROMs

No RAM chips

That one had me giggling. Everything Apple that guy has is 'by Steve Jobs'. I had a look hoping maybe it was a Rev 03 or earlier.. but yeah. I don't know how that seller sells anything. His/her prices are always way above average. Like seriously, why even bother? The effort alone is not worth the once-in-a-blue-moon-sucker return.

MarkO's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Talk about your "Deceptive Descriptions".

Serial Number 7946

II Plus ROMs

No RAM chips

That one had me giggling. Everything Apple that guy has is 'by Steve Jobs'. I had a look hoping maybe it was a Rev 03 or earlier.. but yeah. I don't know how that seller sells anything. His/her prices are always way above average. Like seriously, why even bother? The effort alone is not worth the once-in-a-blue-moon-sucker return.

It looks like it could be a Rev-03...

The CPU is an 8229, so this board must have been in an Apple ][+ that had Warranty Work done and was swapped out...

My Apple ][ has a Rev-03 board with the date of 7916, just for reference....

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Did Rev-03 boards actually have the word 'Rev' printed on them? I can make it out in one of the photos in the same place it's in on my Rev 04.

MarkO's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Did Rev-03 boards actually have the word 'Rev' printed on them? I can make it out in one of the photos in the same place it's in on my Rev 04.

Only under the CPU... No REV Labeling between the Slot 4 and Slot 5..

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Yeah so that's almost certainly a Rev 04 board then.

MarkO's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Yeah so that's almost certainly a Rev 04 board then.

I concur...

Now we will see if it's worth ~$400.00 USD....

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

I wonder what this mm5740aae/n chip I bought recently is worth. I paid $100cdn for it, working, in a panic because I thought I had fried the one on my keyboard. But turned out it was ok. Thinking I will keep it as a spare as those are hard to find.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

I wonder what this mm5740aae/n chip I bought recently is worth. I paid $100cdn for it, working, in a panic because I thought I had fried the one on my keyboard. But turned out it was ok. Thinking I will keep it as a spare as those are hard to find.

I bought several back in December (needed one, bought two spares) for $25 each plus shipping. (10 bucks total as they came from Hong Kong)
Still have two if anyone needed one. To your point, have not seen any lately so if someone is looking you never know what they would be willing to pay. Perhaps I will list one. Hmm..... Wink

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Uthernet card on eBay item #321357327249 currently at $510 with 2days 21 hours to go. Must not have heard about the edition coming out soon.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Uthernet card on eBay item #321357327249 currently at $510 with 2days 21 hours to go. Must not have heard about the edition coming out soon.

The irony (to me) is that this Uthernet card is selling for more than a *real* Apple II Ethernet card did - a legitimate rarity.

kormsbee's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Apple III motherboard.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Is this guy serious???


Steven Smile

speedyG's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

well steven,
regarding to the text, this computer will surely loose 1800 bucks of worth the very moment it has been opened and just switched on for testing purpose.....
would you try to test the computer if you know it will loose immediatly 1800 bucks of value ???
seems some guys are really on very effective drugs....

this reminds me to the biography of Howard Hughes in his last years.....
self-locked in a clinical clean room...
if he would still be alive - maybe he would have ordered it...


Oddball's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!


It's wonderful to read through a thread about eBay idiocy posted in the open. I've not been able to do so in a very long time.

I was actually hoping eBay sellers would finally figure out that "ZOMG! Steve Jobs!" doesn't actually apply to items created by Apple during the period of his banishment, much less the programs he killed off at the "second coming." Dunno much about the Apple II, but that Jobs never had anything to do with the Apple II series outside of his ridicule of it tickles me pink!

It's more than a tad ironic that many of the items listed at such prices whith the SJ!!!! description applied, fall into the class of the goodies "the Steve," had he still been in charge of Apple, would have squelched during development for the Mac . . .

. . . like expansion slots.

"the Woz" rules,

jt Biggrin

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Oddball said:

It's wonderful to read through a thread about eBay idiocy posted in the open. I've not been able to do so in a very long time.

