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I sent you a P.M.
and I answered this post in another thread here on the site.
I guess you mean http://16sector.com?
There are a few such cards for the Apple II line. Other examples include:
It's true. There are several solid-state "disk drive" options for your Apple II, as mentioned above.
Dealers in Apple II peripherals aren't exactly the kinds of things that can support things like 800 numbers; I'm sure you understand that. Syndicomm very recently changed hands to Tony Diaz, owner of 16sector.com. Source:
I've not myself, but I have had good experiences with the other sites I mentioned above.
Both 16sector and Syndicomm are legitimate businesses and have been part of the Apple II community for many years. The same is also true for Rich Dreher and his CFFA cards.
Sheppy has recently turned over management (as posted on A2Central.com) to Tony Diaz (16sector.com). I have been buying items from Sheppy (Syndicomm) for a long time. I also have seberal items from Tony, and several CFFA cards (various revisions) planted in my II's. As stated on the Syndicomm site; it is a home based business and sometimes shipping may be slow, but I have always had great experiences with the products I have received.