*** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

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*** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Hi all,
I have temporarily put my collection of Apple 1 software (in CFFA1 .po format) on my iDisk site. iDisk is a Apple service that will be transitioning to iCloud and will soon disappear. I have spoken to Bill over at CallAPPLE.org where it will find a permanent home once he sorts out some server issues.

To my best knowledge this image contains every piece of software presently available for the Apple 1. If you think I am missing something please let me know, and I will add it to the list. Would be great to find more stuff.

For those lucky enough to have a real CFFA1 card then this .po file can be copied to a CF card (anything bigger than 32mb should work) using Ciderpress software. For those with an Apple Macintosh computer, you can use the great 'Open Emulator' software with CFFA1 emulation to load the .po image. It may even be possible to use Ciderpress to extract specific files and load them into the Apple 1 (or Apple 1 clone/replica) via a serial connection, although I have not tried anything like this yet.

The file is called 'ULTIMATE APPLE1 CFFA 2.5.po' and can temporarily be found under the Apple 1 section here:


The image contains the following files and directories:


EBASIC110 (fixed version)
EBASIC110U (Uppercase and fixed version)
EBASIC222U (Uppercase version)



(directory contains David Schmenk's forth. Has issues running on Obtronix clone)

LEMONADE (needs LOMEM raised to load)

CLUE (I have yet to work out how to load this back in MSBASIC)
PRIME (I have yet to work out how to load this back in MSBASIC)
MATH.TUTOR (I have yet to work out how to load this back in MSBASIC)
TEMPERATURE (I have yet to work out how to load this back in MSBASIC)

• Because of certain naming limitations when saving programs using CFFA1, some of the names in this list may not accurately represent the actual names seen in the Apple 1 directories.
• In the case where the launch address of a program differs from the load address, then the launch address is included in the file name to make things easier. e.g. NIM.4AFR where the program loads at 300 but launches at address 4AF
• BASIC, ASOFT, MSBAS directories contain programs written in those languages, but also contain the language themselves. This saves time when loading as switching directories is not needed.
• I have not yet figured out how to reload programs saved in MSBASIC. This may be a memory related issue but I don't believe MS basic had LOMEM/HIMEM commands to shuffle things around.

It's taken quite a bit of searching, emailing and general harassment to get everything ready, so I really hope you all find this collection useful and entertaining.
Please let me know if you find anything anomalous or just plain broken. Again, if you have anything to add then please let me know as it would be great to grow this collection.

Finally, I want to thank all the people who have written, compiled, stored, typed in and converted these programs to work on the Apple 1. Unfortunately there are just too many names to mention here. Thank you all.



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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Thank you for this great collection! Smile

Btw have you ever played Little Tower? I can never get past the boat no matter what I try. I always sink. I think there is something wrong with the program itself. I say this because I've used other Apple-1 emulators and always get the same results... I sink.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I'll try to start pulling out of the CFF image all the "stuff" I don't have a copy of. With Rich having such a success with the Apple II version I'm not sure when he will make more available. Hopefully using openemulator I can extract them out and make WAV files. It make take some
time though, I have about 200 VCF east pics to clean up first. Smile

I do have one question. With CFF card, do you have to give it memory addresses? I not I will figure them out.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Hi Corey986,
As promised I have put ALL the Apple 1 programs I have (in various forms) into the same 'Apple 1' folder called 'Software' on my iDisk. As I said before, it really is a mess and I have made no effort in tidying it up. After the serious push to get the .po image together I find I presently don't have the time or the energy to organize these files. Maybe at a later date.
It may help you with your task, but maybe not.

As for your question regarding the CFFA and giving it a memory address, I'm not sure exactly what you mean.
Basically the CFFA is executed by a 9000R. from there you can load programs. the programs are saved at a specific address that I entered when saving them, and they load back into the same address. CFFA interface is also kind enough to tell you what address the program starts at. If the address that the program is launched from is a different address than it's start address then I have indicated this address in the file name. (see notes in my first post)
However, if you want to load a BASIC program, first you load BASIC which loads at E000 with a launch address also of E000. After BASIC starts you can reset out, the do a 9003R (not 9000R this time) to launch the CFFA interface again. then from there load in a BASIC program. when you (Q)uit out of CFFA this time it will automatically drop you into BASIC again where you will find your program is also loaded. This its the reason for doing 90003R vs 9000R. If you had done a 9000R after leaving BASIC then launching the CFFA interface basically erases the memory that BASIC resides in. 9003R does not do this. Not sure if this all makes sense.

