Checking Drive speed with Copy II Plus, which version should I use?

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Joined: Feb 1 2009 - 14:44
Posts: 48
Checking Drive speed with Copy II Plus, which version should I use?

I am going to check the speed of a Drive ][ connected to a standard Apple IIe. Does it matter which version of Copy II Plus I use to read the speed? I noticed there are a number of versions available. Which one should I try to use. -thanks

Also, when adjusting drive speed, how far does the speed screw need to be turned to make a noticeable difference? Barely any or alot? I don't want to over crank it on the first try.

Any other random speed tuning advice would be appreciated. THANKS.

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
Posts: 1013
All versions of Copy II+ have

All versions of Copy II+ have a drive speed indicator. You adjust the pot while the drive is running; the program gives you a constant readout of the current speed. So it doesn't matter how far you turn it; you will see the effect on screen. Just adjust it until it comes into spec.

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