Favorite drink

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coius's picture
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Favorite drink

I figured, in the interest that everyone likes to express their opinion, this is YAP or "Yet Another Poll."

I want to know what you favorite drink, and what you like about it. Also, do you have a preference to Coke or Pepsi? I might as well go first:

I am a Dr Pepper (is Dr Pepper a real doctor? I don't think he is qualified to be one...) or Mr. Pibb fan.
mainly, as it is one of the few drinks that have the diet and the regular taste the same. Also, for some reason, it fits my personality. I like to have something other than regular cola, and hate urine colored water Blum 3
as far as the Pepsi/coke thing. I am a pepsi person. I don't like the gritty tase that it leaves your teeth in.
I am also a Sobe person. I personally like the Pinà Colada one

These don't have to be just about Pop, it can be about Sobe and other drinks, as well as milk, and even water!

macg4's picture
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my favorite drink would have

my favorite drink would have to be beer(coors light). as far as the pepsi coke deal i can drink ethier one. but i prefer coke

merty's picture
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i'm a coke person

I like coke more than Pepsi but i still drink it because it's cheaper.

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Favorite Soft Drink

Its gotta be Root Beer, A&W is the best

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Root Beer and chocolate milk

When I was a kid my favorite thing was to mix root beer with chocolate milk. It's like a chocolaty cream soda.

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With a healthy serving of Jack Daniels in it Smile

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i would choose water. just because i am the first to do so. as far a the pepsi coke thing, i go for pepsi, but thats just because i live in North Carolina, and if i choose coke, i would be evicted from the state.


iantm's picture
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Weird Things

I'm a coke fan myself. I grew up in a pepsi household, and spent my childhood harboring this dark secret. Though, when we moved to Florida from PA, it was easier for my family to accept my coke preference. Though, since I moved back to PA, I've been getting a good amount of ribbing for it. My fiancee is a pepsi drinker, so I drink pepsi when I'm home, coke when I'm out and about, varying on mood.

I don't drink coke from the fountain - it never tastes right - it has to be from a 20 oz bottle, it tastes weird even from a can.

In fountain drink situations, it's a toss up between root beer, sierra mist/sprite/7up, and Dr. Pepper. My latest thing has been the Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

- iantm

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RC Cola. It tastes so much be

RC Cola. It tastes so much better than Pepsi or Coke (to my taste) I can't believe how much cheaper it is! Mr. Daniels likes it, too. Wink

davintosh's picture
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Do I Have To Pick Just One?

Because there are so many that I choose for different occasions. Water has to be first because it's the original and best thirst quencher, and the first thing I grab when I just need something to drink.

In the morning, or most any time I'm looking for something warm to drink and give a little pick-me-up, coffee is the thing. It's gotta be on the strong side (if I wanted tea I'd brew some tea!) with some cream & sugar. Usually it's a fat-free half & half that takes the place of the cream, as I definitely don't need the extra milk fat. I recently got hooked on Turkish coffee, which is strong enough to peel paint. Mmmm! Tasty!

If I'm looking for something slightly sweet to go with a meal, Diet Coke is the thing. I can't drink regular Coke, nor Coke Zero (or whatever they call it); it just doesn't taste right to me.

I'm not a heavy drinker of adult beverages, but I do imbibe on occasion, and my fave for those times is a good dark beer like Guinness (ever hear of the Rocket Widget?), a perky lager, like Foster's, with a dash of lime, or a nice smooth Smith & Kearns.

There are others, but I think that's enough for now.

moosemanmoo's picture
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Jone's Blueberry soda. Actual

Jone's Blueberry soda. Actually, all the Jone's Soda flavours are good, but I'm a big fan of blueberries. Barring that, blueberry pomegranite juice and sugar-free Fresca.

davintosh's picture
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Coke vs. Pepsi

How many remember New Coke fiasco back in 1985? Pepsi was using it's Cola Taste Tests to great effect, and was ready to top Coke as the number one soda of choice. So what did Coke do? They made a new formula that tasted just like Pepsi, wrapped it in a New Coke can, and supposedly eliminated the original taste.

The backlash from all of that was a wakeup call for Coke executives, who quickly reintroduced the original flavor as Coke Classic to placate the hordes of people clamoring for the original taste.

Me? I've believed all along that it was a calculated plan to solidify Coke's place as the first choice among cola drinkers. Some say this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory, but it makes total sense. Coke execs see Pepsi gaining ground on their place as number one, with the taste test "proving" that people prefer the taste of Pepsi over Coke. Coke execs see the taste tests as a carefully crafted marketing plan to show that Pepsi isn't just another cola, and that some people prefer its taste. The marketing plan works, and people actually do start buying Pepsi over Coke.

