Some Apple II objects for sale, language cards by Apple and Microsoft, Microsoft Softcards, Apple Pascal kits and more

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Some Apple II objects for sale, language cards by Apple and Microsoft, Microsoft Softcards, Apple Pascal kits and more


Objects are located in The Netherlands, Europe. I ship everywhere, via dutch post/TNT
Paypal accepted with costs.


Beneath Apple DOS , Don Worth Peter Lechner,QS
Beneath Apple DOS, updated for IIe, , Don Worth Peter Lechner,QS
APPLE II Assembly Language, Marvin L. de Jong, SAMS
AppleWorks Made Easy, Acrole Boggs Matthews, McGrawHill
Assembly Cookbook for the Apple II/IIe, Don Lancaster, SAMS
Interfaces fur Computer mit Applebus, IBS


Apple II CFFA Flashcard IDE controller Version 1.4b Unused!

AP-64 Eprommer 3 PCB's, manual, 6821 based for Apple II
2x Digilog ADC16-12 Data Acquisition System with BurrBrown SMD854AG IC and 6522
AP4 6522 based IO card
Apple II+ motherboard (original) in clone housing, with floppy drive and language card, cherry keyboard, adapted ROMs
Apple IIe (original Apple motherboard, with original ROMs) with 80 column card, floppy controller for standard floppy drive, language card, Z80 card, pinter card and IIe keyboard in separate housing
Crosslink package with serial cable between PC and Apple for DB25/SB(/IIc/IIGS format, software for IBM PC and Apple II in 3,5 and 5 1/4 format, manual in orginal packaging
Apple II hobby/prototyping board, new, complete with documentation
7x Apple original Disk ][ Interface cards for 5 1/4 floppy drives
4x A2M0003 diskdrive (to be attached to Apple II Disk ][ interface card) labeled 1 , A: and 2, B:

Apple A9m0108 double 5 1/4 drive in case, with cable
Apple II floppy I/O controller
Apple II floppy I/O controller
Apple II floppy I/O controller
Apple II 80 columns + 64K memory made by Apple
Apple II 6x IIe 80 columns card
Apple II 80 columns + 64K memory clone

Apple, boxed language card
Apple language card for Apple II
IBS language card for Apple II
Microsoft language card for Apple II

2x Apple II ROMPLUS + Mountain Hardware
Saturn Systems 64K memory
Apple II MegaRAMPlus Apple Works Expander MegaRAMCache PRODOS, DOS 3.3 RAM Diagnostics
Apple II Mountain Hardware Apple Clock
Apple II Non-Apple floppy controller for 5 1/4 drive with standard PC connector
Apple II 5 1/4 drive with standard floppy connector
SUP'R' MOD antenna modulator, attach Apple to TV with only TV antenna Apple II

Original Apple printer interface
APL B printer interface Apple II
Paragraph-I printer interface with flyer for C-Itoh/NEC Apple II
3x SAM Sound module (8 bits DAC + loudspeaker) Software Automatic Mouth + manual Apple II

Apple manuals

Apple II The DOS manual
Apple II Reference manual + addendum + Rev 07 motherbord
Apple Works Tutorial +reference card
Apple II DOS User's manual for II IIe IIe
Apple II The DOS manual
Apple II DOS Programmer's manual for II IIe IIe
Apple II DOS Programmer's manual for II IIe IIe
AppleSoft Tutorial for IIe only + addendum Apple II
Apple II ImageWrite II Owner's manual
Apple ][ Applesoft Basic Programming Reference manual
Apple II The Applesoft tutorial
Apple Pilot Language Reference manual
Apple Pilot Editor's manual
Apple Fortran Language Reference manual
Apple Works Tutorial


Apple II Applesoft sample in original Diskware package
Apple II Diskware DOS 3.3 System Master + Sample programs
Apple II Diskware DOS 3.3 System Master + Sample programs
AppleWorks Sample Files, Startup AppleWorks
AppleWorks Sample Files, Startup AppleWorks
Apple II MousePaint Drawing program US and French
Apple II Business Graphics Plot Master
MERLIN PRO Macro Assembler, PRODOS DOS 3.3, MERLIN Basis Systeme Apple II
Diskware Apple LOGO, INTEGER + APPLESOFT, DOS 3.3 Master Apple II
QuickFile II for Apple IIe, complete package with floppies, manuals in original package

Apple Pascal

Apple Pascal 1.1: original floppies, with Apple II Device Support Tools floppies and Workbench manual, books Operating System Language Reference Manual, boxed

Apple Pascal 1.2 original package floppies Apple II, Operating System Language Reference Manual,1.2 Update manual, Hands on Approach book boxed

Apple Pascal 1.3 APDA version, manual printed, 5 1/4 floppy format (5 sides), 3.5 inch format, as distributed by Syndicomm

ORCA/Pascal for IIGS, development environment, floppies,

Apple Pascal documentation set Operating System Language Reference Manual,1.2 Update Pascal Hands On Approach book
Apple Pascal reference manual, Apple (version 1.1)
Microbook: Datenverwaltungssystem in Pascal fur Apple II, Ted Lewis
Apple Pascal Grafik, Tom Swan Pandabooks
Apple Pascal a programmers guide, A.B. Tucker Jr
Apple II Pascal Eine Praktishe Anleitung Luhrman Peckham
Apple Pascal Trickliste Ron DeGroot
Apple Pascal Games, Hergert, Kalash, Sybex

OPUS ][ The Software, all software by The Byteworks distributed by Syndicomm. A CD filled with all compilers and assemblers made by The Byteworks Apple II IIGS

Z80 softcards

8x Softcard clone Apple II

CP/M 2.23 Utilities Basic, CP/AM 5.1.1 floppy
CP/AM 5.1 .1 floppy with CP/AM 4.0B + User's Guide
Z80+ card + Product information
Z80+ Card Utilities diskette German and English
Cachecard Z80 card with memory Apple II

2x Original Microsoft SoftCard Z80 for Apple II

Microsoft A.L.D.S. Assembly Language Development System, book, floppy Apple II
TASC for Apple II Microsoft floppy
Microsoft muMath/muSimp-80 Symbolic Mathematics system Reference manual for the CP/M version
Microsoft Fortran-80 user's manual

Photos can be seen at

Thanks for watching!


Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 13 2005 - 08:40
Posts: 265
Re: Some Apple II objects for sale, language cards by Apple ...

Interested in the Opus CD. PM will follow.

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