Oddball...What planet....I mean sites have you been visiting where no one says anything about the stupidity that runs rampant on eBay??? lol

I mean, I started this thread in '05 and it's been going strong since.


Steven Smile

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

I've only hung out a bit here and called the 68kMLA home base for anything retrotech. It's against some rule or other to make fun of ebay sellers or ludicrous offerings for fear of angry eBay sellers threatening to sue the pants off the MLA for ruining their business.

Can't blame them, they actually have received threats of such, but it sure is fun to lambaste some of these lamebrains . . . I mean really!?!

jt Biggrin

p.s. forgot to mention that SJ is some kind of sacred dogcow or something over there, like he'd have been more than a used car huckster had he not hitched himself up with the Woz.

The only difference between SJ and Bucky Fuller is that Bucky really was a genius, but mired in the world ahead of his time, Whereas SJ hitched his huckster star to a real genius at just the right time. I'm not saying Jobs wasn't a genius or didn't at least have his brilliant moments, but they were based upon being in the right place, at the right time technologically and associating with just the right people.

Buck Fuller was his own man, the Woz did his thing and went on to do what he loves.

By contrast, eBay sellers are the hucksters of myth, vaporware and value inferred by association . . .

. . . definitely not Mensa material. LOL!

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Yeah - we had (they have) a rule where basically, discussing the price of eBay auctions, or discussing the lack of knowledge of the seller, etc is banned. While it might sound silly, its actually understandable - we did receive some legal threats from eBay sellers.

Either way its nice to be able to poke fun at 'em again...there's a few auctions on that are particularly lol-worthy, and have been up for months now.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!'s a few on that I've found to be rather lolworthy, that have been up for a few months now:

There's a recycler in Brisbane, MRI, which is selling bashed Macs for...ridiculous prices. Prices that only either a souped up, or otherwise absolutely showroom condition system would command:

This one's not particularly bad...its expensive and scratched up, but at least its...well..complete

Mac Plus. With the missing bezel part near the screen, I can't help but wonder as to the condition of the CRT and the other parts inside

MicroQuadras and LCIIIs are cool, but not $200 cool. And they're even less cool when they've been smashed beyond repair

This one is another seller who has quite a few Apple II systems on eBay that he/she seems to have imported from the US. Some of them are actually in rather good condition, and some like this one...well...aren't. Regardless I fail to see the point in spending an epic premium only to end up with a 120VAC unit which either must be run off a step-down converter or have its power supply replaced with a 240V version in order to use it in Australia.

jsa's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Did you guys see this one?

Apple II Clear Light Superstar just sold for a ton.

That's... kinda crazy!? I guess they are rare enough but sweet lord!

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Did you guys see this one?

Apple II Clear Light Superstar just sold for a ton.

That's... kinda crazy!? I guess they are rare enough but sweet lord!

Jeez! They are rare but man over 4k!?

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Read the title then look at the description:

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!


I wrote to this seller and told him that he was making a mistake in his Title and Description when he was calling a Platinum IIe an Apple II from 1977.

I suggested he go to and take a crash course on Apple II computers.

I'm sure he'll take my suggestion...Not!

Steven Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

This person has been inhaling swamp gas:

Yes. That must be it; Swamp gas.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

A demonstrably working IIc with original box (in not great shape). A pile of original software titles. Printer, joystick, free shipping.

Sorry; why was this laughable again?

This isn't mine. But laughable? Not really.

CC_333's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Maybe a mild snicker?



gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!


Maybe it's only laughable to me.

I already have the software, so when I'm looking at this unit I'm only seeing the IIc, the ImageWriter II, and the joystick.

Now you know as well as I do that you can pick up a regular IIc (with PS) for $25.00 to $40.00, if you look.
An operational ImageWriter II will run you between $19.00 and $40.00.
An operational Joystick will run $20.00 to $40.00 (depending).

So for a price between $65.00 and $120.00 I can get the same equipment.

Now, if you add in the price of the software (again, depending who you buy it from) It may come up to somewhere about $300.00 or so plus shipping.

That is still not $500.00.

