NewMotion Tech?

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NewMotion Tech?

I have an external firewire/USB 3.5" HDD inclosure, i didnt recieve the psu with it though. The power connector is exactly like a localtalk cable connector(the cable that goes between the little boxes). I took the enclosure apart and on the bottom of the main PCB it says:

newmotion tech
part # 1035-00
May 8, 2001
Rev. 1.0

So does anyone have a similar enclosure and can tell me the pinouts of the power connector?

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Not Easy

Sorry I can't help with a replacement. I can say that in my experience many enclosures use this sort of AC adapter. The adapters themselves all seem to be OEM'd out of China, are often of questionable quality, and - most importantly - seem to be available for purchase only on a mass, wholesale basis.

I can't help thinking that some importer could make a decent chunk of change buying one wholesale lot of these, and then selling them individually at retail via a Web storefront - it just seems that there are so many of us out there with perfectly nice HDs and external CD/DVD drives in need of replacement PSUs of this type.


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might help?

I've got some LaCie FW D2 Big Disk Extreme drives with a similar PS. The four pins are a pair of grounds, 1 x +5V DC @ 2.0A and 1 x +12V DC @ 2.0A. I expect your drive has the same requirements.

On my LaCie PS (LaCie model #ACML-51), the pins are arranged with the two nearest the alignment notch slightly further apart than than the two further away. I'll call the pins nearest the notch the top and the other pair the bottom. On my PS the bottom pins are grounds.

The top pins are the 5V and 12V supplies. My PS has a diagram showing which is which, but I'm unsure if the diagram refers to looking at the plug end, or into the drive's socket. Assuming it shows the plug endon, the left pin (labeled #2) is 12V and the right pin (#1) is 5V.

My advice would be to pop the case open and try to track where the PS input pins go on the bridge's PCB. You should be able to confirm the grounds easily enough. The +Vs may be harder. Try backtracking from the HD power input connector (the HD power connector pinout is easily found) and see if you can trace the power back out to the case input pins. Good luck. Smile

my $.02,

dan k

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Voltage/Pinout of AC jack.

I have one of these enclosures with the AC adaptor. The AC adaptor I have I believe works but my enclosure doesn't detect at all. I'm trying to find a way to repair it. Anyway send me an email and I can try help you with the information you need. I'm personally looking for a way to diagnose which chip is bad so I can repair this thing. Oh yeah the AC adaptor says:
Datastor Tech. Co., Ltd.
Model: UN-25W
Input: 100-240V 50-60Hz 0.6A
Output: +5Vdc/2A +12Vdc/1.25A
I.T.E. Power Supply

I measured the voltages of the 3 pins from the AC adaptor and I can tell you from your perspective. When you are facing the back of the enclosure and the sockets are facing you. Look at the AC socket and make sure the plastic "key" block is on the bottom.
In that orientation the pin socket on the right is the Ground.
The pin socket on the top is the 12Vdc/1.25A.
The pin socket on the left is the 5Vdc/2A.

If you pull out the board and have the bottom face up and all the sockets pointing at you then the tiny pins in an equilateral triangle shape are the pins to pay attention to. Not the large 3 pins in a row, those are just AC grounding and also used to hold the AC jack to the board.

In this orientation Pins 1-3 left to right are
Pin1 - Ground
Pin2 - 12Vdc/1.25A
Pin3 - 5Vdc/2A

Would you believe I made an account just to make this post, I used my multimeter to measure the voltages just now. Can someone tell me if this enclosure is meant for Mac only or if it works on PC? I can't get mine to work on the PC from neither USB or Firewire.

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from what i've dug up on thie

from what i've dug up on thier old website, apperently the drive was made originally for macs, but it will work with PCs running windows 98se or higher.

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drivers needed?

Can you post a link to the old website? Is a driver required for PC operation? When I plug it to my windows 2000 computer the firewire does absolutely nothing and the usb only detects when there is no AC power to the enclosure but it gives just the usb error icon in the list.

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The old site http://web.arch

The old site

The download page

The download

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I'll try installing it now...

Any idea if this is needed for WindowsXP or 2000?

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just tried didn't work

So I installed the drivers on WinXP and it had no effect. Something is definately wrong with my enclosure. Everything powers up but the usb and the firewire don't detect. Maybe I can trade it with you for something? Since you need the AC adaptor and the AC adaptor I have works fine.

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