I occurred to me a moment ago that since I'm no longer an apple employee, I can put my forbidden hacks back up. For those not in the know, I was forced to take these down a few years ago suddenly and mysteriously. I didn't break any rules, but I was investigated and informed that I'd be harassed until they found some excuse to fire me if I didn't take them down. Well, I'm out, and I'm never going back. No amount of money could convince me to return to that hellish existence.
"Think different" is a fallacy. It really means, "Think like us or you're a dirty commie!"
The Purple G3/G4 that started it all:
My silver paneled PowerBook G3 came next:
Then I hacked my airport base station. This one became hugely popular and attracted way too much attention to me. It was the I beam that broke the camel's back:
But I didn't stop hacking, I just went underground with the most hacked cube ever:
and quickly followed up with some easy but rewarding hacks to the FireWire PowerBook G3.
Of course I'll probably never buy another mac again, so I wouldn't expect new apple based hacks from me any time soon.
Bonus points to anyone who remembers the alias I used to post mods under, and triple score for anyone who deciphers the meaning of that alias.
KMAA Productions? Kinstle Mutilates Any Apple? Kinstle Mods All Apples? Kinstle Makes Awesome Apples?
Random guesses...
I remember these! They are really cool and I'm glad you can share them with us (again). Now, do you have any qualms about buying second-hand Apple products, since no money is going to Apple? Because if you could take a dremel and some plexiglass to the back case of an iMac LCD...
Oh Dr. Bob,
Now that you've officially severed ties to Apple Corp., and lifted the self imposed ban on your Apple hacks, does that mean that you'll lift the other ban that you had in place on the board. . . the one forbidding upcoming Apple product speculation?
Ah, I remember those. You had to remove them? I didn't know that. Of course, I don't even know how long I've been posting on Applefritter.
I don't remember if I saw these the first time around, but I did pick up a couple of tips and some good ideas.
i remember them too. You probably had to take them down because they were afraid of you making their hardware better. And cooler.
. . . that the cube was either, underpowered, undercooled or especially that it was nearly impossible to upgrade now WOULD WE!?!!!!
People might think it was an overpriced flop or something equally abhorrent to Apple's Acolytes of the RDF!
jt :ebc:
The things you have done is fantastic, why would anyone hold this against you?
and why should you choose never to buy an apple product again?... surely having worked their, you would then know even more than any of us do, how great macs are!?
I think it was more of a "how dare he change our artwork" kind of thing.
I use mine to run the domain kinstle.com
Because they are overpriced and under powered. If they ever make a small cube like machine again I'd probably buy it for a server. I love OSX, but I don't care for the hardware.
The best part was hosting it on a mac.com account (back when they were free)
Let's be clear on something. That ban was not self imposed. It was imposed by Apple security and my management.
As for rumors, I still think it would be a bad thing for this forum.
U lil' :ebc:!!!!!
edit: uh oh! looks like we've got another emoticon inna' quote bug again!
I never knew those were banned.....
quite some time ago
Look at archive.org's copies of Applefritter, It's come a long way.
I was just browsing over all the old front page layouts. I still like this one the best.
I can't believe it's only been 5 years since Applefritter came online. Stuff would be different without it.
Nice to see the hacks up again Doc.
okay, I know it's late but I think:
My ( | ) Apple! = My Ass Apple!
You're missing the Kiss to make it KMAA.
RI for
RIAA :ebc:
To be honest, do you think the stuff over the Airport router was due to the fact that you were technically modifying an FCC-certified gadget?
I wouldn't yell at any employee for buying stuff from the company and then modifying it to suit his own fiendish needs. I might have a few problems if you were doing Sony VAIO hacks, but not from the same company.
Shame that you're getting out of the hardware; I think it's just getting good.
My modification had no effect on the FCC certification. All FCC licenses are based on amplifier output power and are assumed to be 100% efficient. All I did was use a better antenna. I didn't boost the amplifier power, only the effective radiated power.
Well, I did so many mac hacks because I was getting the hardware for free. I'm not getting out of hardware hacks, but I'm shifting from what I consider an overpriced and dead end fanatical use base, to designing my own hardware and doing it totally custom. I'm working on a couple projects right now that will keep me busy for the next few months. None of them are computers, but I really feel I've hit my limit in modding computers. In order to challenge myself and keep learning new things, I have to shift my focus into my own work.
Don't worry, I'll release most of my schematics under GPL.
Oh, schematics! :ebc: Those must be some fun very custom toys you are planning.
I remember these from AF1, i always liked the cube.
You get stuff for free when you work at Apple? Or is it just at such of a discount your co-workers would dump it into your willing arms when they moved to the next rev of hardware?
Hopefully you enjoy your new job, and steer clear of upper management.
For some time, there was a notion that if you worked on a product, then you got one at the end. However, that has been mostly untrue for the past 2 years now.
Fun for me, but my current project is mainly functional. not flashy.
None of the links to www.kinstle.com work. Is this site back offline???:?
huh, the web server stopped accepting connections even though the server was running. Odd. Oh well, I rebooted it and it's working OK now.