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Hello blackswan,
instead of waisting space..... ever thought about reading previous postings ???
sometimes the answers you demand for, are just right in front of your nose.....
i guess you know how to use the scrollbar at the right side ..... it´s the funny grey thing at the right side....
if you move your mouse over there it gives you the chance to read all that nice goodies....
for example the answers you are searching for... !!!
Now Speedy...
Don't be so upset.
I just went up myself to see what happened.
Seems as though the rest of the folks are correct.
eBay would not put up with this guys BS, so they pulled him.
Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.
Hello Steven,
i´m not upset at all .... i just wonder how some folks find the knob on the door...
- and it seems some even don´t know what the knob is good for....
so it´s just the one question remaining: "quo vadis homo sapiens ???"
i can´t resist asking for what we have got a brain - if we wouldn´t use it ?
i don´t want to repeat at this point the famous joke about blond girls....
just a hint to the joke:
it starts with the question: "what do you have to do, to get the eyes of a blond girl glowing?"
"Light the candle inside her head where her brain used to be?" lol
Here's another gem.
Only $600.00
And remember...Black Friday only comes but once a year.
Calm down Speedy,
I'm used to the grey bar, my browser just didn't updated the replies, so last entry I could see was #543.
No reason to freak out, usually I'm behaving like anyone other around here.
So, sorry for the confusing and back to topic.
Hello to all,
Have you seen this one ?
Certainly not laughable but is it worth 150 000$ ?
Wow he's got a lot of stuff!
Actually, it's a good deal if the building comes with it.
LOL! You get a website with it.
I see a lot of post 1983 stuff, Mac, Lisa, etc, but no Apple II units whatsoever.
It seems rather strange that he would not show any oictures of earlier units.
Just my 2 cents.
Actually I just did not want to piss off Speedy because I might have made a typo or not seen the most recent post made (sarcasm)
Tried to hit the calculate shipping option but it wouldn't give me a price for shipping!!!
I don't know if everything comes with it, but the site has a few apple IIs, it seems the focus was on the later items. Not sure why the II+ got put next to the lisa, so maybe stuff is mixed up a little. The IIgs (I think that's what it is in the back) doesn't even have a monitor!
Of all the stuff, I don't see anything rare, in a quick look the most valuable/rare item appears to be the TAM or Mac Portable, neither of which are difficult to find, but there sure is a lot of stuff! I cannot imagine it's worth anywhere near the asking price (As a rough guess, I could probably collect this for about $30k, as many of the things could be obtained pretty cheap, most of it I could probaby get for free/scrap price), but it would certainly take quite a bit of time to track all that down. It wouldn't surprise me he has nearly that much, or more, in this collection if it was collected fairly recently off ebay, and he were to put a (high) value on his time, especially being in Canada where there's fewer options, or shipping cost would be higher. Just the time to pack and properly ship all that would be huge (although you probably pay for that).
Really neat collection and presentation.
I see at least one Apple II or II Plus in the auction pics hiding behind the Lisa II, and maybe another II in a corner but since the pic is dark and fuzzy... I can't say 100%.
My Apple ][ seems all original, and still works ( but needs to be cleaned badly ).. I guess I could expect at least that much for it....
Your Apple ][ is nice Mark, I would expect it to sell for twice that on ebay.
I'm considering pulling out some of my ancients and see what they go for.
By the way, this was weird -
Been watching that. Wonder if mine will sell for 200 bucks!?
I thought THIS ONE was crazy today.
it spent a long while at 20 bucks, then spikes. someone must've had fun with it.
I don't know if this is laughable but here is another Apple collection for sale:
Here's a goodie:
Read the description.
I think he/she listed this before. I remember someone commenting on the flip-flops in the background. (Shoes that is not the D or J-K variety LOL!)
Surely there is something more to the story. Perhaps the serial number? I don't think I have ever seen a serial greater than 560k or so for a II+, and this serial is way above a million. Could this be some odd overseas model?
The Apple II+ with Apple II lid went for a small fortune! $700+!
Sent an email yesterday to him about being a II+ etc. and his response was "You are not the first person to tell me that. Thanks"
Might have helped boost the sale price but if the person who bought it figures it out quick enough he'll just be dealing with returns and refunds.
Apples serial # system has been known to have quirks. It's probably just a miss-print.
It's going to suck for him AND the buyer if something comes of this. Anyone who's done even a small amount of reading should know that Apple II+'s are marked with green serial labels.
"And now, a message from our sponsor..."
You just have to love it! lol
Oh, and "This is the rare vintage model" in case you didn't know
Yea, only several hundred thousand were made!
