Hmmmm. I was here on the forum 3 years ago, and just recently in another fit of nostalgia, I rediscovered the old Lode Runner game.
Does anyone want to try my custom levels? I have 32 of them.
Mwaah ha ha ha haaaaa
All levels are tested and winnable.
- Bill
I'd be interested in trying your Lode Runner levels. I really liked that game.
OK. Is there a way to post files on here? It's a 140K disk image.
I don't think you can post it here, but you can always e-mail it to me. You can either e-mail it to my account here or send it to me at
OK. Check your e-mail.
- Bill
I'm in the mood for some Lode running as well :-). Could you please also e-mail me your LR levels to ?
btw I too have a disk image with my very own home-made LR levels and will be glad to send them to you if you'd like to check them out as well.
Ok, Chris. Done.
- Bill
This file is small enough; if it is actually legit and you'd like to just post a link so that people can download it from THIS POST IN THIS THREAD email it to me (as long as it is not in violation of any DMCA type stuff.
) and I will host it on my server and provide a link.
email is(compress it all down
) : one falling hope at gmail dot com
Well, the levels were created on an Apple emulator. The original computer (including all the disks and the Lode Runner game) were left at my parents' place and were tossed out years ago in spring cleaning.
Does that count?