Good luck


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

For some reason this morning I didn't see the software folder. Now I do. I got it.

As for Memory addresses. For the Apple-1 you need memory addresses to load software. I haven't looked at your stuff individually but will and should be able to figure out addresses.

Thanks for putting this stuff up. I was planning on making an archive like this for my website. Hopefully you don't mind if I also put this stuff up there once I organize it.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Good to know you got it. As I mentioned above. When loading a program, CFFA1 tells you where the start address is (it knows because because when first saving the file you have to tell it where the start address is and it's length), and if you don't have a CFFA1 card or access to Open Emulator then I think Ciderpress can tell you this info too. If the program is launched from an address other than it's start address, then I have indicate this launch address by putting it in the file name.


apple_1's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Is it possible to host Apple 1 software here in the usergroup?

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

It's a very small community here. So small in fact, your question has gone unanswered for hours by apple-1 enthusiasts who have been logged in long enough to give you a proper response. Maybe your question was not important enough.

It is possible to upload (I will say that) Apple 1 software to applefritter. Giving links to software to places like MediaFire also seems appropriate.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Apple 1,

The proper answer to your question about hosting is to contact one of the forum Administrators. They can give you the instructions you need.


You will have to excuse me for saying this, but you seem to be carrying a very large chip on your shoulder about the Applefritter community in general and the Apple I community in particular. I'm an Apple II user, but I read all the threads including the ones on the Apple I. I am not sure what the problem is, but maybe you should reconsider your position?
Just a thought.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Apple 1,

The proper answer to your question about hosting is to contact one of the forum Administrators. They can give you the instructions you need.


You will have to excuse me for saying this, but you seem to be carrying a very large chip on your shoulder about the Applefritter community in general and the Apple I community in particular. I'm an Apple II user, but I read all the threads including the ones on the Apple I.

Are you implying my answer to apple_1 was less than proper? This was his question: "Is it possible to host Apple 1 software here in the usergroup?"

I basically told him yes it was possible. My answer was not inaccurate. Now, with regards to contacting Administrators for hosting software, well I certainly had no idea that was standard protocol because no one here at applefritter ever specifically told me I needed contact Administrators when I uploaded Apple-1 software to applefritter.

"I am not sure what the problem is, but maybe you should reconsider your position?
Just a thought.

Is that genuine friendly advice, or a subtle threat?

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***


It's genuine friendly advice. Smile

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have been wondering if I should get involved in this conversation, but as I started this thread I feel I have some sort of ownership I guess.

I think when you come to the forum and criticize other peoples actions, or perceived lack of action, then it seems that you are the aggressor. The nice thing about places like this forum is that people can feel at home, they can reply to a thread if they want to, and can ignore a questions if they choose. There is no pressure from anyone, and I believe that is the essence of this hobby. It is whatever you want it to be. So when you come and complain that people are not contributing enough it creates a real negative vibe that puts people off.

I believe this is what gsmcten is meaning when he asks you to reconsider your position. I think what we want is a community where people are not forced into doing anything that they don't want to do. The Apple 1 community is small enough as is that we can't afford to loose people because they feel pressured.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have been wondering if I should get involved in this conversation, but as I started this thread I feel I have some sort of ownership I guess.

I think when you come to the forum and criticize other peoples actions, or perceived lack of action, then it seems that you are the aggressor. The nice thing about places like this forum is that people can feel at home, they can reply to a thread if they want to, and can ignore a questions if they choose. There is no pressure from anyone, and I believe that is the essence of this hobby. It is whatever you want it to be. So when you come and complain that people are not contributing enough it creates a real negative vibe that puts people off.

I believe this is what gsmcten is meaning when he asks you to reconsider your position. I think what we want is a community where people are not forced into doing anything that they don't want to do. The Apple 1 community is small enough as is that we can't afford to loose people because they feel pressured.

Just my 2 cents.

Well said, Phil.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Phil, Ken-

Really like the collection of software. However, I was really looking forward to trying Krusader 1.3 but it returns with BREAK... every time I try and enter a command. KRUSADER 1.2 works fine. This is on a Replica1 with CFFA1. Any thoughts? Thanks,


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

That is a message from the CFFA Break Handler. I don't have a CFFA and don't know how this is supposed to work, but I find it quite puzzling that 1.2 works and 1.3 fails. What version do you have in ROM and does it work properly? When you say 1.2 works, do you mean the in RAM version? And what exactly happens on startup - the welcome message and prompt appear, then typing N crashes with the BREAK message immediately? Can you try a command like D $F000?



