Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

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Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

Does anyone know where I can get the old Star Trek game for Applesoft BASIC (not Integer BASIC!) as a disk image?

I have the BASIC source code from http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/startrek/StarTrek3.3 , but that version does not include the machine code routines called by the BASIC program (perhaps for graphics or sound effects or things like that). I'm doing a port of the game, so I'd really like to find out what that machine code does.

On FTP sites hosting Apple II DSK images, so far I've only found versions of the Integer BASIC Star Trek game ("AppleTrek") and the arcade conversion "Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator". No luck with the Applesoft version thus far.


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Re: Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

Try looking for Stellar Trek

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Re: Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

Stellar Trek seems to be another commercial game. In MESS, I can't get past the crew selection dialog for some reason, but judging by the screenshots, the screen layout of Stellar Trek is also quite different from the BASIC program.

The game I'm looking for was probably released as Public Domain because it has no authorship information at all. (Which makes looking for it more difficult.)


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Re: Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image


Seems to fit your criteria so far...
There's also:


But whatever you're after, it is probably a variant of this:

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Re: Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

Yes, the game I'm searching is a variant of Super Star Trek ( Wikipedia ). The difference is that Super Star Trek has a teletype-like interface (issuing a new command makes the whole screen scroll up), while the later versions, just as the program I'm looking for, have a screen-oriented interface, so the map, status, and command area stay fixed on the screen (thanks to HTAB, VTAB and what other BASIC dialects call WINDOWs).

Trek79 seems to be a slightly simplified form of Trek73, which has different gameplay [no map, but the starship is simulated with a lot of technical detail, e.g. re-routing power, etc.] ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trek73 ).

STARTREK.WADE: So far the closest to what I'm looking for, but definitely different. Has a lot of formatted print statements. (I really wanted to avoid those, which is why I like the other version so much.)

Star Trek Adventures:
Also not what I'm looking for, but very cute all the same. The various scans etc. are on separate screens here. Does not seem to be a BASIC program though. At least I'm getting an I/O error when trying to list the disk's contents.

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Re: Looking for Applesoft BASIC "Star Trek" game on DSK image

Any other suggestions?

tallison.sousa's picture
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Apple Trek?

Maiby Apple Trek is what you are looking for. Have a look: https://archive.org/details/a2_Apple_Trek_1979_Apple

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