Of course; this is just my two cents and I reserve the right to be completely wrong. Smile

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

I agree with gsmcten, even with all the software and boxes I can't value that for more than $100. The boxes are in medium shape, and the software is not highly desirable. It has been listed for $400 on craigslist for the last four weeks, I am close and would not buy it.

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

These are really cool drives; but wow! I didn't think they sold for this much?

chaosdesigns's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

That *MUST* be a typo! I just bought one for $31, and I thought that was a bit high.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Another matter of Copyright Infringement?

Everyone's thoughts?


dorkbert's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

fleabay doesn't give a flying f___.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

These are really cool drives; but wow! I didn't think they sold for this much?

WOW!! That isnt even a BIN, it is an auction and it is up to $525.00!!! Am I missing something here?

That is just insane.

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

These are really cool drives; but wow! I didn't think they sold for this much?

WOW!! That isnt even a BIN, it is an auction and it is up to $525.00!!! Am I missing something here?

That is just insane.

They usually sell for less than $100. I don't know why this drive is so special.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Is this from a parallel universe...? :bigsmile:

speedyG's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Seems it´s rather more a youngster, who believes that Apple started with the Mac and has not a single bit of knowledge about the real history....
and of course that youngster must be that young, that he has never seen a computer out of the Apple II series....
so he must have been born after the seventies ... probably even after the eighties.....

light up the BBQ, i smell the odor of fresh meat ahead... ( speech boroughed from Hannibal Lector.... )


jwg1962's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!


These are up in price. I wonder if I put a few of mine up there they would command this price?


jwg1962's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

This one isn't Laughable. Especially since it was one I put up there. Smile Smile But I thought it would be.

I thought I put too high of a price on it and it wouldn't sell and end up here. (My wife wanted me to thin out the collection downstairs so I told her I would do it)

It went in 30 minutes. It cost about $60.00 to ship it.

Did I price this too low? I guess I must have.....


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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Thanks to the posters of these links and sale prices. You are performing a service for those of us considering selling like equipment. Javster, you got a heck of deal on the UniDisk I sold you. In the post immediately before this one, I don't understand why an L-iron card would cost $60 to ship.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

When you understand that shipping is used to pad the prices you'll know why.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Thanks to the posters of these links and sale prices. You are performing a service for those of us considering selling like equipment. Javster, you got a heck of deal on the UniDisk I sold you. In the post immediately before this one, I don't understand why an L-iron card would cost $60 to ship.
I get you with the prices, but the card you specifically mention looks to me like it was $6.00 to ship, not $60.00.

It was expedited shipping, so I guess if you were outside the US it might be $60 to overnight/priority it!!

gsmcten's picture
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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Can anybody verify the (supposedly)COA on this?

The last time I checked, most items being sold by "Signed By Woz" were about $40.00 per autograph.

But I have never seen this seller before on eBay and just because he says he has a COA does not mean he didn't manufacture it himself.

Steven Smile

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Those look so obviously fake it isn't even funny. Just consider (1) both mice were signed with what appears to be the same blue Sharpie, in the exact same location on the mice, even though supposedly they were obtained YEARS apart, one in person and one by mail. What are the chances of that? And (2) the fact that the Woz signature looks faked is just ridiculous, given that the seller could get a legitimate Woz signature relatively easily…so why bother faking that one?! And (3) the supposed COA is just a piece of paper that anyone can print out and sign. It doesn't even LOOK like a real certificate.

But hey, there are suckers born every minute and someone may just bite. But in this case it would particularly disheartening because the scammer isn't just a crook, he's a lazy one!


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Re: THIS is Laughable!

I actually thought Steve Jobs signed his name Steven and the signature doesn't even look like his. Maybe he signed it differently on a curved surface with a sharpie, but I doubt it....

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Can anybody verify the (supposedly)COA on this?

The last time I checked, most items being sold by "Signed By Woz" were about $40.00 per autograph.

But I have never seen this seller before on eBay and just because he says he has a COA does not mean he didn't manufacture it himself.