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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have to admit that I have not yet tried the 1.3 version to see if it actually works.
if you loaded the version from my CFFA image, then maybe you could try loading it directly from Ken's link instead. When saving to CFFA I have to calculate the length of the file. Although I have gotten quite good at it, I may have screwed something up.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Ken- yes that is exactly what it does: prints the banner then I see BREAK... as soon as a key is pressed.

Phil- It was the one from your .po image. I will try the one on Ken's site.

I have the Replica 1 right before Krusader was committed to ROM.

Thanks guys,


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I just tried running Krusader 1.3 from my CFFA1 image using Open Emulator. Strangely enough I could not actually type anything, even though I could see the banner and the flashing cursor. Although this is not the same error you were experiencing it seems similar, and the difference could be because I am testing using the emulator instead of a real machine.
I then tried reloading Ken's original 1.3 code and it seemed to function fine. I have now re-saved Krusader 1.3 to the CFFA1 image and tested it by reloading it back and it seems to work. Although I have not tested it fully, it now seems to be able to respond to key inputs and execute commands.

So maybe the problem was some error I made when saving it. Would be great if you could confirm Ken's original code from here:


I hope to release an update to the CFFA1 card image sometime later today.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***


That was it. All better now. Thanks for all your and Ken's help. I'm now thinking of porting PLASMA over, at least the VM, not the compiler.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Great to know it wasn't anything serious and just some bad hex counting on my part.

I've also added the latest Codebreaker update to the .po image which includes a 2 part (noncontiguous) load for regular Apple 1's and it's clones, and a single (contiguous) file for Replica 1's.

I am uploading the file to my iDisk now. It would be great if someone could download the latest version and test out both Krusader 1.3 and Codebreaker.


Toolkitman's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Nice work. It would be great to have all this software in .txt format for people who havent cffa1 and in wav files . I hope someone will do it.

Thank you

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have the Replica 1 right before Krusader was committed to ROM.

I believe Krusader has been in the ROM of the Replica 1 since the start.

resman's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have the Replica 1 right before Krusader was committed to ROM.

I believe Krusader has been in the ROM of the Replica 1 since the start.

I have Vince's USB prototype. No Krusader. Also, can't be powered off USB like the production ones. It's what I get for living on the bleeding edge of the trailing edge.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Mine is even older. Smile

Being a prototype he must have just not burned it into the ROM.

You should look at making a ROM with Krusader so you get the minimonitor as well.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***


I wrote a Pi program a while ago first in gforth, then I ported to a number of different platforms. Depending on the platform I had to make a number of changes. With UltraForth83 I only had to add:


Of all the Apple Forths I have tested on any II, this one for "the 1" has to be the most language feature rich-- of course it is based on newer standards; apples and oranges, so to speak.

Anyway, below is the code, it takes 23 min 31 sec to run and print the results (base 10) computing Pi base 2^16. By comparison the same algorithm in C on "the 1", takes 31 min 34 sec. I haven't written an assembly version (yet), but I expect that to take less than 3 min.

Thanks for assembling this collection. I had no idea most of this existed. I am impressed with the number of things ported to the Apple-1.