So Coke reformulates their product so that it tastes like Pepsi and says that the new formula will replace the old. That news rattles people that really prefer the taste of Coke, and those people create such an outcry that Coke just has to respond by re-releasing the original flavor. The Pepsi taste test is quashed, and Coke has a newly invigorated base of supporters.

As I said, some say that it was nothing more than a blunder on the part of Coke execs, but the sheer genius of the move as a way to reestablish market share cannot be ignored.

coius's picture
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I was born that year, and didn't have the misfortune of it. I heard the stuff tasted like shiz

MacTrash_1's picture
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Mt. Dew

Mt. Dew is what keeps me going......

simon_C's picture
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oh jeez...

ok lets see...


when im just thirsty i drink IMAGE(http://www.hometownfavorites.com/images/moxie-soda.jpg)

when i need a moderate kick i drink IMAGE(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Mountain_Dew_(Can)_(12FL-OZ_355mL).jpg/160px-Mountain_Dew_(Can)_(12FL-OZ_355mL).jpg)

when i need a bigger kick i drink IMAGE(http://www.81x.com/Authors/abbygirlforever/bawls.gif)

Reverend Darkness's picture
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Water, coffee, beer...

I drink a lot of water, so I guess that when it comes to quantity, that would be my favorite.


I love strong Turkish coffees and stout Celtic beers. I like my coffee and beer the way I like my men... strong, black, and.... wait... that's not it...

Oh yeah... I like my coffee and beer the same way: If you can't eat it with a fork, it ain't good enough.

...But I like cheap beer, too... set me up with a case of Miller High Life and I'm good for a coupla hours.

eeun's picture
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I go through a litre and a ha

I go through a litre and a half of water every shift at work. I never used to drink much water, but my wife got me hooked.

I don't drink pop/soda/whatever you want to call it anymore.

I do like my coffee and tea. Tea with breakfast, coffee in early afternoon, and tea again for supper. Coffee I tend to mix half decaf with caffeinated flavoured beans. Add a little evaporated milk and sugar, or because it's close to Christmas...Bailey's Irish Cream.

Beer. "My one weakness. My Achilles heal, if you will."
I must say I prefer our home-brew best of all. But since I can't share the flavour of that with anyone here...

Guinness. My wife and I have a tradition of drawing a happy face in the head whenever we get a pint.

And, since no one else has mentioned it: red wine. Sometimes white, as long as it's very dry. Don't like the sweet stuff.

The Czar's picture
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Favourite Drink

I would have to say that I am partial to carrying a 32oz lexan water bottle around with me going from class-to-class.

I usually have at least 2-8oz glasses of Orange Juice per day. I find it aids in digestion, and the vitamin C doesn't hurt either.

As far as alcohol goes, I like pretty much anything. With beer, I like Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale, Tuborg and Sleeman's Cream Ale the best, but I'll drink almost anything. My favourite mixed drink would have to be a double rye & ginger.


The Czar

Jon's picture
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"Beer is living proof that Go

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

I do enjoy good clean water. I'll drink almost anything, though I like a strong green tea, with a hint of jasmine.

Lately for a morning hot drink, a bit of regular coffee mixed with Mighty Mocha Chocolatte.

Dr. Pepper tops my list for soda, though Mt. Dew and Bawls are durn fine drinks too.

coius's picture
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ah, moxie

I remember seeing a program called "modern marvels" on the history channel last night, and they had a program on how snack foods were made. I saw that Moxie was one of the first colas, but I heard they had an "acquired" tase. They had ginger root in it iirc. sounds pretty bad.

I forgot to mention, I drink about a pot of coffee a day (or more) and am fine with or without caffeine, I just don't like the cheap crap. I figuire it has water in it, so I am getting water. right now, I have completely switched to decaf, and it hasn't fazed me. I am not really influenced by caffeine, and so it doesn't bother me if a drink has it or not. (my friends call me weird for not wanting it in all my drinks Blum 3 )

Anyway, that is my most consumed beverage in my day. I can go without coffee, but I don't like not having something in my hand that I can drink that is hot (especially when it is hot out) But that means no cheap crap. I get my beans from a local coffee shop that imports from one of the best coffee bean growers in the world. Anyway, I know the shop owner personally, and when I run out, I just go to her to order a 25lbs bag of roasted coffee (chocolate mint is my favorite. i found that you can immitate it by chewing on altoids (or altoids gum) and drink the coffee at the same time) and she will order and extra bag for me.

simon_C's picture
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Re: ah, moxie

I remember seeing a program called "modern marvels" on the history channel last night, and they had a program on how snack foods were made. I saw that Moxie was one of the first colas, but I heard they had an "acquired" tase. They had ginger root in it iirc. sounds pretty bad.

actually its gentian root. tastes kinda like caramel root beer... i didnt ike the first can i had... but after a while i craved it...and now im addicted to the stuff...

same kind of acquired taste as coffee. nasty the first time...but after the "initiation" so to speak, it great!

coius's picture
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ah, that was it

yeah, sorry about that, i saw another drink that had ginger, and probably got it crossed. Anyway, thx for setting that straight.
I have never had the stuff, But I know of a candy that is addictive that makes people spit it out at first.