Steven :)

Not a clue, but the photos of SJ come from this website:
and are listed there as from a personal collection from an Apple Store appearance in 2001 (matches the ebay description)

Anyone who collects autographs/memorabilia would certainly have uniformity in markers/paint pens used, so the fact that they are both blue sharpies means nothing in my opinion. I have a relative who used the same pen to get several dozen sports figures signatures over the course of 20 years. Never used it for anything else, always carried it with him (just in case, never know who you'll meet!) and when it died pulled another one out of a box of the same brand/make pens used for that sole purpose.

I don't know about the signatures, I have no idea what SJ's sig looks like (could open up one of my old compact macs I guess Wink but we will never know ourselves, especially not from looking at an ebay posting.

Does seem a little odd but who knows?

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Wasn't the White Mouse released with the iMac G4, which was released in 2002, the mouse I have here doesn't have a date on it, but the earlier version has clear plastic on the side (the button like things) additionally, the ones in the picture are the newer white ones, which according to wikipedia was changed in 2003 ( If this is the case, it is impossible that would have been signed in 2001, 2 years before the mouse was released.

Here's a picture of the two mice (the older Pro mouse is on the right)

It could be a bad picture and just looks white, but I don't think so, it might be a weird prototype, but I cannot believe that, I cannot think of anything before the iMac that came with the white mouse? I thought prior to that they were all the black ones.

Doesn't seem to be the first time he's sold such an item, maybe he got several, and is smart and spreading it out. I don't like to think bad of people, but I'm quite sure he found a way to make money with a blue sharpie...

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

A quick search of Apple Mice gives nothing definitive about when the white pro mouse came into being. Perhaps a more thorough search would (not sure if anyone cares)

Everything I found states the black pro mouse came into being in 2000, with the white version coming "sometime later."
One site references that Apple replaced/retired the black pro mouse with the white one "across it's entire product line" (or words to that effect) in 2003, but not that the white mouse came into being in 2003.

Both mice in the ebay listing are clearly Apple Pro Mice with the clear shell and white "innards."

Curiouser and curiouser!

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

The wood-case disk drive is now almost at 25.00 Another $25 and it'll be right where it
should be.

If the black fascia was recessed it would be a much more attractive unit.. In fact, I'm
thinking of making something like this! But it would would include a speed adjust knob,
red-led 7-segment track indicator, write protect toggle, and of course 2 in-use red-led
indicators to indicate read or write activity.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Both mice in the ebay listing are clearly Apple Pro Mice with the clear shell and white "innards."

These are not clearly Pro Mice. Unless this has some strange lighting or something where the sides look white, apple changed the design slightly (possible, but unlikely) or is a prototype, this is the later 'Mouse' after they dropped the pro. From the top the only difference between the two that I can see is the side pieces are white on the newer mouse. You can see in my picture the right one looks a little bit white as it's reflecting from the mouse, but in the items he listed both look white, I cannot see how this could possibly be the Pro Mouse.

The other small difference I notice, is the rubber grommet(?) on both ends of the cable are white on the newer mouse, clear on the older Pro mouse. In the listing these are white.

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Re: THIS is Laughable!

Both mice in the ebay listing are clearly Apple Pro Mice with the clear shell and white "innards."

These are not clearly Pro Mice. Unless this has some strange lighting or something where the sides look white, apple changed the design slightly (possible, but unlikely) or is a prototype, this is the later 'Mouse' after they dropped the pro. From the top the only difference between the two that I can see is the side pieces are white on the newer mouse. You can see in my picture the right one looks a little bit white as it's reflecting from the mouse, but in the items he listed both look white, I cannot see how this could possibly be the Pro Mouse.

The other small difference I notice, is the rubber grommet(?) on both ends of the cable are white on the newer mouse, clear on the older Pro mouse. In the listing these are white.

I see what you are saying. I looked at my white pro mouse and with the overhead lights in my office it looks very much like the mice in question. Don't have a "mouse" with the clear plastic outside to compare. As I said I have no idea and I doubt we will know for sure. I have no idea who the seller is and am neither defending nor attacking. Just some initial comments seemed to assume the auction was fake and I felt the info provided did not give a clear indication either way.

Guess I need another mouse to round out the collection!!


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