: PIATAN ;</p> <p>( Total Time: 00:23:31 )</p> <p>1000 CONSTANT N<br /> ( M = N / LOG10 2^16 + 1 + 2 )<br /> 210 CONSTANT M<br /> ( S = SIZE OF INT )<br /> 2 CONSTANT S<br /> M S * CONSTANT E<br /> VARIABLE A E S - ALLOT<br /> VARIABLE B E S - ALLOT<br /> VARIABLE XX E S - ALLOT<br /> VARIABLE YY E S - ALLOT<br /> VARIABLE D<br /> VARIABLE F<br /> VARIABLE FF<br /> VARIABLE G<br /> VARIABLE H</p> <p>: 1D. &lt;# # #&gt; TYPE ;<br /> : 04D. &lt;# # # # # #&gt; TYPE ;<br /> : MPSET OVER ! DUP E + SWAP S + DO 0 I ! S +LOOP ;<br /> : MPCOPY 2DUP - SWAP DUP E + SWAP DO I @ OVER I + ! S +LOOP 2DROP ;<br /> : UD+ ROT + ROT ROT + ;<br /> : D- DNEGATE D+ ;</p> <p>: MPDIV<br /> D ! DUP DUP<br /> M 0 DO DUP @ 0= IF S + ELSE LEAVE THEN LOOP<br /> DUP E - ROT = IF DROP 0 ELSE<br /> 0 SWAP ROT E + SWAP DO I @ SWAP D @ UM/MOD I ! S +LOOP<br /> DROP 1<br /> THEN<br /> ;</p> <p>: MPMULT<br /> D ! DUP DUP E + S - M 0 DO DUP @ 0= IF S - ELSE LEAVE<br /> THEN LOOP &gt; IF DROP ELSE<br /> 0 SWAP DUP E + S - DO I @ D @ UM* ROT 0 D+ SWAP I ! S<br /> NEGATE +LOOP DROP THEN<br /> ;</p> <p>: MPSUB<br /> 2DUP - D !<br /> 0 SWAP DUP E + S - DO I D @ + DUP H ! @ 0 I @ 0 D- ROT 0 UD+ H @ !<br /> S NEGATE +LOOP<br /> 2DROP<br /> ;</p> <p>: MPADD<br /> 2DUP - D !<br /> 0 SWAP DUP E + S - DO I D @ + DUP H ! @ 0 I @ 0 D+ ROT 0 D+ SWAP H @ !<br /> S NEGATE +LOOP<br /> 2DROP<br /> ;</p> <p>: MPATAN<br /> F ! G ! 1 FF ! XX 1 MPSET XX F @ MPDIV DROP G @ XX MPCOPY<br /> F @ 128 &lt; IF F @ DUP * F ! 0 FF ! THEN<br /> 1 BEGIN<br /> 2 + XX F @ MPDIV DROP<br /> FF @ 1 = IF XX F @ MPDIV DROP THEN<br /> YY XX MPCOPY DUP YY SWAP MPDIV 1 =<br /> WHILE<br /> DUP 2 AND 0 &gt; IF G @ YY MPSUB ELSE G @ YY MPADD THEN<br /> REPEAT<br /> 2DROP<br /> ;</p> <p>: MPPRINT<br /> XX SWAP MPCOPY XX @ 0 1D. ." ." CR<br /> N 0 DO<br /> 0 XX ! XX 10000 MPMULT XX @ 0 04D.<br /> 4 +LOOP<br /> ; </p> <p>: MACHIN<br /> A 5 MPATAN A 16 MPMULT<br /> B 239 MPATAN B 4 MPMULT<br /> A B MPSUB<br /> ;</p> <p>: DOIT<br /> MACHIN<br /> CR CR A MPPRINT CR CR<br /> ;

resman's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Mine is hand cranked and ... I know someone will top that. Yes, I need to get Krusader into ROM. It is a great little assembler plus utility package. It fits right in with the "lots of functionality in a small space" that was the hallmark of Woz's designs. If it could just save/load source code to the CFFA1 it would be perfect Wink Perhaps we can convince Rich to run another batch?


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Been trying to convince Rich to run another batch. he needs commitments and the fact the Apple II one is so successful he keeps delaying a new Apple-1 run.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Thanks to Jeff Tranter, 2 more programs have been added. Zoop and Horoscope.
I will upload the latest .po file sometime this weekend.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

the 'Ultimate Apple 1 Software collection' has now been updated to version 2.7.



tranter's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

A belated thanks for putting this collection together. I just acquired a CFFA1 and it is very helpful.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Thanks for the thanks. I also enjoyed reading your blog about it.


speedyG's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

the 'Ultimate Apple 1 Software collection' has now been updated to version 2.7.



hello nama_chari,

i just tried today to pick up the collection from both links ( yours and the one from lord_phillip )....
seems to be a nice joke.... ending up at login-intro......
is there any location without login intro ?
Of course it´s nice and convinient to protect areas of the own pages with a login and of course such
login data should not be published in public....
but hey... what´s worth publishing a link with no access
to the public ???

if it´s the only solution up till now... well - then i´d prefer to host it in my site at a public accessable
page where at least the stuff is realy downloadable....
( if i get the file .... )
sincerely speedyG

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I've discovered that accessing the FTP site via the link depends on what browser you are using as to wether the FTP link works. I'm on Mac and I know Chrome works, where as Safari fails. I've tried to fix my code to make it work on every browser, but I failed. Something to do with how Safari opens a the FTP site via the desktop.