Double-salted licorice

That stuff is great, I spit out the first piece I had. After a week, I tried it again. Now I keep a bag of it in my office desk. I can't get enough of it. It's hard, so you don't really chew it as much as you gum it and suck on it. There is a home-made candy shop in the downtown area, that sells it. there is a line just to into it, so I buy as much of it as I can at a time.

chris501's picture
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hm, i like that, i guess i'm...

...going for that visual style too!

so let's see what's mixing up in my belly:

i like GAZOZ very much, i drink it most often when i'm in turkey on holiday or when i am out for turkish food: IMAGE(http://www.harmonybakkal.com/images/001015_lg.jpg)

when it comes to cola, i prefer pepsi. on national holidays, or other holidays, birthdays, whatever..., i would go for CRYSTAL PEPSI:

hm, alcoholics, welcome to my favourite section! Acute
so this is my favourite alcoholic drink, caipiroska: IMAGE(http://www.aleph.hu/~finlandia/images/upload/cocktailz/1312_CAIPIROSKA.jpg)

hm, lekker, this is caipirinha (just with vodka as alcoholic ingredient).

simon_C's picture
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they still sell crystal pepsi

they still sell crystal pepsi? which incarnation is it? the lemon-lime one or the original?

chris501's picture
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re: crystal pepsi

yes, they still sell it, but you can only get it in switzerland (neither in austria, where i live, or germany). it's quite the same price as "normal" pepsi but tastes a lot better. i don't know why, because it has got the same ingredients... ?

and yes, it's the original one! yummi.

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Aahh, delicious coffee ...

Fresh hot coffee -- I prefer coffee beans from the west coast of India, but really any coffee can be convinced to behave. Hot and strong, with a little sugar and some half-and-half.

I'm also fond of chai: Indian-style tea with spices, honey and milk. Not that crap they sell at Starbucks, but the real McCoy from a traditional Indian restaurant. I've been trying to get mine to taste like that for about ten years, and I've almost got it.

Okay, now I'm craving chai. Who started this thread?

moosemanmoo's picture
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Hmm... could you perhaps be c

Hmm... could you perhaps be convinced to ship some over here? I would, of course, pay all the costs.

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I'll have to side with the ch

I'll have to side with the chai, but for soda, I prefer bawls, or ginger ale. I don't really like cola's. Also, fanta is pretty good, but not the kind they sell in the US.

jman's picture
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pepsi is the best

coius's picture
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Re: Aahh, delicious coffee ...

Okay, now I'm craving chai. Who started this thread?

That would be me, the protaginist Blum 3

EDIT: I think I am using that word right ?

dankephoto's picture
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re: the protaginist

Err . . . no, not the protagonist. Maybe you mean the progenitor?

Coffee, water and beer, with an occasional glass of vino rosso.

dan k

coius's picture
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that must be why it sounded like I wasn't using it right. Shoulda looked it up, but was kinda too tired/lazy to do it Blum 3

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Diet Coke with Lemon, the UK

Diet Coke with Lemon, the UK version. It tastes different to the US version. Either that or Pepsi Max Twist Lemon and Lime.

Either that or water.

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when i'm in switzerland next time i can take a look for a crate of crystal pepsi. might take some real loooong time, cause i'm quite busy at work for the next weeks (or maybe months)...

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Kamikazi for me, with sour mix. Got hooked on having them with the sour mix in a ukranian bar I've been frequenting the past 5 years. But when not out boozin it up I usually drink water, it's free and I got used to drinking 2-3 gallons a day working in the middle of the Arizona desert. I was raised on Coke and Dr. Pepper but I also like Mr. Pibb (Yay for Wendys) but the best cola I've ever had is still the generic my buddy's father used to get from Acme. Ohhh, can't forget Orange Neehi though (I think that's how it's spelled) We'd get it going through South of the Border, too bad I can't go down there anymore though. And I love cranberry juice which is also good mixed with orange juice or some pineapple juice.

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Re:Ben Franklin "Beer"?

