Warning: Keg Party Can be a Real Blast

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Warning: Keg Party Can be a Real Blast

The keg party that was a real blast --- just 8 miles north of my home town: Pryor, OK.
[I wonder if they will be able to renew their homeowner insurance policy when it comes due.]

No doubt this will spur on a boredom-busting thread (:-)

Here's to ya!

Exploding Beer Keg Shakes Oklahoma Town

POSTED: 1:49 pm CST March 6, 2007
UPDATED: 2:07 pm CST March 6, 2007
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ADAIR, Okla. -- A beer keg exploded after being placed into a patio fire pit, and the blast was heard for miles near Adair on Sunday, authorities said.

Nobody was hurt, but windows in three homes were broken, bricks from the fire pit were thrown a block and a half away, and a 4-inch tree limb was severed, Adair Police Chief Albert McKee said.

McKee said a couple of Adair residents decided to put an old keg on the fire Sunday evening in order to watch the beer spew out when the keg became hot.

"There's supposed to be a pop-off valve, but they evidently decided it wasn't going to blow," McKee said. "Well, they went inside about three minutes too early.

"It might have killed those guys if they hadn't gone back inside."

Firefighter Trent Peper said all Adair firefighters responded to the call.

"The cavalry came running. It was sure interesting, I'll say that," Peper said.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

[There was a link to email the story to friends, though.]

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thats too funny!

thats too funny!

coius's picture
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Thank god no one was hurt, but I gotta ask, was this at a college? It HAD to be college students, they are of the age that the stupid comes out of people. It's like in Kearny Nebraska where some idiot decided to launch Fireworks down the Trash chute. I know someone got injured, but it makes you go "*smacks head* DUH!!!!!!"

Thank god No one was hurt, but I garuntee that those people, when they get over, will not look fondly back on that stupid moment they caused.

Thanks for the great find! That made my day in this crappy day i have had today

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Hey, now. I happen to be of c

Hey, now. I happen to be of college age, and I am definitely not stupid. Some college kids are, but not ALL. Just like SOME old people are stupid, too.

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I am too

but you see a LOT of idiots that still think like they are in highschool. They don't recall anything there being about "Safety" in life. They still feel like they are invincible. It's amazing what people do when they think that nothing can touch them.

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Small World

It is a small world after all, I live 12 miles south of Adair,OK. I did not know anybody in this backwater state even knew what Applefritter was.

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Small World, Indeed

Hello "Littlejohn" [and Applefritter!]:

I estimated on the 8 mile figure ... but I live in Pryor near the "big" intersection of 9th and Vann St. (a 4 way stop on a "major" EW road in Pryor between US 69 and Elliott St. ... the other "major" NS road in Pryor for non-locals)

Not many Apple Users "go public" in Pryor ... much less on a national forum. I have seen perhaps 5 Apple Computers in all of Pryor ... excluding my own and any Apples that the schools may have.
I have seen (and assisted) 1 Apple owner in Salina, OK, too.

Typically, the only Apples I hear about in Pryor are in the neighbor's yard (yeah ... growing on the tree type) or on the left side in the grocer's fruit section ... (groan).

It is wonderful meeting local Apple [computer] users, even if a national forum is the first place we meet. [Small town folks will especially appreciate the humor in that remark!]

Send me a private email so we can visit further.

David Johansson

PS littlejohn: if the name sounds vaguely familiar, you may recall it in the context of either former Pryor Library Director (1994-2005)
or Small Business Owner (ads for DHJ'S LLC in 2 local Pryor papers)

[Hate to fill up the forum too much with items that are probably only local interest ... even if the evidence above might suggest otherwise!]

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College Kids

Pryor does have a small branch campus of Roger State University, and there are a couple of relatively close universities [in a radius of about 50 miles] that offer both master and doctorial level degrees.

While I can neither confirm nor deny "college kids" undertook this ... um ... local entertainment, just some rural folks trying to have some "ole fashion fun" is the best guess. [Whether or not the people were college students/grads is irrelevant.]

Some of the "smartest" people do the dumbest things. Of course, some of the "dumbest" people do the smartest things, too.

I could not tell you definitively whether or not this was the first time they tried this boredom breaking activity. But rest assured, they will never hear the end of it. This is one thing that locals will break the boredom with for a very long time ... over and over and over!

Any "city folk" care to share some "boredom busting" activities gone awry? I am certain there are some things the "big city" folks have done that would have the "country" folks wondering what the people were thinking ... in hind sight.

Life is too short to keep stories where no one was hurt when things got a little out of control a secret. Those are the things legends and lore are made of!
Any Takers?
Fess up!

Note: I called it a "boredom buster" toungue in cheek ... it just has a good ring to it. But it is not hard to be quite productive/busy in these parts. I do not miss big city traffic, etc either.
We have an international airport 45 miles away. We also have nice recreational areas near by (parks, lakes, fishing, hiking, etc.) for those who want to ... um ... play hooky.


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college kids, boredom and "dumb stuff done"

First off, here's the logic - in the 'set' "dumb stuff done", there are sure lots of college kids. That doesn't mean 'set' "college kids" does dumb stuff, only that some members of that 'set' fit that descriptor.

Second, folks in the city may do some dumb stuff, but the boredom factor likely to provoke "dumb stuff done" is much lower. City folks have plenty of choices for entertainment and and in my experience generally have much less need to 'see what happens if . . .'.

And finally, responsible folks everywhere are generally intolerant of "dumb stuff done", but rural perpetrators have much greater scope for undetected dumb stuff doing before they go spectacular. City dumb stuff doers can usually get caught and chastised much earlier in the dumb stuff doing escalator, providing learning opportunities before going truly dumb.

dan k

ps: (off to toss some used propane canisters into a fire to see what happens . . .)

pps: (just kidding of course)

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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Re: college kids, boredom and "dumb stuff done"

Second, folks in the city may do some dumb stuff, but the boredom factor likely to provoke "dumb stuff done" is much lower. City folks have plenty of choices for entertainment and and in my experience generally have much less need to 'see what happens if . . .

And finally, responsible folks everywhere are generally intolerant of "dumb stuff done", but rural perpetrators have much greater scope for undetected dumb stuff doing before they go spectacular. City dumb stuff doers can usually get caught and chastised much earlier in the dumb stuff doing escalator, providing learning opportunities before going truly dumb.

In my limited observations:
City ordinances frequently regulate many activities that can lead to more ... excitement ... than was anticipated.

For example:
Local city ordinances outlaw outdoor open fires, except when the fires are used for cooking [think grilling with charcoal, etc.]
However outside city limits, typically outdoor burning is pretty common. Brush, tree limbs, trash, etc. are regularly burned off ... along with [hopefully] controlled burns as a part of agricultural field maintenance.

I would guess someone somewhere tossed their cigarrette lighter into the fire place when the lighter would not work anymore. However the consequences were probably contained within the home. Thus, that occurence would not be deemed to be worthy of being widely reported.

Anyone that may have thrown a cigarrette lighter into a fire place ... could anything really be said on their behalf?

At least the guys with the keg had a [resonable?] expection that the pressure relief valve was going to work as designed ... and knew to run when they realized the relief valve was not working.
[Hmmm ... Surely the guys won't sue the valve manufacturer for selling a defective product!]


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