Also; half the manuals appear to be for a II+.
Nothing "Earth Shattering" today.
I just wanted to wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving.
May we all be grateful for the blessings we receive.
I just don't know if this is laughable or not.
All I can say is WOW.
That was posted last time it was listed as well(#411), and is certainly laughable. It's just a lisa 2 with a lisa 1 faceplate. I thought it sold, guess it was another non-paying bidder, or quite likely returned/refunded after to buyer realized it wasn't a lisa 1 anymore.
the starting price is alright, but the bin price is so far out in the left field...
For your enjoyment:
This must be the Mythical, Magical Mithril IIc, from "The Lord of The Rings" books.
It just has to be.
Would I lie? lol
3.5k is a good deal if you ask me. sarc/
Hello to you all, I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
Up for your consideration today is a set of cheap and just beautiful Apple pins:
An apparent "must have for any serious Apple fan boy"; the word serious being used loosely of course.
After spending nearly half a thousand dollars on pins, you may consider buying this:
Normally sold for $40; this Koalapad comes with it's original box. Which of course automatically quadruples the price.
Thoughts are welcome.
You have to take into consideration the seller of the Koala, vintagecomputermuseum.
These guys are always high.
But you are correct that most every other seller out there is selling them for about $40.00.
As for the pins...They are in Hawaii. You are paying for the shipping. lol
If anybody wants to really get upset...
just check out the offers coming from Bulgaria.....
at least for Europe their offers are far beyond any discussionpoint...
I can't believe the $$ people are getting for run-of-mill Apple IIe systems. I think I am going to thin out my collection and offer a few systems up on ebay. I think I could put together a few systems as good as what is going up there for a few hundred dollars with my doubles. (The wife would like that too. LOL!)
I am in awe.
I am too Jay. Just 6 years ago I could barely get $75 for a whole //e set up with monitor. Now they are *moving* at $200+! Just looked under completed listings, It's no joke.
this surely is a record for a IIe 64k 80 column card...
Dude...You beat me to it! lol
I was just coming up to place this here:
I wrote the seller and siad "$177.00? Seriously?"
He asked me if I was born in Cuba.
I am far from a Communist.
What kind of question is that?! born in Cuba? What an ass.
This seller was obviously born on another planet. These cards don't sell for squat!
Here's another from the same seller:
Could you imagine if Disk II cards really did sell for $50?! I would have a couple thousand in my pocket!
Hello to all Members,
allthough it´s far to early to make final conclusion on this years X_MAS $$ CASH $$$ RUN,
i have to recognize. that my first prediction is nearly fullfilled far befor the period passed over...:
we´ll easily not only crack the limit of posting #400....
guy´s from other planets - "outside from Cuba" - have been seemingly very active in producing progeny....
so the amount of entries in this years "amazing cabinet of mysteries on the magical Cash-cash-run"
have increaseddramatically.....
- and yes , Steven .... this years harvest on psycedlic smoking stuff must have also produced
far stronger stuff than in the past years.... the guys did´nt only leave the planet ...
they left of for other universes! "May the Spice be with them...."
Maybe some of them will turn back in the far far future, when the primates have raised and
start archeological survey on our heritage....
my reply - steven : the guy who replied to you must be member of the Tea party.... so don´t bother....
wish him instead a nice journey to "outer space" and pray that some of his fellows will
accompany him....
it will surely make our planet a little bit cleaner....
take my advice an lean back watching "the big X_MAS $$ CASH $$ SHOW"... we are all still awaiting
for some kind of "AL the big Bundy" to rise up and place his offers at fleabay.... I´m still
waiting for the "big smasher"...
something like: the one and only
best offer in your lifetime for
a ultra rare
printerinterface with the extrem low serial no. of 1847856
and "must be signed from Woz himself"
of course not tested
for only 10.000 Bucks !
It´s a dramatical "giveaway"
that will never happen again in this century
and it´s a "buy now" offer -
so don´t let anybody snatch that rare and valuable item away from you ...
you must act NOW !...
lean back and enjoy the freakshow....
You are absolutely correct.
George Harrison said it best:
"All Things Must Pass."
Regarding the 80column/64k card. I put my offer in. I may eventually double it to $10.00 if I really really want it!
Meantime that Disk II interface card is a nice looking one. I'm thinking about making an offer on it too.
I got a counteroffer! 169.99! Currently these boards trade for about 20-30 with a manual.
Eventually Apple II series cards could become a new currency.
do ask the seller what s/he has been smoking, must be something awfully good.
Whoops -