Hi all, I am seriously considering upgrading my MBP to Leopard for a couple reasons but I am not sure about it yet. Who has made the upgrade? Was it worth it?
I am mostly excited about Boot Camp because a lot of the work I do requires being able to boot into Windows which is why Parallels is nice, but the Boot Camp assistant 1.4 no longer works.
I guess what I am asking is if the upgrade is worth it.
I upgraded my Aluminum iMac to Leopard and have had no problems - it's been great.
To be safe, I strongly recommend upgrading via Archive and Install, which creates a fresh System but migrates your User folder and apps over to the new system automatically.
Given what we're hearing on the Mac Web these days, I'd also recommend waiting a week or so - by then the gigantic 10.5.2 update should be out, and it reportedly contains over 100 bug fixes.
Thanks Matt, I think maybe I will wait a week or so. I am pretty eager to upgrade though... I am torn.
I think I am actually just going to format my disk and start fresh. The install of X.4.11 has been on here since I got this computer last January.
Do it. seriously. Leopard is great. I've been running it on my 17" G4 PowerBook since it came out, and i've had no issues.
10.5.2 is now out so you might consider going for Leopard. Even if you buy 10.5.1 you can still upgrade for free. I've had no problems with Leopard that I installed on a MacBook but I don't use that all the time as my main machine (which I'm keeping on Tiger for just now).
Unless to have any oddball software that won't work well then I don't see any point in waiting. It's definitely worth it.
I upgraded to Leopard as soon as I got my copy in the mail. I've had no real issues (except that when connecting to wireless g/n routers, my MPB wants to give itself an IP..)
Time machine works great and I've had no software issues. So go for it!
Installing the 10.5.2 update will also give you a TM menubar icon to do 'right now" backups and more like use other TM volumes.
Well, I finally got a hold of some Leopard install disks. I've got it running now... and boy am I underwhelmed.
Too funny...