Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

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Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

Well I have a couple of questions.

First do my images have to be ProDos or can it work with dos 3.3 images. I've really just started to look into this as I "stole" my b/w security monitor for another project (can we say Super Mimeo). and hooked up a 19" lcd color VGA monitor with an adapter setup. Now I want to get some old games downloaded and working (for the kids of course)

Also has anyone used a lantronix style box with a virtual serial port to use Ethernet to serial??? Otherwise I have to find a really long serial cable. Realized now I wish I bought a CFF card when Rich still had them, it was just the last thing on my mind.


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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

Well I have a couple of questions.

First do my images have to be ProDos or can it work with dos 3.3 images. I've really just started to look into this as I "stole" my b/w security monitor for another project (can we say Super Mimeo). and hooked up a 19" lcd color VGA monitor with an adapter setup. Now I want to get some old games downloaded and working (for the kids of course)

Also has anyone used a lantronix style box with a virtual serial port to use Ethernet to serial??? Otherwise I have to find a really long serial cable. Realized now I wish I bought a CFF card when Rich still had them, it was just the last thing on my mind.


I know a little...

The ProDOS version of ADTpro writes the 16 Sector Disks of the .DSK Image on a Receive. If the Disk written is DOS 3.3, you can not view it with ADTpro ( since it is a ProDOS Program ). There is a DOS version of ADTpro, but I don't know if it works correctly..

I have a $39.99 ( USD ) Composite and S-Video adapter to VGA as well... Works nice at Work, where I have an Apple ][e being a Video Signal Generator.

I have not tried the Ethernet to Serial to Serial to Ethernet Bridge before.. You might have to reduce your Serial Speed to get it to be reliable, but I would think it should work.. These devices are to let the old Serial Terminals and Serial Printers continue to work along side all the New Fangled stuff..

Do you have a Laptop and a USB to Serial Adapter?? I am using ADTpro with Windows 7 Home Premium and a Radio Shack Gigaware USB-to-Serial Adapter. I get full speed transfer..

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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

So there is a DOS 3.3 version you have never tried?

I have a $19 dollar adapter. It actually has a problem with the II plus (works on a IIe I tested it with), it doesn't display color normally. So I have my SupRmod UHF modulator (Channel 32/33) going to an old VCR and the output of the VCR going into the adapter, works great.

I do have a couple of USB to serial adapters, I use one for my Altair and one for my 1702a EPROM programmer/Apple-I Serial Keyboard adapter. However this is more about the location of the Apple as it relates to where my "server" is. I guess I could get a really long USB extension cable with a built in repeater (I use a 33 foot one for the Altair), but I have a couple of spare Lantronix serial to IP tunneling boxes.


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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

I guess I qualify. Wink
First do my images have to be ProDos or can it work with dos 3.3 images.

If your Apple II can read it (and it is unprotected), ADTPro can transfer it.
Also has anyone used a lantronix style box with a virtual serial port to use Ethernet to serial???

Not that I know of. That would be an interesting experiment. ADTPro expects either serial on both ends, or Ethernet on both ends. It likely won't work if it is half and half; I don't know what a Lantronix box actually does.

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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

So there is a DOS 3.3 version you have never tried?

I think I did transfer it from my PC to an Apple 140K Floppy, and Booted It.. But I never have used to transfer a file from my Windows PC. The ProDOS version will write both kinds of 16 Sector Floppies. I would guess it would write UCSD Pascal disks too..

I will see if I can locate the Web Site.. I did not find it at the SourceForge site of ADTpro for ProDOS..

I have a $19 dollar adapter. It actually has a problem with the II plus (works on a IIe I tested it with), it doesn't display color normally. So I have my SupRmod UHF modulator (Channel 32/33) going to an old VCR and the output of the VCR going into the adapter, works great.

Hmm.. I have only tried mine with the Apple ][e. My Apple ][ or ][+ might have an Issue too..
According to Amazon, this is what I purchased, VideoSecu Composite Video to PC VGA Adapter BNC to VGA Converter 1L9. But mine is a Blue Box, has no BNC connector, but has an RCA and S-Video connector.

I do have a couple of USB to serial adapters, I use one for my Altair and one for my 1702a EPROM programmer/Apple-I Serial Keyboard adapter. However this is more about the location of the Apple as it relates to where my "server" is. I guess I could get a really long USB extension cable with a built in repeater (I use a 33 foot one for the Altair), but I have a couple of spare Lantronix serial to IP tunneling boxes.


Best of Luck, which ever direction you go... I know my kids got a lot of fun out of playing Load Runner and Microwave...

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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

<< SNIP >>

Also has anyone used a lantronix style box with a virtual serial port to use Ethernet to serial???

Not that I know of. That would be an interesting experiment. ADTPro expects either serial on both ends, or Ethernet on both ends. It likely won't work if it is half and half; I don't know what a Lantronix box actually does.

Other companies like Digi and B&B make these sorts of devices to connect two Serial Device, at extremely long distances, by using Ethernet or Low Impedance Coaxial Cable to be the Transport Medium. For all Intents and Purposes, the Two serial devices, should never know that the signals between them were ever anything but RS-232 Voltage Levels...

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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

Lantronix besides the point to point where you have a box on both ends supports a virtual serial port on the PC side so you only need one box if you load their driver. I was using this for a while with my altair until I got the really long usb extension cable from monoprice and started using a USB to serial adapter. When I started playing around originally with the lantronix box, I was actually using it with another option, the builtin telnet server where you can telnet into the lantronix box instead of using a virtual serial driver or another box. It just had some issues when I sent binary data over it (i.e loading Altair Basic), but that might have been a putty issue since the altair usually requires a "delay" of about 32ms between bytes and putty sent the binary files full speed to the telnet session.

They are really cool boxes and pretty cheap on eBay. They can also be used to "dial-out" and simulate a modem so your vintage machine can "telnet" into a box on the Internet or access a website.


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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

A little Google Search for "ADTwin apple ii transfer" found this page,

With links to:

Look for the files:

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Re: Anyone here have extensive ADTpro experience.

Those are all quite old snapshots of ADTPro and DOS ADT - were you looking for something in specific?

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