Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

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Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

Hi, I have a curious problem with my Apple IIe on my hands.

I just got my Transwarp and Z80 card at the same time. I installed both of them one after another on the same day that I had it.
Then I tried to run it. What happened was the Transwarp logo came out, and nothing followed. The system just stuck right there.

So I tried pressing the ESC button and everything ran well. The same happened when I turn the second block's eighth switch to close.
I checked the cards one by one and at last found out that the Z80 card is the one that gets the boot process stuck.
Right now, both eighth switches are on open position.
I have followed the guide and set the switch in this order:

<br /> o----------------------------o<br /> |Slot | 1 | 2 | Device |<br /> |-----+---+---+--------------|<br /> | 1 | 1 | 0 | Super Serial |<br /> | 2 | 1 | 1 | *Empty |<br /> | 3 | 0 | 1 | TransWarp |<br /> | 4 | 1 | 1 | *Empty |<br /> | 5 | 1 | 1 | *Empty |<br /> | 6 | 1 | 0 | Disk Drive |<br /> | 7 | 1 | 0 | Z-80 |<br /> o----------------------------o<br /> 0=open 1=close

Does anyone have encounter this kind of problem?

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

1. What do you have in the 80 Column Card Slot?
2. Remove the Transwarp from Slot 3 and into Slot 1.
3. Move the SS II Card to Slot 4.
4. Move Z-80 Card to Slot 2.
5. If there is anything in the 80 Column Card Slot, leave Slot 3 empty.

That should do it. Smile

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

transwarp should work fine in slot 3, with or without aux card present.

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

I have a Legend E' card on AUX.
The Transwarp manual says that it would be the best to put the card on slot 3.

I am VERY positive that the problem is between the Transwarp and Z80 card.
I have pretty much tried every way I know including turning on and off the switch 7 (where the Z80 is).

The Z80 itself is a new old stock so it is unlikely to have a problem.

Thank you for the reply!

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

Steven Hirsch uttered the following --
(google is your friend... mostly.)

A TransWarp as in Apple 2e? I seriously doubt that will work. The Z80 card shares motherboard memory with the system CPU by stopping the 6502 (ISTR this is via INH\, but that may not be correct). At any rate, the IIe TransWarp does exactly the same thing on a permanent basis so they are not going to coexist very well.


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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

Steven Hirsch uttered the following --
The Z80 card shares motherboard memory with the system CPU by stopping the 6502 (ISTR this is via INH\, but that may not be correct). At any rate, the IIe TransWarp does exactly the same thing on a permanent basis so they are not going to coexist very well.

Whew... That doesn't sound good Sad
I wonder why the Transwarp user manual include the CP/M section though...

By the way, this is the Z80 card that I have. I don't see any brand on it so I am hoping that someone can at least help me identifying it Smile

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

The Transwarp and a Z80 card can co-exist just fine, they just don't work together and can never be used at the same time.

Slot 4 is the more practical spot for your Z80 -- it's a clone of the MS card. Leave your TW in slot 3 since this is a IIe.

When you want to boot CP/M, I recommend a cold boot (power off). Hold down the Escape key while you're turning on the computer to disable the TW (you'll hear a normal beep). If your CP/M card is good, and you have Microsoft compatible CP/M bootloader in the drive, it should start up normally.

Also, NIB clone hardware is often NIB rotten hardware.

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

This is my configuration now

o----------------------------o<br /> |Slot | 1 | 2 | Device |<br /> |-----+---+---+--------------|<br /> | 1 | 1 | 0 | Super Serial |<br /> | 2 | 1 | 1 | *Empty |<br /> | 3 | 0 | 1 | TransWarp |<br /> | 4 | 1 | 1 | Z-80 |<br /> | 5 | 1 | 1 | *Empty |<br /> | 6 | 1 | 0 | Disk Drive |<br /> | 7 | 1 | 0 | *Empty |<br /> o----------------------------o<br /> 0=open 1=close

When you want to boot CP/M, I recommend a cold boot (power off). Hold down the Escape key while you're turning on the computer to disable the TW (you'll hear a normal beep). If your CP/M card is good, and you have Microsoft compatible CP/M bootloader in the drive, it should start up normally.

If I just leave the SC attached without running any Z80 app and run the TW full speed, shouldn't it be running normal?

Also, NIB clone hardware is often NIB rotten hardware.

What do you mean by this?

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

If I just leave the SC attached without running any Z80 app and run the TW full speed, shouldn't it be running normal?

That should work fine. The system will become problematic if you try booting CP/M without disabling TW.

Also, NIB clone hardware is often NIB rotten hardware.

What do you mean by this?

Hardware sometimes goes bad just by being left alone in the packaging. All the parts on the board will degrade over time regardless of usage. This is not unique to clone hardware, but since some clones uses cheapest parts the cloner can find...

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Re: Apple IIe Problem: Z80 card + Transwarp block boot

Hardware sometimes goes bad just by being left alone in the packaging. All the parts on the board will degrade over time regardless of usage. This is not unique to clone hardware, but since some clones uses cheapest parts the cloner can find...

You're right. The problem was with the Z80 card.
I switched the Z80 card with the one made by MicroSoft, and it can run good.

Thank you all!

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