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Yeah, I've had these on the watch list for a couple of months now. This Eric guy keeps listing them with no change in price, and no bites. So I estimate, in ten years, they might be a bargain, once inflation has had a chance to catch up to him!!!
It's disturbing. I've been in contact with several ebay sellers over the past year. And many of them say they are asking recyclers to keep on the lookout for old hardware. And many of the smaller recyclers do exactly that. And of the 8-bit 1980's hardware, Apple II makes up more of the heap than anything else.
I can only guess as to the amount of classic 8-bit hardware that eventually gets melted down for raw material. Atari and Commodore paraphernalia seem to fare better in finding new homes because of their retrogaming potential. These two brands don't go to the recyclers as often as Apple material.
Apple II hardware on the other hand is known for productivity and education. These two aspects are easily replaced with WWW and phablets today. Whereas the retrogaming stuff isn't - you need genuine Atari and Commodore for that.
So I fear that Apple II hardware is going to become more rare and rise in price among those in the know, whether we like it or not. And it's going to happen because a lot of it is going through recycling or simply getting thrown out.
It's not just the Apple units (besides the Original II's) that are starting to rise.
I was up checking out some C64 and C128 units the last couple of days.
They seem to be more plentiful, but because the Apple's are rising,
the C series units are starting to follow suit.
To me it seems to be a case of "Seller see...Seller do."
If the apple II folks can do it, so can we.
Oh well.
Damn if your not right about that!
I picked up a C64 just a month or 2 ago, $50 for it, plus a 1802 commodore monitor, all working. Nothing in that price range now.
While not an Apple 2 series piece. I found this to be ridiculous. It's a TI-59 calculator going for $1K. -- And there is nothing special about it. In fact, it's missing the software modules, strip cards (magnetic and non-magnetic), ac adapter, battery pack and covers, manual, quick-ref, programming sheets, box, soft case. All This should be included, and when it *is* included it nets about $150 - $200.
I used to use one these for optical astronomical calculations in conjunction with my II+ back in the day. So I keep my TI-59 packed with my Apple II paraphernalia.
Well, it's good to these still haven't moved. They've been on FeeBay for like a year now.
Yeah, like I'm going to spend almost $900.00 for a piece of software so I can set it on the shelf and never use it.
I just don'r think so. lol
I don't think $900 for that game is too bad. sarc/
If anything it should be $3000 since it's so excellently excellent.
I mean this game is golden level, you dig?
I'm about to buy it... just so I can open it.
Then I can go buy that $6000 Apple IIc and play my 900 dollar extra golden platinum VGA rated 5.25 D&D Dungeon disk!
It will be a "nostalgic extravaganza!"... My favorite sellers line ever seen on ebay describing a box of used 3.5 disks.
After I'm done with my nostalgic extravaganza… I can re list it on ebay for $1000.
Then when it doesn’t sell I can continually raise the price just to spite all the naysayers who say it ain't worth squat. That will show them.
Then I can use my 600 DOLLAR APPLE UMBRELLA to shelter me when it pours on my parade.
When all is said and done, I can write about the experience with a $300 word processor in Appleworks 1.0 --
And explain it to my accountant (and the wife) with this spreadsheet --
I might want to keep printed records using this $150 parallel interface card --
..just in case this $500.00 hard disk fails --
But wait!! There is no firmware on the HDD card, I could either hire out a programmer to write some for me or just think about using this $440 floppy drive to do the job --
But if this stuff is getting to be too expensive I could browse through this $550 catalog to find something cheaper --
You know guys... you know what? There might come a time when these prices we're laughing about now will be considered dirt cheap. Careful that this thread don't bite no-one in da'ass!
Damn, that $550 catalog is a classic.
My parents and their buddies had purchased tens of thousands of dollars of stuff for their businesses from this one Compu-Shop. And the sales guy with the Afro gave me one of those books and said I could pick any accessory I wanted (for my Apple II) as a birthday gift.
I still have the catalog. And I've since purchased much nicer copies of other years' editions at reasonable cost like around $20 - $30. But that was almost 8 years ago. I believe the most anyone should be paying today for one of these in-depth books is $50-$100 absolute tops.
I totally loved the bullet points highlighting the specifications of a piece of hardware, and the short 1 paragraph description of what the item did. Everything was clear and concise and left little doubt as to what you were getting and what its capabilities were. When you read through these catalogs, you automatically got a good sense of the high quality and thoughtfulness and versatility that went into many of Apple's products.
The last item on your list is from a seller called:
And my thought was "Yes. I want to join the next cell at the asylum he is being kept in."
Undoubtedly; they are allowing him out on the weekends in order for him to go home and sell things. lol
Nothing wrong with the asylum.....good roof over his head, 3 square meals a day, vigilant medical care, and the money will keep rolling in!
And at our age, you know how important that medical care is!!!
I can think of several things to say about this:
"This" is a USED AE Phasor Sound Card!
I do not know what these folks are
Holy Sh**! I didn't realize it had sold for that much! I was only going to bid $200 on it lol!
Those cards are really freakin' sweet, I've wanted one since they first came out. They only retailed for like $180, at least that's what I think...
I remember the "Prepare to be blown away by your Apple" ad. It was awesome to say the least.
and it gets funnier every day...
