Apple II Dot Matrix printer churns out rubbish

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Apple II Dot Matrix printer churns out rubbish

I have an Apple Dot Matrix Printer here which when connected to my //e only churns out rubbish. I have tried setting the DIP Switches to default (as according to the manual) and checking the cable with no avail and consequently I am pretty much stuck! Any ideas/suggestions anyone?


Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
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Posts: 265
It could be the settings on t

It could be the settings on the card do match the settings on the printer. Witch card are you using? What program are you trying to print from?

Since you have the manual for the Printer, I would start at the lowest speed baud rate and move it up one speed at a time to see if that worked. The Apple Dot Matrix printer is before the Imaga Writer. So I do not think there is 2 blocks of dip switches?

Take Care

Last seen: 17 years 3 weeks ago
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Posts: 10
Hi thanks for your reply! I

Hi thanks for your reply!
I am using a "Aristocard Centronics interface" apparently made by "Simon Computer Limited", and I have tried to print from the printer demo disk that is included with the printer.
The printer does have two banks of DIP switches, but the manual gives no indication on how to change the speed with them Sad


Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
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Posts: 265
I would supect that with 2 b

I would supect that with 2 banks of dip switches. It is like the Apple Image Writer printer. That is the first bank is the one you want to look at. They may even work the same way.
So I would right down the way both banks are now before you try and play with them.
Then I would search for dip switch setting Apple printers.

This might help.

Take Care

woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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I have had some trouble with my Apple Dot Matrix
Printer. It has begun printing the European "L"
for 'pound' instead of the "#" character. Nothing
was ever done to disturb the setup either physically
or electronically. I think that the 'firmware' chip
might be going bad in it.

Wish there was a way to correct this problem as I
use the "#" for numbering.

Last seen: 17 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 28 2006 - 12:45
Posts: 10
Hi Thanks for the replies bo

Thanks for the replies both of you!
I think that firmware is probably most likely the case too, I have tried the dip switch alterations (as mentioned by Twilight_Rodent) but no matter what I have tried it does the same.

Shame really, but this stuff can't be expected to last forever I suppose...


Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
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Posts: 265
Sometimes the software can c

Sometimes the software can cause this. But only with that piece of software.
On the IIgs some software, can actually change the settings in the control pannel to a different language, french which is a bit different.
This can be using a certain game. You have to go back in the control pannel and change it back.

Take Care

Last seen: 1 year 5 days ago
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Posts: 265
Printer cards for the Apple I

Printer cards for the Apple II are cheap. $5-10. I have some, but have a few other people to get things out to.

Take Care

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Centronics Problems

When you print out something, does the "rubbish" seem to have a relationship to what you're printing? (IE, if you print the alphabet, do you get 26 different characters which are internally consistant, or just a streak of garbage? If you print an "A" is it always the same "other character"?)

If so, your problem could be a broken wire in your cable. (or a damaged interface plug or card, of course, but a cable's easier.) A broken wire or bad connection can mean that one of the 8 parallel bits gets stuck in a "0" position, which depending on which bit it is can mean you get, for instance, punctuation and numbers instead of letters.

And, yeah, I had this happen to me once with my TRS-80 Model I.


woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Posts: 267


In my case the "rubbish" does correspond with
a particular character (see previous posts). I
will try (again) to clean all connections. My
particualr problem cropped up all by itself and
so far has only involved that one particular
character. (This is why I think it's a Firmware

Thanks anyway, and I'm gonna try again (cussability
factor with this has risen to 7 on a 10-scale).

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