Looking for the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM Image (Enhanced German Apple IIe)

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Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 6 2012 - 03:21
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Looking for the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM Image (Enhanced German Apple IIe)

Hallo old Apple friends,

i did an upgrade from my German Apple IIe to the Enhanced Apple IIe by changing the CPU to a 65C02, the CD and EF ROMs to EPROMS (342-0304-A and 342-0303-A) and the Video ROM. The Video ROM image is from the reactivemicro site and i think the number is 342-075. Works fine, but some keys are now in the wrong position on my keyboard. Some research told me, that i need also a new Keyboard ROM (342-0372-A) for the USA/German Enhanced Apple IIe.

Is this the right solution for my problem and has someone the ROM image 342-0372-A or can anyone tell me a place for downloading the image?

Thanks and best wishes from good old Germany


speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Re: Looking for the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM Image (Enhanced ...

Hello Frank,
probably you are on the wrong path.....
examine this directory:


examining the Rom-Images there - you might realize, that the kind of Video-Rom is dependent to the language too....
your problem might be a mismatch of VideoRom and KeyboardRom....
the correct official versions together should be:
Apple IIe Enhanced Video ROM - 342-0275-A - US-DE.bin
Apple IIe Keyboard ROM - 341-0151-A - US-DE 1982.bin
that would be the matching set for german language setup...
the link above contains the links to the downloadable ROM-Images too...
however - the link to undocumented versions of the ROMs at reactivemicro is:


you might try it with the:
Apple IIe Video Enhanced - Improved German - 2764.bin File...


Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jan 6 2012 - 03:21
Posts: 2
Re: Looking for the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM Image (Enhanced ...

Hallo speedyG,

thank you for your response. Problem solved. I used the Video ROM images form the reactivemicro site and the origin Apple ROM 341-0151-A. The images from reactivemicro do not completely match to 342-275-A. Changing to the image from the apple2.org.za site (342-275-A) solved the problem.

There are some rumors on the Internet about the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM. So i thought i have to change the keyboard ROM to.

Look on this site. http://applelogic.org/APPLEASICs.html
There is some confusion about and mishmash between the VIDEO and Keyboard ROM images.


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Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
Posts: 2493
Re: Looking for the 342-0372-A Keyboard ROM Image (Enhanced ...

glad that the problem is solved... some of the lack in information is result from different sources... there still is a difference between the knowledge of advanced users and real technicians .... not to forget the long period of time that passed over in the meantime... sometimes memory remembers not that accurate information the way we would like to have it....

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