AE did know a lot about advertising. Yet, the Amiga computer had sound capability that put the phasor to shame. The only way to get an apple ii to sound the best it can is with a midi interface and a sound module. I have both, I just don't know which "ultima" game utilizes it. I was looking for a copy of mastertracks Pro iie but that disk image appears to be gone with the wind... If I had that program, I could use my iie to record and play back sounds from a keyboard via MIDI.
Just how good is this game? At $6500 it must be great. And its without its box!
I don't know. It seemed pretty popular back then. While my burnout buddies were holed up in the basement playing it; I was out chasing women and smashing my car.
just curious I saw that a CFFA v1.4 just sold on ebay for $326, is that laughable or is that a reasonable price for cffa cards?
"laughable." for that kind of money I sell my 2.0.
Completely laughable, when run #3 of the CFFA3000 (at $150) is having parts ordered for it now, and a Focus (although a bit quirky, but far more flexible with partitioning) is $99.
Most likely two morons thought that it was a CFFA3000 and got in a bidding war - 3000s can go sky-high on eBay.
Link to the auction?
And the hits just keep coming...
This seller thinks that these are real signatures. lol
As for over $300.00 for a Rev 2 CFFA Card...
I want some of the meds they're on. lol
So is anyone going to break the news to this loop?
Ok I could see the CFFA if you needed one and can't wait for the new batch. .
But the Mac case with signatures.... People should google before they post something "rare" on eBay.
I politely told him. He/She can either take it for what it is worth or tell me to go fly a kite.
I can't stand it when I see these and I would want someone to tell me if I was selling something like this.
Oh well.
Holy Enhanced Batman!!
I bid #35.55 for this, thinking it may not go past $30.00.
Especially when you can get them from Reactive for $25.00 a set.
I just don't believe it!
Errrr, no you can't. You used to be able to buy the (duplicated) chips for $30, but not originals in Apple packaging. Not to mention that their store is no longer open. This seems entirely reasonable to me, given the reality of the situation...
I think you can still assemble a set from parts. I got the EPROMs on order. 65C02s can be had from fleaBay or Mouse.
That said, complete IIe can be had for about the same price... unless the packaging is essential.
With this it depends on what you are looking for.
1. If you are just looking for the chips to update a non-enhanced IIe then you can get them pretty cheap.
2. If you are looking for the original Apple packaging and the original apple parts for collecting then I guess $50 or $60 would be worth it.
it gets funnier every day.
And note the location, Flushing, MI.
That would be a certain Steven Landon.
I took one look at the CFFA 3000 and contacted "Cheermom" of the actual price per unit.
She informed me that they were no lomger available.
I told her that Rich would be shipping out the next batch in September and that I had one on order.
She replied that I must have too much time on my hands to be looking at the Apple II items on eBay. lol
Apparently, she does not believe me as she is still asking $300.00.
Oh Well...
I know it's over priced; But you might be surprised at what they sold for in the past.
I think I remember seeing one sell for $360ish!
I'll note that I wasn't joking that it's Steven Landon - he hangs out on #classiccmp on Freenode, and openly says that cheermom is selling stuff for him (because he's lost so many eBay accounts...)
I don't actually believe that he's not running the account now, but...
Steven Landon, as in the one who ripped off iMacs and G3s? (Not to mention other crap) Did he ever get prosecuted or what?
The very same. (In other words, even if it was reasonably priced, don't touch it with a ten foot pole.)
Transwarp and All,
I went to the URL you had listed and noticed that used CFFA card prices have kinda been all over the place. The lowest being $25.00.
I can see spending $125.00 to $145.00 for the last gen CFFA 3000, but NOT $300.00.
That Landon name is one I've heard before up here.
I have bought a couple of items from "Cheermom" with no problems, but if she's fronting for Landon I'll have to watch my six.
This has to be the biggest fluke If seen lately!
There are 6 hours left on this II Plus and it's at almost $1000.00!
Utter fake total fake. Did I mention fake?
Wow, I must have 2 or 3 Apple II plus systems I could sell at that price.... LOL
Did you notice most of the bid ups was from someone with a feedback of 4....
That's why I say it's fake. Probably just some buddies messin' around. This computer is a late model, one of over 500,000+ units made. It has bare accessories. No upgrades. No there is not a rocketchip or any significant add on installed. It's in ok condition (as far as we can tell anyways, since the photos are not high quality). It not showed working in the pics.
It has to be a joke. Then again this is laughable.
It is remarkable what people will do...
I would respectfully disagree. He'll sign whatever you put in front of him that relates directly to his work - which this disk jacket certainly does. Back in that day, maybe he didn't have his characteristic "Woz" signature down... the "W" by itself bears a strong resemblance to his current "W" to my untrained eye, though.
A friendly reminder to please not post any opinions about sellers that could be interpreted as slanderous.
Hello gsmcten,
i agree with david_schmidt and eeun....
especially if you noted the offer, you probably also might have recognized the rest of the page with the offer....
it shows that the seller seems to be specialized to collecting of signatures, signed autogram cards, baseballcards and autographs... i guess that guy even chases around every event in closer area hunting for signatures from anybody he can get.... that raises chances to very high level, that this is real offer....
i would even believe that he might have a friend along with him taking pictureshots of such events and him meeting knowledgable people collecting the pictures in his drawer at home....
David, eeun, and Speedy,
If I am wrong I will freely admit it.
This auction just does not look Kosher to me.
The "S" and "W" do not look any part of a Woz signature I have seen before.
Just my opinion.
Hello Steven,
if i compare my signature from nowadays with the ones i have given 25 years ago there are also quite small differences....
just my 5 cents....