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

I've seen this quote before. I think it is a misquote, as Ben Franklin was a teetotaler. Read his autobiography. He really didn't care for the effects of alcohol on the poor working class.

That and he varied from being an agnostic to being an atheist. Two too many "spiritual" attributions in that quote for it to be correct. (Though I will hedge by saying that people change.)

I wonder if that quote was made up by Sam Adams (brewer) back in the day, and he thought that Ben Franklin's name had more marketability/cache?


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I'm a big fan of surge. when I can find it (yes, it's still around), but when I can't, it's a toss up between Vault, Mountian Dew, and Pepsi. and occasionally, I like a fine Dr. Pepper.

also, when I can get it, I like both Vernors, and Canada Dry, my 2 favorite ginger ales. Vernors has a dark, heavy taste, but Canada dry has a light, crispy flavour.

-digital Wink

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im a big fan of fruit punch w

im a big fan of fruit punch with 70 proof watermelon voldka mixed half n half. i used to be into layered shots but they are really harsh on the throat.

MacTrash_1's picture
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Do the Dew

I prefer Mountain Dew over anything else. Mainly because it's full of sugar and caffeine.

In the choice between Pepsi or Coke i would have to go with Pepsi/
Unless I am having a JD and it has to have Coke in it.

I have never understood how someone could like Dr. Pepper - no offense but it tastes terrible to me.

gobabushka's picture
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my ultimate drink would be th

my ultimate drink would be the nectar of the gods, MOUNTAIN DEW

Jon's picture
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It does have a decent amount

It does have a decent amount of the go stuff in it:

But, Dr Pepper isn't a wimp either:

I have seen where in the past where it was reported that Dr P was ahead of Mt Dew in that level, but it's been quite a few years since I've seen it and I don't recall where it was.

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Favorite Drink

Well... I'd have to say Cherry 7-Up as far as caffeine though.. RC cola. Although I'm not seeing alot of that on here...

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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Re: RC Cola. It tastes so much be

RC Cola. It tastes so much better than Pepsi or Coke (to my taste) I can't believe how much cheaper it is! Mr. Daniels likes it, too. ;-)

Yarrrrghhh.... noooo. We have that junk at work, and i hate it. I prefer clear sodas tho, like sprite.

pmjett's picture
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re-animated thread

nrrrrgh...grrrngggh. *zombie thread*

Well, I'd have to break it into two favorites- since it's verboten for me to be imbibing at work. Work favorite drink- why Coca Cola, of course. And I live in NC to boot. No one's tossed me out yet for liking Coke. Smile Off the clock, then it'd have to be decent beer. I'd throw out Guinness as a candidate, altough that'd make a whole 'nother thread.

Anyone's favorite drink Moxie? I've always wanted to try that stuff, but I'd have to have it shipped in. Or Blenheim Ginger Ale? That I can get, excellent stuff, too.


iDweeb's picture
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I would have to say that my favorite drink is diet coke. I decided against all the empty calories and sugar of regular coke but I still need a sweet fix every now and then

Don't tell anyone, but I also like to drink hydrogen hydroxide. Gives me a real buzz. crazy, huh?

BDub's picture
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Re: Hmm...

I would have to say that my favorite drink is diet coke. I decided against all the empty calories and sugar of regular coke but I still need a sweet fix every now and then

Don't tell anyone, but I also like to drink hydrogen hydroxide. Gives me a real buzz. crazy, huh?

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a more fun term.

Stop the madness. http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html

Jon's picture
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It was great when Penn and Te

It was great when Penn and Teller sent a gal to gather signatures to ban it at an environmentalist rally. Almost no one knew what it was, and almost no one even asked what it was, just what it "does" and what it is in... It's a major component of acid rain, din-cha-no? Excessive build up in the lungs can cause asphyxiation! Ban it all!

iDweeb's picture
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Re: It was great when Penn and Te

It was great when Penn and Teller sent a gal to gather signatures to ban it at an environmentalist rally. Almost no one knew what it was, and almost no one even asked what it was, just what it "does" and what it is in... It's a major component of acid rain, din-cha-no? Excessive build up in the lungs can cause asphyxiation! Ban it all!

Gotta Love it. I figured many of the fritter critters would know this , but I like to torture the odd guy who's not paying close enough attention Biggrin

It seems as if alot of people don't question anything they've been told.... maybe this phenomenon explains why so many people still use Windows Blum 3

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My fave

I drink LOTS of sweet tea - around 3 quarts a day at work. In between I'll drink water or on a rare occasion Coke.

At home it's water, orange juice or on occasion sweet tea, Coke or Kool-Aid.

I'm in Raleigh, NC and the Pepsi Police haven't found me yet. Smile


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