Yeah, I've tried to set up an anonymous FTP on my site but again I failed. Not sure why it's so difficult.

Anyway, a while back I posted the login details here for those who were running into issues:


I'll take another crack at getting the code running properly, and/or setting up an anonymous FTP. But for now just use a dedicated FTP clint and the info above.


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Does anyone have microchess for the Apple 1 in an audio or apple command line format?

I'd like to give it a try and I'm too lazy to move the software to flash and install my CFFA-1.

Mike W.

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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I have a WAV file version. I emailed you directly.

resman's picture
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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

I wanted to follow up on an issue that has been bothering me for years, specifically:

(directory contains David Schmenk's forth. Has issues running on Obtronix clone)

The issue was that my FigForth port, which interfaces to the CFFA1 to load and save Forth screens (the only Apple1 environment that I know of which is CFFA1 aware) would run just fine on a Briel Replica 1/CFFA1 but would crash immediately on my Obtronix/CFFA1. So, I added the caveat above to the software. I have been following the threads and Mike Willegal's blog about the Apple 1 -5V rail noise with interest, as it seemed to reflect the experience I had on my machine. So I added bypass caps to my Obtronix' DRAM, one on the first and last chip of each row. Forth ran flawlessly. As I was working on the motherboard, I decided to add the video cleanup fix on Mike's blog. My Obtronix displayed wide horizontal spans that were much brighter than narrow spans, i.e. Z and E. The additional resistor at C13 cleaned up the video to where it looks just like an Apple II.

So, at long last, I can close out this issue and get back to "Starting Forth". Thanks Mike!


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Re: *** Ultimate Apple 1 software collection ***

Just as a note here for those who find it useful, this collection now works under MESS when using the MESS CFFA1 emulation.

You will need to use chdman to convert the .po to a MESS .chd file:

chdman createhd -f -c none -i ultimate.po -o ultimate.chd

When running MESS, you will need to specify a 36K Apple 1 to avoid having it map RAM to the CFFA1 ROM addresses:

mess -window apple1 -exp cffa -hard1 ultimate.chd -ram 36k

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is there a mirror of this collection?

dex128's picture
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  I have backup of the 3.3

  I have backup of the 3.3 version (but the latest available was 3.5, AFAIK).

  Try my mirror here:


flatsixracer's picture
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The best sites with the most realiable Apple-1 program autio files  I found are:





As for the version 3.3 of the CFFA1 Utlimate collection diskimage (which also works in the Apple-1 Emulator  https://openemulator.github.io/ ) can be downloaded from:



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Is there anywere out there i

Is there anywere out there i list of text based programs for download please?  This is the only way for me  to load programs as i use Uncle Bernie's Dos emulator cable.


Thank you

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In post #41, Zijjel wrote: 

In post #41, Zijjel wrote:


"Is there anywere out there a list of text based programs for download please ?"


Uncle Bernie advises:


You should have built an ACI. All my famous IC kits come with the ACI parts except the PCB, and these PCBs can be bought off Ebay for $10 or so (avoid the usurers). My last few kits came with a free "bonus" ACI PCB. There is no reason not to have an ACI card, even if you have no cassette recorder. With AIFF and WAV files played from PC / notebook sound cards or other media players even the unimproved ACI works OK. The text download feature of my keyboard emulator was not meant to substitute the ACI, I put it in to speed up my own program development. 


My (unreleased and unfinished) ACIace utility which runs on Linux has a mode to convert regular Apple-1 AIFF and WAV files to binary.  I have another tool which converts binary to .APL files (the keyboard emulator autotype files) or .TUR files (the turbotype version of that). So theoretically there is a way but at the moment I am far too busy to have time for that: so many projects, so little time !


- Uncle Bernie


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I will build an ACI,  thank

I will build an ACI,  thank you for your answer. 

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Ultimate Apple 1 software Collection



I have come across this Apple I collection and was quite excited, but I get a connection timed out when I try and access the site.


Is it still up?


If not is there an alternative location I can download this from, it would be a shame to lose all of your work creating the archive.


Thanks and Cheers, Martin..

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Ultimate Apple 1 software Collection

I just read this original post was from 2013 :-)


I will search for Ultimate Apple 1 software Collection on Google.


Cheers, Martin...

iatkos's picture
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Apple 1 SoftWare


Here are some files for the Apple 1 ...

Best regards

 Apple I SoftWare Archive.zip


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