Just a hackly teaser for y'all . . . I finally instantiated one of my many TiDesktop designs (as a Christmas gift to my dad.) Came out pretty nice, if I do say so myself. I'll post more details once I recover from Holiday Madness.
dan k
December 25, 2007 - 11:25pm
very nice, i like it
Well done! I like it! Do you have any pics of the internals or ports?
Thanks Drew and madmax. I'll write up a article ASAP (next week most likely) but here's another teaser shot.

BTW, in case it's not obvious, this is based on a broken-hinged TiBook (400MHz with 512MB RAM and a 30GB HD.) I think the wood is maple of some sort, not quite sure as it's salvaged old lumber.
Heh, TAM, yeah. Well, that and the current iMac formfactor, right? I do have a spare real TAM 'hoop' base which originally I was going to use but instead came up with this bent stainless steel tubing hoop. Does look sort of TAMish though, which I liked.
dan k
Very nice! A kindof "modern primitive" design. Word to the wise: make sure there's no chalk or markers nearby if there's young kids around.
Great job, Dan!
That's definitely maple. I like how you used the natural indent/imperfection in the top stretcher - nice touch!
A couple of questions:
- Are you planning to re-cut the bottom of the wood legs to make them sit flush on the table?
- What are you going to for keyboard/mouse connections? Are the USB ports accessible?
I wish the Aluminum powerbooks were that easy to fold over like that. If they were I'd have a 1.5Ghz version of this by now. ;^b
dan k
more pics and some descriptive words
dan k
Nice work, Dan